Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

This is 100% more than what we had before the book. Sylvanas in her emotionally handicapped curse of undeath state of mind basing our “Forsakeness” off a conversations that made her feel unacceptable isn’t the best. Its not the worst, I’m glad its something tho.

WC3 left us filling in the gaps, this books fills some of those. I’m with you tho, I was hoping and praying she feel out of that tree lol. I’m okay with this tho.


I must admit I haven’t come across a good cannibalism since what? Naxx? I’ve been avoiding my favorite faction for good reason but last I was indulged, the Forsaken could heal by:

The Light
Replacing parts
Val’kyr ritual

I’m struggling with my cannibalism reference outside of WC3.

I was primarily talking about the Forsaken and Sylvanas.

Doesn’t this go back to all undead aren’t created equally?

I can apreciate Lorthemar more knowing that half of his life was suffered just putting up with Sylvanas’ sh*t.

He’s like “Sylvanas no.”

And she’s like “Are you my ride or die or not?”


I believe one of Godfrey’s newly risen pals bring it up in Silverpine.

Ah, I should get back in the scene since there seems to be some good stuff on the horizon.

I’ll take a looks see.

This book answers like 6 questions I didn’t ask while raising like 60 that remain unanswered.


The plot really takes a nosedive about the same time she becomes undead. Which is kinda telling.

A frankly shocking amount of this book is dedicated to the life and times of the Windrunner family and their rich people non-problems.

Then the rest of it really warp speeds through the plot of WoW. And it did make me laugh how it could barely even mention WoD.



Ain’t nobody saying otherwise, miss ma’am lacks the range to write an S Word survivor, Genocide Survivor and No Longer Allegory Actually Explicit SA Survivor

Which also don’t make sense inasmuch Golden imagination for how an Aristocratic Society with a Monarch determines generals and leadership

Could’ve talked about the Convocation of Silvermoon

But no


What if Lirath went to Maldraxxus?

He wanted to prove himself as a warriir, it tracks. What if his soul was obliterated in the Maldraxxus arena.

To be fair I don’t recall either Sylvanas or Anduin ever being in WOD. That x-pac should be non-content in regards to Sylvanas’ life/unlife.

It’s not all bad. There’s some interesting ideas here and there. I don’t think we’ve had a crime scene investigation before to the best of my knowledge. I’d be up for CSI: Narnia.

It moves at a clip and never really felt boring. The Lava Eel thing is strange but in context its more a detail. She visits a ish ton of afterlives and I guess people winding up with their loved ones is at best uncommon.

It’s just completely baffling. Because I still don’t know why Sylvanas trusted the Jailor. Nor how she wound up in the Maw anyhow, though it’s implied she thinks it’s because she’s being held responsible for the ish Arthas made her do. Which would indeed be BS.

She trusted the Jailer because she was convinced he was family friendly by Lava Eel Vore

Like straight up that is now the epistemological root of the logical sequence that eventually concludes with Genocide As A Genocide Survivor

Ain’t no way in Hell y’all can call this good writing c’mon y’all

And re sent to the Maw, the ambiguity deeply annoys me, but fairly certain it was Agatha pulling a Devos

Overall is anyone keeping up with the reception this book is getting? the few Sylvanas fans on Tumblr I follow who have managed to get the book are not happy, What’s the overall vibe about this book on Twitter?

Anyone know?

The overall vibe of everyone in my circle is confusion and dissapointment.

I guess I will have to wait a few days to give people a chance to read it >.<

Oh it’s a completely baffling story. But I’ve read considerably worse. Man I read the Star Wars EU books. This is at least written by someone with competent skill at prose.

But yeah it’s extremely baffling that it never occurs to her she’s being played. Even after it becomes clear this Jailor dude is the architect of pretty much everyone’s misfortune and has the Dreadlord kings of manipulation under his thumb.


She does have doubts, but then she’s like “well, I’ve come this far, no point in stopping now.” which is characteristically not really Sylvanas. Sylvanas takes calculated risks, not jumps into delusion headfirst, like “Yolo!”

Patty reading it to me makes it only slightly better because I’m a captivated audience. but still.

It still seems all so funny to me.

Sylvanas literally made Nathanos a Ranger Lord against his will because she didn’t want him to leave her. Lorthemar says it’s a terrible idea because really it’s just nepotism, she’s literally sleeping with him at that point, Lorthemar looks to Nathanos like “you want this?” and he just shrugs. That’s the lore, I expected something… less hilariously dumb.

I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of people taking time to really process how dumb this book is lorewise.

Canonically it doesn’t even fit established lore. in Dark Mirror Nathanos is Ranger Lord long before the Second war and Alleria returning but the book says she made him a Farstrider after and the span between her becoming Ranger General and the orc attack on Quel’thalas is just a few days at most it seems.


I’m just saying lava eel vore enthusiasts are going to come away dissapointed because it’s not that big of a part of the story.

People who like the non problems of aristocrats, like having to wear fancy dresses and saying something out of turn in the earshot of royalty, are going to have a ball for at least half of it.


Well at least they confirmed Forsaken run the gambit between horrifying meaty skeletons with exposed brains to people who could pass for the living if not for the spookster eyes.

I always figured that had to be the case but nice to get it in writing.

It ain’t much but man I’ll take what I can get.


Suddenly wakes up, alert and ready

I knew Sylvanas couldn’t even choose who she loved!! And it is Anduin!!

This is correct. I’m the blood elf for this job.

Wrynnrunner might not be the ship people wanted. It might not be the ship people needed.

But Wrynnrunner is the ship people deserve!!

[quote=“Renautus-arathor, post:1944, topic:1206763”]
They are both fools.

Fools who believe in the best of people.

Fools who believe… In love!![/quote]
I finished that for you.

I prefer Vallerian, honoring her syster Alleria and his dad Varian. But I’m good with this too.

The heir to both the kingdom of Stormwind and the Forsaken shall guide us into a glorious future!! A true child of light and shadow!! He shall be the prophecied one!!

So say we all!!

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A half undead character is just stupid enough for them to try. We already had the man Orc Draenei boy wizard who mercifully was quietly forgotten.

Benedikt. My friend. Don’t you know yet?

Some elves just want to watch the world burn.

That’s me, I’m that elf.

Wrynnrunner for life!!! Long live Future King Valayan, the Half Banshee Child of Light and Shadow!!!