Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Technically that has already happened with Sylvanas.
It just depends on how they execute it.

What about the details of her deal with Helya? Was it laid out or still a mystery??

yeah it’s mentioned, Helya was working for the Jailer. The Jailer sent Sylvanas to retrieve the Soul cage from Helya so that he could subjugate Eyir for the sole purpose of redirecting the souls taken by Odyn to Helya so that they could funnel more souls into the Maw. Assuming from in game dialogue, the jailer did not like Odyn stealing souls away from the Shadowlands.


That’s so dumb lmao


This was me during slyvanas horde campaign. You can guess who I am in this scenario

funny you all are talking about the purge of Dalaran, because it seems like Lorthemar has not forgotten. Prior to the Broken Shore the Alliance and Horde met, Khadgar suggests they meet in Dalaran because it’s neutral and Lorthemar says “This does not sound neutral to the blood elves.” it’s on page 318.

Voljin agees with him. God I miss Vol’jin.


No Baal.

That’s so Golden.


Increasingly convinced Golden has never read a history book in her entire life

Let alone a political or military philosophy text.


Stop being weird about Christie Golden.

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Someone is seething because a known Sylvanas fan bought a book about Sylvanas?

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Great, maybe Blizzard can stop faffing about and just straight up put Dalaran back in the Alliance for good


So just because I feel the lava eel should be spread around some, I only blame Golden for maybe half of this. She’s a hired writer hired to write, in a setting not her own with a hell of a lot of history. That’s gotta be daunting, and a competent franchise has someone on staff to help writers avoid these mistakes.

A person whose job it is to be, say, a lore expert. Who would certainly not make major lore mistakes himself, confusing the Well of Eternity and the Dark Portal.

A Copeland.

Golden’s lore mistakes should have been addressed by the in-house lore master.

Or at least the cabal of secret racist editors.

Lava eel bless you all.

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Genn suggested that the Forsaken be sent to the most dangerous parts of the warfront to fight the Legion because “They are dead afterall” she responds about sending worgen after sheep because they are wolves after all and then she thinks about raising Liam as a Forsaken. Overall Golden writes them bickering like children and I hate it. It reminds me of this forum

He thinks it contributes to Blizzard not putting lore in the game to put it in books instead.

Someone giving spoilers actually prevents more people from buying the book since most people here want to know the lore bits and not read the book for enjoyment of reading.

Genn raises a good point. Didn’t the book also try to sell the Forsaken as being like really good choices for shocktroopers

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Stop being weird about Lordaeron.


The point of the meeting was to talk about how the Alliance and the Horde can work together to stop the Legion, and yet the Alliance still has to prove they are not above microaggressions about wiping out the Forsaken.

Loredorean belongs to the alliance. The reason it hurts the alliance is because the forsaken took it and hold it. It’s the alliance greatest shame or perhaps humans greatest shame in Warcraft universe is losing another of their capital to the horde.

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I already addressed this.


Sounds accurate