Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Are you implying Taliesin would argue that something patently dumb is in fact genius? Perish the thought.


Plan to and I am honestly very excited. Where is she interacting with Anduin and Genn though?

My Talie impression.

“Why are people upset about this? It’s eels made of lava!! That is objectively grand, just grand! And yes the eel ate her husband, but it’s fine guys! It’s representative of a different culture. You don’t need to turn the forums into a s**t show, obviously!”


The comments above were from a War Council where the Horde and Alliance gathered in Dalaran to discuss the assault on the Broken Shore and the attack of the Legion.


Lava Eel Vore justifies itself. It’s all the humanoid interactions this expansion I find to be cringy and stupid.

This turn of phrase implies they were not at some point. A blatant falsehood.


He did this for the Zovaal raid cinematic, unironically.

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Yeah, that and virtually every other thing. But if people are allowed to be wilful pessimists, he can lean into wilful optimism.

At least someone out there is enjoying this pigslop of a story, I guess?


Sounds interesting. Who all appears in this meeting?

I don’t think he actually cares about the story much, I think he cares more about being close with Blizzard

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Varian, Anduin, Genn, Malfurian and Tyrande for Alliance.

Volljin, Lorthemar, Sylvanas, Gallywix are all mentioned for Horde.

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I’ll extend the courtesy of taking them at their word, since there are plenty who are eager enough to insist nothing would be good enough for those unhappy with the current situation (even if that word makes me groan).


No Dwarves there though they have Anduin. I was going to ask why then I remembered who wrote this book.

I wonder how bad a meltdown the Official Dark Ranger Community will have tomorrow

And it’s from a perspective from before Sylvanas even got the rest of her soul back from the Jailer?


I think Renautus has made it pretty clear that this book has Sylvanas admitting that was not actually ever part of her real strategy.


In context however you will see that Renautus and I were discussing a hypothetical assuming that AGW was still cannon.

They write for “races” via NPCs. Lor’themar just kinda watched, Baine only protested or acted when Alliance sympathies were tested, Saurfang whined a lot and tried to suicidal charge the enemy more than once.

No one liked or trusted Sylvanas. If she had performed some courageous heroics during Legion to win over the Horde and “avenge Vol’jin” maybe it would be a bit easier to swallow. But the sum total of her contribution in Legion was using a lantern gifted by an enemy to attempt to enslave an allied valkyr. Even if we grant them being blindly duped into Teldrassil (and we really shouldn’t) there is no excusing continued support after what she did at Lordaeron. Much like with Anduin, zero-brain mode turns on and everyone just goes along with it.


The only way to make the Horde leaders alright with standing with Sylvanas after the burning was to make it so that the Alliance burns undercity and all its residents.

So while what Sylvanas does is abhorrent to them at least they werent the ones who went there first. But alas that didn’t happen.

So the only other solution is to have a web of conspiracies and assassins holding a dagger to their throat or their loved ones to force them to comply.

Its still canon, the whole thing is apparently a big deception for Saurfang to follow along. Thats why its told from his perspective.


Its not. Its a 3rd person omniscient perspective, with the internal monologue of multiple characters including Nathanos and Sylvanas.

Furthermore, in AGW they objectively follow through with their plan to allow the nelves to mostly evacuate… this is no longer cannon.

its still following his perspective, just because its in third person doesn’t mean its not from his POV.