Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

zomg I got it!!!

I’ll be done with my first read in 10-12 hours.

Enjoy. Sounds like the only part I’d be interested in is the epilogue, so I can’t claim it would be worth the money or time to me.

But Amadis.

The lava eels are well before that!!

Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that you have no actual interest in the one character singularly responsible for everything that Sylvanas did? The character whose story caused Sylvanas to even remotely consider working for Zovaal? The character responsible for starting the chain of events that led to the War of Thorns, the Burning of Teldrassil, the shattering of the veil, the anime drought, and finally Zovaal’s defeat?

Amadis. Are you actually saying you are not at all fascinated to learn more about

Mrs. Lava Eel?


Now that it is payday I do have the urge to buy a new WoW. Either Sylvanas, the Fairy tale one or the Kalimdor one. Decision decisions.

You might as well buy the Sylvanas book and read it so that at least one poster here who isn’t an extreme Sylvanas fan has read it


I probably should buy it. I have always bought the warcraft books regardless if I dont particularly like or care about the subject matter.

On that note, of the remaining major characters in WoW. We are down to Genn, Velen, Alleria, Turalyon, Gelbin, Tyrande Alliance side without a book dedicated to them. I wonder which character is getting one next expansion(probably Tyrande but let’s see)

Next book will be whichever character goes off the deep end next expansion with zero context provided in-game that necessitates retroactively engineering a series of events in novel form to try to cobble together something resembling a justification for why the character is now irreparably damaged. Maybe it won’t be due to spousal separation anxiety following mariticide between elemental sealife this time (just kidding, it’ll be lightning sea cucumbers next).


I can only imagine the outrage & mess we would get from a Tyrande book.

Depends on who writes it I guess but the way Blizzard writes books is it really worth it?

They can’t manage to keep a consistent story going so why bother?
Why not just tell a stand alone story and let it be?

Like idk Magni getting his daghter ready for Dwarf prom or something.


100% agree. A lot of this goes to Blizzard.

I first read Christie Golden from another IP - Star Wars. She wrote three of the Fate of the Jedi series (and Dark Disciple).

For Fate of the Jedi, Star Wars had become bloated with tiers of canon and at that point Luke was fighting Abeloth, a quasi-member of the Ones (Ha, from Mortis no less), and was accompanied by a pair of Sith from a … well an entire Sith Warship from 5k years prior had crashed landed on a planet and they formed a civilization and… whatever. And one of them is a little seductress for Luke’s kid (Vestara Khai - Golden’s creation).

That canon was a mess, and Star Wars novels had gone into some very weird places, yet she fit her works decently well into it - as part of a 9 book series written by three different authors (something Star Wars did a lot back then). I’m not saying those books were literary masterpieces, but they weren’t awful and it didn’t feel like aspects were wildly out of place (even within the 9-book series). She even got to employ the “good boy / bad girl romance” trope she seems to very much enjoy,

After Disney took over and reorganized the canon (all praise be to Pablo Hidalgo) the Lucasfilm Story Group made sure everything fit together. Golden wrote Dark Disciple, which was actually supposed to be part of the The Clone Wars TV show. There we get a lot more of “not quite as good of a boy / definitely bad girl” romance. Not the greatest book I’ve ever read, but I enjoyed it in a trashy sort of way.

Golden’s a capable author and she’s worked (successfully) in, what I would consider to be, a much more daunting IP. But even before the Lucasfilm Story Group came into being - with the messy canon hierarchy and everything - they still provided enough assistance to help her fit into that universe. I don’t know her history with her Star Trek books, but she’s also written them (as well as StarCraft and Assassin’s Creed, but those don’t count).

Also, as far as I know, me not buying the book most likely doesn’t hurt Golden at all financially. Most of the larger IPs that hire authors to produce books, pay more up front and avoid royalties.

Sylvanas tapped her fingers on the table, thinking. “Let us make sure Tyrande does not return. The kaldorei evacuation—it helps us if they use every resource to get their people off the World Tree before we arrive, correct?”

“I believe so, Warchief,” Saurfang said. It would reduce the number of prisoners the Horde would need to care for, it would take fighters off the line to guard the evacuation, and it would mean that most of the Alliance’s magic wielders would need to remain on Teldrassil to assist instead of joining the battle in Ashenvale.

She pointed to the map. Darkshore. “We need to frighten them before we arrive here. If they decide to fight instead of run, the final step of this battle will be messier than all the rest,” she said. “What can we do to make the civilians of Teldrassil so afraid they can think of nothing but running?”


Oh wait Moira was there too. She has a few lines.


The audiobook is available now.


I forgot i was waiting for that.

I’m not a Sylvanas fan

Nor I. It seems taking stock of her evenly and not flying off the handle about her (many) misdeeds is tantamount to being a big fan of her, somehow.

That kinda binary thinking is sorta scary in a way.

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Apparently anyone who doesn’t wish the absolute worst on her are considered her fans. Join the club, you are in better company.


Aihin was refering to Ren as the Sylvanas super fan. Who seems to have done some editing as they made some revelations.

There is no inquisition of who is or isn’t a Sylvanas fan. I don’t get why some people have to pretend they are being oppressed here.

Ah yes, I’m the hero no one wanted and the hero you all don’t deserve.



You lived too long Ren.
Now this city curses your name.

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