Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Well. I mean, it’s a good rule of thumb when it comes to resisting arrest. But the unspoken part is you do NOT speak to them. Do not give them anything at all. Because anything you say, blah blah blah? They will try to turn it into a confession of something. It’s not even that cops are all bad; it’s that bad cops absolutely exist and don’t wear a sign saying “hello, my name is Corrupt Pig”.

Anyway. Enough sidetrack.


It’s too complex an issue to really dissect here. American policing has a lot of problems, from institutional racism that dates back to jim crow and white flight, to a modern military culture of forever wars where soldiers are taught to act like police, and then come home to a law enforcement career practically tossed in their lap where these men and women are taught to act like soldiers. I can imagine it is confusing for decent people as much as it is tempting for bad people.



She’s given a Sisyphean task, clearing all of WoW Hell for however long it takes, saving everyone she can. You want to have her murdered over and over again to relive the deaths of each of her victims (and their suffering).

I’m not even sure they would be able to show that in-game. That’s pretty brutal.

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Not physically murdered but I want her to share the pain of everyone she hurt and maybe alleviate that pain until she gets them to where they were supposed to be going.

As I said right now she is fixing ONE issue she caused. She still needs address the actual pain and murder she caused. Sending people to the maw was not her only crime so why is fixing ONE mistake suppose to make up for the rest?

Or is Sylvanas’ going through what someone else did by her hand more monsterous than the original injury she directly caused?

I kinda think its a good way to drive her absolutely insane, given the scale of pain you are suggesting a single person endure.


Did she or did she not cause that pain?

Some people just really really want you to know about their psychopathy. They are less about justice and more about twisted vengeance.


They did that in the Stormrage book. Onky she relived her own death over and over… does this woman really need further torment?

“What are we if not slaves ro this torment?” I guess…

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I have consistently argued that the original story of the burning of Teldrassil did not accurately describe an act of genocide, but that’s not what Im trying to argue here.

Sometimes I admittedly have a hard time communicating my position.

What I am arguing is that the cycle of hatred speech was accurate. What I am also arguing is that there is bias in how the events in that cycle are presented, based on who is responsible.

The purge has been referenced in the past as something comparable to the War of Thorns, in defense of the Horde, mostly. Almost no one condemns Alliance players for feeling psyched when Jaina shows up at Lordaeron.

I enjoyed the purge. I thought it was a pretty exciting moment. It was a victory for the Alliance! We turned neutral Jaina and the Kirin Tor to our side and gave the Horde a swift kick in the butt for good measure! We wanted to convince Jaina to join the Alliance and all it took was the Sunreavers being the Sunreavers to make her see it our way. I am sure I killed many more Sunreavers than I had to.

But as a horde player, you are not allowed to enjoy your victories. Every victory is tainted. Someone has to pay for every win, and every win is a justification for ethnic cleansing and mass incarceration.


Of course she did, but magically enforced eye for an eye is a flat out barbaric idea. If this is your idea of fair punishment I am very glad you had no creative input into how the arbiter ticks.


So lets see.

Sylvanas’ inconvenience of being a taxi for souls in a desolate landscape as she, an immortal, ferries souls with ZERO appreciation of who she is transporting is equivalent of everything Sylvanas did.

Actually sharing in the suffering she caused, and those people STILL suffering because of her is more barbaric then the act itself.
Well we really are back where I stated we would be.

Sylvanas suffering is worth more than all her victims put together.
What do we call this? Banshee privilege?

And what I am telling you there is no cycle. It doesn’t exist unless you want to grossly rewrite or exaggerate the purge as a mass slaughter. I am surprised we haven’t talked about Taurajo already.

Never happened either. Wish it did. We just arrested some horde affiliated sunreavers for an investigation and that was the end of that.


Let’s just agree to disagree, because this going in circles is giving me a headache and neither of us is going to budge from our position.

You know what would be a good start?

Restarting the entire franchise after a systemic purge of their ranks and increased pay to attract new people

Because it’s gonna be Pure Lava Eel Vore level writing from here on out


Fine agreed to disagree. I just don’t understand why Sylvanas actually feeling what she made other people feel as part of her penance is such a high ask. How else is she going to appreciate what she is doing unless she lives through what she made other people live through?

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I dont see it coming, as I guess Microsoft liked what it saw when it aimed to buy out ABK. I guess they could change their mind but… unless the main lore oblivious core of WoW players revolt it wont matter. The bottom line is, as ever, the bottom line.

weeeee capitolism.


This series of replies just convinces me that punishment is quite subjective and perhaps very cultural. The idea of rehabilitation is very ingrained into western culture, even if the judicial system doesn’t apply it properly.
In my country what Sylvanas did would warrant death (supposedly permanent) and I’m sure a lot of people would be hoping for an eternity in hell for the crime. But the circumstances are not even close- considering her own existence and undeath, and the soul split, and I’m not sure if these would be considered mitigating factors. I’m not saying this is better in any way, but it makes you wonder if justice is for the victim, the perpetrator or the administration, and probably needs a lot of rethinking.

On the other hand, it also makes you question which is worse- if a lesser painful death of many people might somehow be better than prolonged equivalent torture of a single person. I don’t expect an answer here because frankly I don’t think there is an objective one.

I think their current trajectory and galaxy brained lore with galaxy brained systems has the bottom line looking like a downward slope

Correct, ultimately rooted in histories of people that shape those cultures and hegemonic institutions that shape the inherent metaphysical logics

Eg Lakota Catholics in the US exist at an epistemological intersection of:

  • Being Lakota and all that entails
  • Being Roman Catholic, specifically evangelized primarily by French Jesuits
  • Being in the US, with it’s WASP Hegemonic Core

It’s why so much of the arguments regarding the nature of sin this expansion in the US Forums was just Diet Protestant Theology with a Carceral mentality

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The only thing that is objective that in society we have the “justice” system as method of discouraging bad behavior.

Of course in the real world somehow we treat a weed dealer much tougher than some people who collapse the world economy. Its not fair.
In the real world we can never balance the scale for someone’s violent crime but from the many crime documentaries I watch it seems the victims want two things.
Put the bad guy away
Make it official the bad guy is responsible for their loved one’s death or suffering.

Make the crime stop and have it be acknowledged, basically.

Not going to comment on a few of the last posts here but after reading some of the more heavy spoilers.

The overall hate obsession the modern writing team has is completely baffling, it’s almost like because they’ve completely failed to make a fallen hero character as well written as the original Arthas, they’re going out of their way to continue to make him more cartoon villainy like. The fact they wrote in, with almost sexual undertones what he did to Sylvanas did nothing for her as a character.

The entire lava eels thing is probably going to be the meme going forward for bad writing. Having Sylvanas’ seeing torments and immediately turn around and say the equivalent of “Okay I believe you” is some of the worst writing they could have possibly pulled out. None of this is shown in game, and it’s levels of stupidity on Sylvanas’ part that makes me think Christine really found Just a Pancake’s videos on Kingdom Hearts hilarious.

If Zovaal has PRESTINE vision of Sargaras stabbing Azeroth with his sword and called that play, how did he have at no point in time through all his learning and domination magic used in Zerith Mortis be aware of the First Ones prophecy of the “Maw Walkers”. You can’t write a character to be this smart and this stupid at the same exact time.

And I really can’t get over the whole hate they have for Arthas as a character, while making Syvalanas almost as creepy in the process for how she views Anduin as almost a step in for her brother.


Golden is only capable of writing characters for how they exist in relation to Anduin (Calia, Jaina, Sylvanas, Baine, Saurfang) or the Nearest Blonde Human Otherwise (Thrall re Jaina)