Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

but do you have a large symbol shown into the night sky by a highly conspicuous spotlight?


If you don’t die a hero, you live long enough to see yourself become a villian.

Haha yeah but it would break forum CoC :rofl:

The source of this comment is soaked in irony.


I think I’ve always had two solutions in mind for what I’ve wanted to happen to Sylvanas: either cure her of undeath or kill her and send her to an afterlife that isn’t terrible. The first solution would be a lot like having her split soul put back together but with the physical effects that brings with it, and would separate her from the Forsaken. It’d thematically affect her in the same way as those who she’s made undead, as the undead don’t get to be among the living, having been separated from friends and family. The second solution gives death as punishment and I don’t see any reason to punish anyone after that point. I see the Maw as a place that can be used as an afterlife for those who don’t get redeemed, and with Sylvanas in control of the place she can rule it to lord over souls who go there in an authoritative manner the same way she ruled the Forsaken, with Forsaken who die getting sent there to rule alongside Sylvanas and put their sadistic tendacies to use on souls that are irredeemable, with the goal being the place basically becoming a research center to solve problems that are in the Shadowlands.

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Now I will think of this video when I see you post:

(Yes, the Danny Elfman theme is the superior batman theme)


You can generally just stop there for all examples.


Gosh I dont know what it is with me and unhinged lunatic girls, but the Animated Series thrme music gives me feels.


I opress you maw? Really?

What? No. I am invincible. Inevitable. No one oppresses me. I am the oppressor.


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In Sylvanas’ case she both died a hero and unlived long enough after to see herself become a villain.


True, I had a bad feeling about it from the Blizzcon news release but I gave them the benefit of the doubt until it happened. I honestly with hindsight being 20/20, wish I had cancelled subscription then and missed the entire thing. It was that bad of a gameplay experience.

But Legion had been so good and I foolishly thought they wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of Cata. I was wrong about that.

Then I kept waiting for the reveal of who was controlling Sylvanas. She had been controlled by The Lich King before so I knew it was possible. Did Bolvar repair the Frozen Throne to full power? Did Azshara use arcane means beyond the scope of Jaina and Khadgat? Did N’Zoth get her? Did Eyir repair that Soulcage Lantern? Something new that no one saw coming?

Well it was something new that no one saw coming. Lava Eel Vore.


And then became a hero again with out any kind of satisfactory redemption arc.

Its like people said, “Ugh, if Sylvanas gets a redemption arc I’m going to unsub.”

And Blizzard said, “No problem, we’ll just take that part out.”


I believe the irony Maw was talking about was how he percieves you, and presumably others, as the ones calling personal, real oppression whenever the Horde exists and/or when discussing Sylvanas.

FWIW, I don’t attribute that to you. That is 100% Ainhin’s territory.

You will not see this post because I have personally oppressed you by calling out bad debating tactics and asked you not to use them.

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Finally, definitive proof that all Horde players are morally skewed.

Yeah, Im an Alliance main. I play both factions with equal fervor because neither has more than 2 interesting races.

There are no Horde players playing Alliance in Ba Sing Se

Yoooo. That just isn’t true, friend. The Horde has trolls, blood elves, AND forsaken. That’s three. Alliance has… Dwarves. Just dwarves, nobody else there is interesting.

This is the real reason certain Alliance players are so rabidly anti-Horde players. They jelly of our cooler race swagger.

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Lol so did y’all notice the three categories Blizzard chose for the Sylvanas book?

  • Men’s Adventure
  • War Fantasy
  • War Fiction
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