Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Damn that’s like almost 1/100th of an Apothecarium

I just remember Jaina shooting pink missiles at NPCs and they then kneeled on the ground in some magic circle thing while we walked around and killed 4 named NPCs that attacked us after refusing to accept surrender.

That would require Blizzard to remember thier own lore :stuck_out_tongue:


My spite is directed everywhere, Baal. My spite is thermonuclear spite. I don’t spit venom; I drop spite bombs that irradiate entire threads for hundreds of years.

A thousand years from now, when humanity has long since left this world one way or another, my spite shall remain.

My spite is nearly as strong as lava eel vore. Let that sink in everyone.

Lava eel vore
My spite
Everything else.


Dude you just compared a dalaran which at worst compared to an ethnicaly based political coup to a state, capturing a significant civilian population and then brutally murdering all of them. You don’t have much to stand on trying to play the role of reconciler.


Actually, they let most of them leave.

Now, I’m not saying the narrative paints it as a genocide, but since people like pointing to the UN definition of genocide, the purge has much more in common with typical acts of genocide than WoT. In fact, everything that has been done to the blood elves resembles genocide. From the trail of tears they were put on by the authorities of the nelves, to the purge. Carpet bombing by the British was never called a genocide. When a regional authority targets a race or ethnic group to be rounded up and imprisoned or killed, thats genocide.


During the purge yeah, I think it was mostly down in the Sewers? It was Silver Covenant guys doing it I think.

The whole thing was kinda… if someone comes rushing at you and demands you surrender and you have done nothing wrong, when they react poorly just shooting them seems… bad? I guess? Like no one actually explained anything it was just “you are a blood elf you are now a criminal” sort of whitewash across the city.

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Is anything mentioned about her split soul, i.e. how it happened and why?

No they didn’t. They even sped up the burning so they could inflict as many casualties as possible with shaman. The horde tried as much as they could to kill the maximum number of night elves. Not only that they stuck around killing night elves in Darkshore, they even tried to stop evacuation efforts afterwards as per the mission board.


If cops with guns rush at me and demand my surrender you can be sure I am going to comply. I will sue them later when I don’t give them an excuse to put a bullet in my head.

Blatantly untrue and false.

Was this the Horde portion? I just followed Jaina for 5 minutes and it was over. I felt so let down because this was supposed to be our response for the destruction of Theramore

I’ve heard that Dwarf Fortress and TES both have factions of elves that are so protective of plants that they are strictly carnivorous to the point of cannibalism. But I’ve never played those games (and Dwarf Fortress is loaded with Black Comedy to begin with), so it may be deliberate exaggeration.

Since this is the current narrative, i guess you are right, but it directly contradicts AGW.

I just have 2 things to say amidst the wall of replies:

  1. The major thing that disappoints me about the Sylvanas book and subsequent judgement is everything is centred around her. Not only does it fail to provide the perspective of her direct victims (not Tyrande) but what this also means is that they value her as a character more than they do most others, and also that this means her actual “punishment” isn’t really going to be a long time in the Maw, but she is simply being shelved for a few expansions.

Whether this implies her task was easy or actually would take a long time (Shadowlands time =/= Azeroth time) is unclear, and we don’t know how many mawsworn are left or how many other covenants would be aiding her in the task. If the details of her actual sentence are made clear, it might seem like an actual punishment- proportionate to her crimes.

  1. I am just glad this whole thing is finally over. BfA and Shadowlands is probably when the factions and playerbase have been the most toxic, and the story ruined several characters to force a narrative noone wanted. If we can actually move forward in the story, both the night elves and the Forsaken, in meaningful ways that do not ignore what happened, this scene is of little consequence.

Eg, retaking Ashenvale, occupying Hyjal and heavily reinforcing the borders at Azshara and Ashenvale, possible rebirth of the night elf souls; reorganising Forsaken society and finding a sustainable way to survive, rebuilding a city in Lordaeron, and reinforcing the borders at Hillsbrad and with Gilneas.


I wish I had your optimism! I’m sure that we’ll quickly find a new way to gradually gnaw away at your basic faith in humanity.

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It’s not optimism. It’s what I would like to see. My subscription is over and I don’t plan to invest in the game. I know that the writers suck and the company needs to be rebuilt top down.

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In real life, mages can’t utilize portals to help civilians escape, so in that one regard this fictional genocide is better than irl genocide. Imagine how many people could flee using portals if they had that option? Sure people died but not as many as would have if they did not have access to mages and portals.

That is the whitest thing I’ve ever heard.


It might shock you to learn that I ain’t white.
I am the type that RANDOMLY GETS SELECTED when passing through an airport.


Eh, pretty sure black people are told to do this, because American cops can be racist a**holes and overreact.

Atleast, that’s what I learnt on the internet.

Oh, it would have been a blood bath, and post retcon, it was.

But, you will remember, that evacuation was a part of the strategy. The order of “Prepare to take the tree” was not given until the evacuation had reached a predetermined point. It was after that order that the BURN IT command was given. Assuming that mages and portals didnt exist, we can imagine that another method of escape would have been preserved by the invading force.

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