Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Okay, not putting things in the game makes a bit more sense than being upset a Sylvanas fan bought something Sylvanas.

Again if you read what I said I said the reason it still belongs to the alliance. Is because it was where the alliance was formed. In any case I would argue that the survivors of loredorean not turned into forsaken have just as much as a claim to loredorean as the forsaken do. Again it’s contested territory depending on which side you are on. Honestly I would make an instance version of a newly rebuilt loredorean that hubs both alliance and horde for a dragon isles expansion but this will never happen ingame.


It’s still him putting the blame on someone other than Blizzard. That’s like getting mad at someone for watching the Loki TV series because its story isn’t in a Thor movie.

Oh in that case…

Still stop being weird about Lordaeron.


Hm yes having an obsession with a fictional concept is the same thing as having an obsession with a real life person

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Are we going to have a lore discussion or no? Thought that’s what these forums were for?

This is a roleplaying drama forum masquerading as a lore discussion forum


Christie Golden isn’t a real person

oh and then shortly after Genn threatens to wipe out the Forsaken Anduin chides the whole Alliance for being mean to the Forsaken. he says, Oh boy this is poignant ya’ll are going to love this, “Forsaken were once members of the Alliance. Friends and kin to so many in Stormwind. Yet you rejected them when they sought help simply to survive. That was a grievous wrong.”

[…] this gives Sylvanas feels.

“His insight and willigness to acknowledge that the Alliance - Even his own father - Could be just as terrible as the Horde.” Pg. 322

And there it is straight from the horses mouth, the Alliance King acknowledging that the Alliance can be just as evil as the Horde.

This is great book, You all should read it.

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I mean… Ain, you literally were conflation the morbid humor of Hillsbrad with real life atrocities, saying that being a fan of one is excusing the other.

Yeah, with that mind set, it sounds pretty similar.


Probably not, given the context.

Make a Lordaeron thread if you want to be weird about Lordaeron maybe?


Okay? Sounds like you just don’t want to discuss that both sides have a claim


Make a thread about it to find out!

In the meanwhile, stop being weird about discussing Lordaeron here.


They didn’t even make it to the pre-patch. They flushed it as soon as they flashed that pic of Sylvanas in front of the burning Teldrassil at the expansion reveal like they were proud parents showing off their new kid.


If anyone thinks that wasn’t tone deaf to a horde player unless you were a forsaken it was. Forsaken I still feel like were just the devs not happy they couldn’t add the scourge faction in vanilla

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So you love Anduin now yes


Anduin once again morally grandstanding about situations he has no clue about. He would have a very different outlook if the writers were competent after experiencing what slyvanas did to him in shadowlands

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This sounds like a Legion era flashback from before his naivete on the matter was broken by the death of Varian and the failure of The Gathering


The book also sounds like it’s making the case that the Forsaken don’t actually belong on the Horde


To that I would say he needs look no further then the human plant farm the forsaken do.
It was in cata that stuff horrified me questing through it