Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Anduin would work as a side-character anchor or foil. Doesn’t work as the protagonist for whom everyone else shuts their brains off to defer to (or the universe itself bends to justify).


Yeah it would be nice if when Anduin says stuff like this re: the Forsaken that someone would point out to him that he was still a child, safe in Stormwind, when the Scourge attacked and might not comprehend how frightening it was

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Yeah I am so confused why golden keeps making Anduin MC of Warcraft. It’s so disheartening to have an alliance player be the star as a horde player


At least we can agree on something. Put the Daughter of the Sea back in charge too.

Legit I would’ve been fine with someone like Anduin being a character but Anduin should’ve grown as a faction character if they wanted him to go down a peace with horde and alliance character he should of left the alliance all together it makes no sense to make one faction the star of the game like the MC. At least with slyvanas I knew she would never be a MC of the game she always felt like she was just an antagonist of Anduin during BFA and in Shadowlands tbh

Was there a time when I didn’t?

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Sylvanas is no different. Both factions have suffered gross mistreatment at the hands of the writers.


Difference is slyvanas left the horde all together. Anduin still prompts himself as alliance member.


The Horde had to collectively turn their brains and honor off for Sylvanas to do everything she did in BFA. A Warchief with no loyalty base coasted through atrocities because the “VICTORY OR DEATH!” core were too scared to openly oppose a Warchief none of them liked, only a few years after overthrowing Garrosh.


Orc guilt leftover from the Garrosh era made more than a few orcs willfully blind to the flaws of their new undead warchief, I think. The first war campaign quest chain in BfA has a goblin lecturing the party on political correctness reguarding the Forsaken (not undead).

This is kinda random and off topic, but you were mentioned in a Bellular video I watched the other day and Michael mispronounced your name. I did a double take when he said “himbo juon” lol.


Oh no, what did Bell say?

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…in some universe, is Sylvanas Windrunner writing a novel about Christie Golden?


yes, and her tragic discovery via frost eels.


I was laughing cuz tldr when I first moved to the states I was in an entirely AfAm/Jewish neighborhood so the kids looked at my name and collectively decided Juan is pronounced Ju-awn in English like Bellular did

It took me BACK

He apparently likes my tinfoil reverse engineer “what was the intended plan” speculations/theories


Entirely unrelated, but somewhat similar as far as in-universe character writing, seeing the trolls penning letters in their accent bothers me so much more than I can articulate. (Exploring Kalimdor)


It was a video about an alleged earlier version of Shadowlands, which mentioned a lot of speculation that Baal has wondered about


the ‘The REAL Shadowlands: Rewritten 6 Months Before Beta?’ video that’s almost an hour long? I’m actually listening to it right now as I play.


kay I’m off to sleep. No more spoilers from me I’m sure you guys will all have read it by the end of tomorrow. Looking forward to reading all of your reaction posts.

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yeah that’s the one

It’s always funny whether people:

  • refer to me by my Main Account but as Himbo Juan
  • refer to me by my Main Account but Inquisitor Juan
  • refer to me by my WoW Alt but as Baal (Bale)
  • refer to me by my WoW Alt but as Ba’al (Bah-all)

but I digress.

Very excited for the Bellular video over Lava Vore Eels and Taliesin’s justification of Lava Vore Eels