What do you mean? Like… teen titans or the cinematics? Because IF they made a show that essentially was like the cinematics we see (like the where malf and tyranduh return to dark shore, not the hinky ones like warbringers) I would watch the crap out of that and I’m pretty sure it would get rave reviews, but maybe I am biased. However, players always gush over the cinematics.
Actually, an animated tv series would be great if they put some decent funding into it and got the original cast. They could tell a lot of great stories, and it could take place during any time.
In fact, it could be cool to have it take place during the 1st or 2nd wars, to expand on some of the lore some players may not have experienced yet.
That’s why we must get together to convince Blizzard to make it happen. They can even kick it off with three one hour specials based on the War of the Ancients.
It would probably behoove the company to produce a Castlevania-like animated series for World of Warcraft. It would be super successful and be worth the money. I know I would religiously watch it (if it were any good).
Which is why we must also convince them to use the current voice actors. No one wants Jaina Proudmoore not voiced by Laura Bailey, or Sylvanas Windrunner not voiced by Patty Mattson, and so on. They could even have Chris Metzen attached as executive producer of the series, as well as the voice of Thrall, Varian and Nefarian.
I can’t say the name of the website here, but we should mention on the petition to use the current voice actors. If they use 2D animation, use what they used for the Heroes of the Storm Call of Kel’Thuzad trailer. If they use 3D animation, use what they used for the Heroes of the Storm Dragons of the Nexus trailer or the Heroes of the Storm Forged by Fire trailer. Even make it look like those Hearthstone shorts.
Like I said, we’ll start with three one hour specials based on the War of the Ancients, lots of episodes taking place during the First and Second Wars, then we make out way to the Third War, then the attack on Ahn’Qiraj, then the second journey through the Dark Portal, the war campaign in Northrend, the Cataclysm, and so on.
at the end of the day they’re all cartoons. We can try to break it up into sections but it’s very simple, they’re all animation. Warner Bros. themselves made it clear when Looney Tunes was out that it was made for kids and adults alike to enjoy. I’m 44 and watch everything from Tom n Jerry to Rick n Morty. This whole thought that cartoons are for kids is absurd.