Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Same could be said about literally anyone here. This is hardly constructive.
Anyway this situation can be salvaged, Blizzard doesn’t need to retcon.

What possible thing is there that they can’t fix?

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The only other person I can think of that was like “blizzard must express contrition and do a completely unreasonable thing before I will be satisfied” was Erevien

That’s what makes the factions a truly baffling experience.

You would think playing the other side would lead to a more complete understanding of the story. Instead you frequently get two completely different and contradictory stories.

It does have the neat if certainly unintentional effect of coming off like you’re experiencing less the truth and more propagandistic interpretations of it. But we know that’s not deliberate because they’ve done unreliable narrator questlines and they’re about as subtle as an artillery salvo.


It was Nzoth the entire time.
This whole shadowlands thing? It was all him, he let Sylvanas take us to shadowlands and while we were away he remade the black empire. There was no kamehameha wave and Magni was crystal crazy since day one.

You know… like, some blood elves stole an artifact from the Alliance that was plundered from Pandaria, and Jaina, head of the Kirin Tor, with the help of Vareesa Windrunner (no stranger to attempted genocide I guess), the Silver Covenant and the Alliance PC massacred or wrongfully imprisoned every blood elf in Dalaran (Thats OK, the Blood Elves are used to genocide… we use that word for this kind of thing now right?). Two and a half expansions go by, and Jaina gets nothing in the form of punishment. She dips out on Azeroth and doesn’t even help with the Legion. When she returns, she does so as a hero of the Alliance. Fanfare sounds and an epic entrance mark her triumphant return.

While the Horde PC helps to commit genocide in a story aimed at making them question why they are doing this, and in a way that seems all to familiar, the Alliance PC hilariously murders a crooked banker who was going to loot the bank of the city trying to kill him and escape. He might have gotten away too, if it werent for orders to kill all the dragonhawks at the flight master, ensuring your victims would be unable to escape. And then you basically slaughter unarmed shopkeepers and barmaids. Tavern patrons and the like. Not unlike a silly forsaken quest, except its not as silly… because you know the sunreavers are the bad guys, because they stole an artifact you stole first.


You can claim that the Blood Elves were wrongfully imprisoned, but they were imprisoned and not killed. If this is an atrocity on the level of the kinds that the Horde commits with regularity you shouldn’t need to resort to hyperbole.


See this is the problem right here. We go with this heavy editorialized version.

The blood elves were responsible for the bombing of jaina’s city.
Then their leader aethas greenlights dalaran being used as a tool to bypass alliance security to steal the bell.
And when Jaina finds out, she begins arresting the blood elves part of an organization directly involved in both the bombing and the theft.

I mean if you want to rewrite the events that Jaina just went crazy for fun then yeah sure. That would be as accurate as Sylvanas’ claim about a cycle of violence.
Truth is Alliance minds their business and then Horde sucker punches them and then any response whatsoever is decried as being no better than the Horde. its insanity.

They were the bad guys. Like… unironically.

This is the sort of post that makes me think if certain Horde players are actually ready for the Alliance to do half of what the Horde does in an expansion.


To be fair to Aethas it wasnt him however this was like the second time his forces got inflitrated/convinced to go against Dalaran’s neutral. And hell, he didnt even learn, Dalaran nearly fell because of another traitor.

Remember when Jaina confronted him about this and he thought that the best response was defiant sass instead of telling Jaina the truth

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This is why I can’t take certain people seriously when they ask for an “evil alliance” yet cry foul if Jaina pouts at their general direction.

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I’m morbidly curious to look into an alternate universe and see how some forum regulars would react to an inverse Sludge Fields


If only the Horde tried harder to understand the Alliance /s

Orc grunt (fresh through the Dark Portal, watching a human tend to his apple orchard): They cultivate trees!? (suffers Vietnam-style flashbacks to dealing with the Botani) (spits out the rock he was chewing) THEY MUST DIE!


Me not that kind of orc.

The warsong gultch soldiers live through that torment everyday.


Even though it doesnt matter, not all the Sunreavers… and probably very few of the victims of the purge… were guilty of stealing anything, or destroying Theramore.

“No matter how swiftly we cut all the trees down, those foolish purple elves keep growing them back! Do they not understand the danger!?”


Well here is the thing, you have a political organization within your city that are actively working against the city’s interests (at least according to the story)

Since Jaina is not omnipotent, the only solution is to arrest and then investigate. There was no other solution then just accept the transgression and shrug it off.


In his defense, Jaina was far from impartial about it. The accusation was heavily weighted. She called it her city and she was waivering on neutrality herself before the bell was taken.


She stole books from the Dalaran library and artifacts. She’s the last person to judge anyone for stealing.