Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Gnomes have the potential to be interesting as a society of Socialist Grad Students!!!

And I want to like orcs so badly, but I cant. Durotar is hideous. Its the ugliest wasteland in the game. I can kind of enjoy orc content for a little while, because I am super attracted to the amazonian females, but I dont gender bend and I hate the males to play as.

The trolls are interesting, but only when given adequate content into which they fit. Blood Elves for me are the interesting neighbor for my Forsaken.

Alliance side I only play dwarves and worgen. I also like draenei, but I already have a worgen and dwarf warrior, and I cant play paladins. I tried monk, but my monks have to be pandaren, and those are neutral. Draenei for me are Alliance trolls. They are awesome when they have adequate setting, but I quickly tire of them in high medeival fantasy. WoD made me Draenei obsessed for a little while.

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Mawthorne is one player

Sadly they will never reach it. They are too mired in their own whacky slapstick comedy to be interesting.

Mmkay, snarky humor off for a moment, because this is a rant. Know what race has potential to be really cool and interesting?

Literally all of them. Every. One.

If you look at the history of every given race in a vacuum, they are all rather fun and cool, often with unique takes on traditional fantasy races. Dwarves, one of the less interesting fantasy races, aren’t just beer-swilling fighters who also like making weapons; they’re also among the best historians on Azeroth, keenly interesting in discovering more about the titans and how the dwarves fit into their plans for creation. How freaking cool is that?

People put a lot of attention into making the earlier WoW races as fun and interesting as possible. And what do we get instead?

Newer devs who just want to turn the cool and nuanced orcs we saw in WCIII into mindless monsters who smash. Who throw a dwarf into the narrative to have them drink some ale. Who see the night elves and think “at least the wimmin are hot”.

It is a travesty.


In their defense I did just say that about orcs. I can’t follow Draka around without getting distracted.


Mawthorn is actually all Horde posters, just on multiple accounts.

I am Mawthorn. Ren? Mawthorn. Baal? Also Mawthorn. Cursewords? Still Mawthorn. Zarrin? Mawthorn with a mohawn. Kagehiro? Mawthorn, but more gold.

We are Mawthorn, for we are many.


Is our shady backwater cabal growing?

You just listed all the best people in the forum. Meet for secret meetings in Booty Bay? I’ll bring snacks.


Also in their defense,

A lot of the races, particularly horde side, were culturally insensitive caricatures. While I do find that kind of art enjoyable, despite the potential for harm it poses, the modern devs would be crazy to have that much “fun”.

I thought they did an amazing job with BfA fleshing out the trolls in a respectful manner on par with recent Disney films like Moana and Coco. If that continues for other races, I can wait.

Goblins should continue to be unapologetically offensive though. Stick to the mobster capitalist themes and avoid too much Jewish stereotyping, then hands off.

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Wait… am I Zangief or Dr Robotnik?

Alynsa is Zangief you can be Dr. Robotnik.

Tag yourself, I’m Hatchet Zombie.

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I need to hit the gym.

Lord Samael is Satin.

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it’s Ba’al not Satan.

Well the books in my library. Hopefully I’ll be able to get through it reasonably quickly but I do want to take notes this time.


It is true, I crush men’s skulls between my thighs.

Just because I’m the bad lady, doesn’t mean I’m a bad lady.


I read the book and to all who doubt renautus. its true all of it… okay I skimmed it.


Thank you!

Even the weird bits, I was not overexaggerating.

Golden has done a great job demonstrating the family dynamics, I’m enjoying the family background more than I expected. Blightcaller interactions remind me of their back and forth banter in undeath lol. Thus far it feels a little Bridgeton season 2(not finished) mixed with a some opposite attraction. I’m only 30% done and moms and pops were just murdered and its about to go down!

Sylvanas don’t mess around when it comes to her family zomg this is great. So far no signs of “Sylvanas we evil before she turned into a Banshee” that was sore topic for years. Lets see what the next chapters bring.

If its any consolation, so far you’re dead on the money, thanks again for pushing through it and giving your interpretations. Sylvanas best archer sealed and confirmed!


With a single arrow through Mauler’s eye. She is the best archer in the family. She passed the test.


Well I suppose I’m chop liver huh? :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m waiting for my book to arrive. It’s currently out for delivery and should be here before 8 PM.

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