Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

“Its all true”

“It’s not my fault”

“Don’t everybody thank me all at once”

-Han Solo

Can someone put those gifs in a post? I dont know how to internet.


Ew, why does everyone keep suggesting that? I am all for shipping but all I can say I hope someone torpedos that ship asap!


Particularly as he reminds her of her little brother.


Finally something to unite the Horde and Alliance! I’m glad you see reason old friend.

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Embrace the chaos, Zerde!! Embrace it!! Learn to stop worrying and embrace the narrative disfunction!!


Some ladies have daddy issues. Other ladies go a different route on the family tree!!

Only Valayan Wrynnrunner can save us from the lava eels?


Maybe we should have just let the Jailer win.

What did we win?

I prefer Valyrian Wrynnrunner it rolls off the tongue better.


A chance at Valayan Wrynnrunner defeating the lava eels before their love consumes us?

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I thought you guys wanted less human potential and not more?

Huh, I thought our relationship was more convinent allies until we reach a major disageement(normally with Sylvanas) and then its a free for all. Oh well, old friend works too I guess.


In my head I’m just continue to speculate that both Dori’thur and Anduin now have to watch Sylvanas jump Nathanos’ bones when she finds him.

Nathanos, “Sylvanas why did you have to bring the two things I hate with you?”

That’s thier punishment. They now have to be surrogate parents to Anduin.

Wanna talk about Mommy Issues? Anduin was like “I never knew my mother!” And then followed Sylvanas into Hell…


My wants and my needs do not always match up so well.


Sylvanas Stans are horrified except one who would likely thank Golden and Danuser if they shoveled manure into their mouth

Anduin Stans have realized the “familiar clank” is likely Anduin given the in-game epilogue dialogue and now they too have turned coat against the writers FINALLY

And I’ve gotten a few DMs from anti-retcon people who have now realized that they’re probably planning Alliance Does A Fascist Genocide in 10.0 given Turalyon is left in charge since both Anduin and Sylvanas are in a glass box and Genn is back to being Anti Horde, retconing what Golden wrote in BTS thank God. They are now Fully Team Retcon because the prospect of having to endure the gameplay forcing them to do Le Epic War Crime Genocide sucks.

All in all as expected and I feel vindicated.


Its almost like, they have wanted to change things for a while, elevating the night elves from sexy lorax characters who do it for the trees, to tragic back-story punishers, but they feared the backlash they might recieve, so they never ripped off that bandaid. Then, when they finally got the guts to pull the trigger, it was even worse. It felt rehashed.


Yeah other than the fact that ion said no more faction war stories are gonna happen for a while

Ah, Ion foreshadowing

Tell me, what was Baine’s epic questline this expansion with Cairne? What was the deeply valid and morally grey reason Sylvanas burned Teldrassil?


Actually they never planned anything. Terran gregory had to beg for the whole Night Warrior and cinematic tides of vengeance.

Cdevs are on record that they thought the darkshore bit was the conclusion to the NE story. This idea that they had this long term plan but had to rush it and made a mess is so far, with the evidence we have. Untrue.


I didn’t say it was good but she was punished like they said she was and Baine stuff is minor obvious cut content you seriously believe the whole shadowlands was meant to be a two patch xpac?

Having read over (or rather listened to) this section of the book… while I get the infinite memeability of the idea of lava eel vore determining the fate of the cosmos…

…it isnt quite right.

She isn’t even truly convinced in the moment, in fact she rather loathes Zovaal at the time as she realized he is to blame for a great deal of her suffering. That moment is just when she was convinced families never unite again after death, and the idea her broken family would never be whole again, or that this seemingly cold and indifferent Arbiter might of given her brother a terrible fate out of cold mechanical indifference really rattles her; she had always clung to that idea they were in a “better place” in her heart of hearts. The fact people she considered worse than her (and flat out offended her old elven supremacist sensibilities vs. trolls) were given a place in Revendreth while she is in the maw is equally responsible for convincing her the system is unjust, however.

Of course all of this is carefully presented propaganda specifically engineered to bring her to that conclusion. My greatest annoyance with this book is that it, and not the game, display Zovaal in a manner which would make Uthers claim of him being “deceptively cunning” at least somewhat possible. He very carefully weaves a narrative in which she is a partner and distances himself from Arthas and the LK as rebelling from his grand cause.


dont forget that the jailer predicted five events that would happen, that really convinced her

I wouldnt go as far as to say they had the tides of vengeance plot planned. In fact, who is to even say if Tyrande was meant to make it out of BfA alive? I mean, up until BfA she was rather forgettable.

But it would be very very hard to make me believe that had no plans of the Night Elves being vengeful after the fourth war as a major part of night elf identity.