Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

But that wasnt the solution we took part in. First she killed Aethas’ attendants and took him prisoner. Then she ordered the purge, and delegated the slaughter of innocent belves to Vareesa, hypocrite that she is.


Who made Jaina Dalaran police?

Isn’t this an issue for the whole council? Who gives the Alliance the authority to police the Horde in a faction neutral city state?

No one. And that’s why she was stripped of her council position and thrown out.


Since you have been on this forum long enough I assume you already know that there was no mass genocide and even the game (lorthemar) acknowledges that the sunreavers were sent to the violet hold.

when she was voted in as the leader of the city. Supreme executive powers derives from the people not some fanciful orcish single combat ceremony.

That didn’t happen. She lost her position as the leader of the kirin tor but was very much still a member of the city’s council but decided to leave rather than trust the Horde again.


Jaina made Jaina the Dalaran police, I guess.

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Sounds like Jaina tbh.

Talk about abuse of authority… explains why khadgar apologized to Aethas and let him back into Dalaran without getting Jaina’s permission.


I am mostly ok with Jaina any more, though. For all its faults, the Jaina quest chain in BFA was 10/10 to me.

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This is incorrect. In WoD we learn she had council approval.


There is no mass Blood Elves.

We killed and imprisoned all the Sunreavers of Dalaran and unlike the Night Elves of Darnassus, an evacuation was not facilitated, it was prohibited. I took part in it.


Until she dipped out, yes

Killed the ones that violently resisted.
Arrested those that compiled.
To do an investigation and find out who betrayed Dalaran.

Its funny how you are trying to compare Teldrassil and Dalaran purge.


Bad take. The second time one of his guys went against Dalaran’s interests, he owned up and took steps to deal with it instead of burying his head in the sand. That’s learning.

It’s not really fair to judge him for his faction containing a Legion sleeper agent either, when the wider Kirin Tor (and both player factions) produced plenty of traitors in Legion.


Resisted being killed? We were sent in, without warning to kill them.


They are comparable.

What is funny is that the narrative paints them as different.


Stop! you are under arrest!
Blood Elf pulls a gun. Gets shot.
Justified shooting and resisted arrest.

Mawthorn: wow this is exactly like the Armenian Genocide.


The horde imprisoned most of the night elves from Teldrassil instead of burning them alive?


That was the third time one of his guys went against Dalaran’s interest.

Most of us would take it as the morbid humor it was intended to be.

You’d be hard pressed to find Horde players pretending it was some personal slight against them and their kin, nor would any pretend it was they themselves buried in those fields.

We would, however, probably be too shocked to say much of anything at all. The Alliance? Doing sketchy things??? Preposterous!!!


Once again reminding everyone for the third time today your spite should be directed toward the writers who wrote this objective failure of a story due to internal factionalism, systemic abuse, and fear of commitment


They for sure are not comparable in the least. However, I do seem to recollect sunreavers being dangled/fed to sharks as well.


I really wish they’d make it canon that the orcs’ obsession with clearcutting forests comes from dealing with the Primals. It’d make so much sense if they literally have a genetic predisposition to hating plants because they’re descended from a rock monster created for the express purpose of killing plant monsters.