Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

There is absolutely no benefit to arguing with these… cops… you will not be to reason or resist your way out of it.
Sad to say but some of them more psycho ones are just itching for an excuse to shoot so best thing to do is avoid giving them one.

Then sue later. Make bank.

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“Now, you do what they told ya…”

-Rage Against The Machine

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America is truly the land of the free :slight_smile:

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Like Jaina…


You are still going on about the retcon that was totally of the retcon which was the retcon of the retcon?

You know the one where Sylvanas totally meant everyword to Saurfang but definitely didn’t by shadowlands but definitely does now but only because Saurfang failed somehow right.

Anyway in short why does Sylvanas even need to gather souls in shadowlands? After all nobody died according to some people.

You know its clear now why earlier today you did not want Sylvanas to answer for her sins. According to you there were none!

This isnt true, by any stretch of the imagination, but I almost invariably side with the defense. Thats my nature.

I don’t need to stretch any imagination. its clear as day. You are stating it.

When I was 12 I did this and the cop repeatedly kept yelling stop resisting while he slammed my face onto the concrete, breaking four of my teeth, tearing both my lips and cheek, etc

Complying doesn’t guarantee safety in general, and especially not if you’re a Person of Color in the West or Subaltern Ethnicity in the Rest.


how did this thread get even worse


Thry finally stopped recommending to people to comply with rapists, armed robbers and home invaders, as it does not guarantee your safety. I wonder when they will stop recommending this for statist thugs.

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Anyways I think expecting contrition from the galaxy brain trust that came up with Lava Eel Vore isn’t unreasonable actually

Could be wrong

Seems like a fairly normal thought

“what did you write to justify Sylvanas committing genocide as a genocide survivor Golden”
“Well Juan I, I mean WE, came up with Lava Eel Vore Marital Angst convincing Sylvanas that Zovaal was Family Friendly”

Your options there are
“wow golden you’re truly the Tolkien of our times”
“This is garbage, do you not feel shame? Any of you?”

Yes, only those two options. Just those. There is no middle ground here. Nothing between the most extreme in either direction. By jove you’ve cracked the case Baal

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Arab woman who was a whole adult in 2001-2004 with eight incidents where police “picked me up for questioning” regarding the high crime of being Arab and living next to Boston checking in.

My bad knees and shoulders would like me to tell you that complying with the police does not make them nicer, nor do you win the lawsuit if nothing happened on camera.


I think you could use Mawthrone’s method too.

Nobody died and those that died deserved it for resisting the Horde.

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I wonder if some people jumped from the tree into the water. Druids with flight forms could have escaped. NE’s are mostly druids after all. They had more than a few hippogrpyhs.

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That would’ve been cool, like the Dionysius myth

Elune turns all night elves into druid seal form or dolphins or whatever as they jump into the water


She could have turned them all into birds so they could fly away. Instead she put them all to sleep so they can feed her sisters trees.


At the rate this thread is going according to the Sylvanas fans, She just needs to save 7 civilians and one very slow druid and her sentence is complete!

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I read a fanfic like that once actually. The Night Elves were assumed dead because they disappeared fighting the highborne that became the naga as the land sank but Elune actually turned them into Selkies so they could survive. They stayed as seals to fight the naga, but returned to elven form temporarily for the events of WC3.


That sucks, I’m sorry for you and Baal. I’ve only read stories on the internet as I’ve never been to America (nor ever intend to honestly) and I heard that sometimes black/POC kids are told by their parents or othersto comply with cops to keep them safe.
I don’t know if this is always true or if things are different now. I know that it doesn’t necessarily work but I believe that racist cops also have big egos that you either shut down with legal knowledge and confidence or avoid triggering to stay alive.

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