Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

That is the ultimate reason for her doing what she did. That is the argument she used in the cinematic when trying to convince Anduin and justify genocide.

It was, at the end of the day, a logical sequence rooted in Lava Eel Vore.

The root event is that, that this specific dynamic via this specific demonstration was sufficient to convince her Zovaal was Family Friendly, even if the Galaxy Brained Genius Manipulator Plan Prophecy was the signature of the Faustian Pact so to speak.

It is incoherent and ridiculous.

There is canonically a logical proof (if p then q) from Lava Eel Vore to Genocide Is Fine As A Genocide Survivor

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you do know that there is nothing that justifies genocide right?

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I think its very, very, very likely that they had absolutely no plan after the prepatch. Alex A is notorious for apparently planning big moments but has no plan for what comes after.

Since these patches take months upon months to actually come out I have no doubt they view the reception of their story and game and then make plans afterwards as to how to deal with it. Which is entirely believable since after 6 or 8 months of waiting we can complete the patch stories in literally 20 minutes.


games cant be made that fast, while its obivious there was no pre planed overall story, they would have to work on things for months and months

All the assets for blizzard is already there.
You can see how much time they save by re-using assets.

Yeah creating shadowlands took a year or two.
Giving darkshore a new skybox and a few night elf/forsaken assets? A few months at best.

Funny how in two years they only put out 2 patches. So they really are taking months and month AND MONTHs to actually put out content.

I dont know if thats obvious. It may be confirmation bias that I wholeheartedly believe the rewrite leak, but I have long suspected that a plan did exist but was abandoned.

Read a lot of it on my lunch break, will likely finish when I get home. But the only chapter I enjoyed was the one with involving the worgen/Genn.

The rest, honestly leaves a lot to be desired :wolf:


Nah devs have come out and said that alex just didnt plan what so ever, he did teld cause it was cool, and didnt really plan the aftermath and was just going to big event after big event

There were multiple pivots:

  • Plan A was Metzen’s
  • Plan B was Sylvanas Burns Teldrassil after he left (Metzen was surprised)
  • Plan C was Double Predestination after Afrasiabi was ousted (but this justifies genocide)
  • Plan D was Soul Shards (but this excuses the act of genocide)
  • Plan E was this mess

Having looked at the text myself I do not quite get that view. It is just one evidence presented. She was having her own fears and uncertainties preyed upon; they spend a rather large chunk of the early book presenting how important family is for her, particularly her little brother and how they parted on bad terms to never be able to reconcile. Having the idea she never would be able to is a rather powerful tool to wield against her.

Now… The book for sure isn’t some magnum opus, It’s serviceable enough as far as WoW books go (which tend to be kinda middling at best). I DO take exception to the fact so much motivation is locked in a book—They could of at least made the Zovaal meeting part a short story open for free. However, I am not sure people are giving it a fair read and/or are so over Shadowlands (or the franchise in general) to the point of bitter apathy at this point that it didn’t even matter if it was good or awful, people were going to tear it to shreds anyways.

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Not justification, but if life is meaningless anyway, and it’s all going to be remade, that softens the blow a bit.

The real injustice was that it was not remade and this event has long lasting consequences.

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mezten didnt have a plan he was already not writting for wow for years lol, they just told him to do a cinematic

It was the primary evidence.

She was convinced Zovaal would allow agency in Death to be united with one’s family.

And she was convinced primarily by this example.

It was the specific event chosen to demonstrate that specific dynamic.

In the midst of a successful attempt to kill herself, mind you.

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it makes sense to me, I just dont understand what baal wanted, he just seems like he thought we where gonna get something that would be like “THis means the genocide is ok now.”

Except we didnt need to remake it. Pelagos solved the issue in that he will talk to the souls about where they actually want to go.


Which is incoherent given the nature of Revendreth

Few people would willing choose eons of penitence for sins

Again, this entire expansion has been a flaming trainwreck of incoherent soteriology and hamartiology

Because they thought they could get away with cosmological metaphysics that are as shallow as Azerothian cultural depth


If you look at the arc of her life, it kinda makes sense that she would come to the conclusion that life is inherently unfair. The tragedies of the Windrunners were a lot, let alone all the wretched stuff Arthas did to her (or made her do). The hopeless, apathetic despair at realizing that even if Lirath had remained safe in Silvermoon all those years she still would of been responsible for his death no matter what is a pretty cruel reality to be forced to accept.

It was just selling her on death being just as bad that was the real sell for Zovaal.


I mean, let’s be real.

I doubt anyone on the writing team know what soteriology or hamartiology even are.



So then why attempt to write an expansion centered on Fate vs Free Will with Castlevania Catholic Purgatory, Hellenic Zen Buddhist Psychopomps, Eternal Damnation, and otherwise?

You cannot have a primary central governance realm essential to the function of the Shadowlands that is centered on a cosmological consistency and universal scale of the seven deadly sins if you don’t have a clear hamartiology.

You end up with this dumpster fire story where nothing makes any sense under the lightest of scrutiny

So if the writers had deeper knowledge of whatever soteriology or hamartiology are then the plot points would be more satisfactory? Somehow i doubt that.