Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Something to keep in mind here is that the story is told exclusively from Sylvanas PoV.
Of course she has nothing to say in Arthas’ favor. She didn’t know him pre Lich King and has no idea about his motivations, nor would she care if she knew. This is the monster who did horrible things to her and her people and that’s all that matters to her.

It seems Golden doubled down on Arthas’ atrocities as Lich King in this book, probably to try and make amends and Sylvanas as his victim more sympathetic and understandable and I think that’s fine.
In the Arthas novel she did her best to vilify Sylvanas ( the “testing blight on civilians” scene was pretty gruesome and not exactly necessary either ) as this was the course the writing team wanted to take the character at the time.

But yeah. In the end, Sylvanas still went from bad to worse by accepting to serve the Jailer and in the Anduin cinematic she admits that by doing so she “became Arthas” and calls her own acts evil and selfish. So nothing really changes, except that we now know about her motivations and well- lava eel vore.


Elune created the Lava Vore Eels to help The Winter Queen of course

And the winter queen is so unappreciative… sigh.


Yup pretty good analysis of the situation.

In short, let’s just say I am not convinced of what golden is feeding me. This was not a convincing story at all.

It hurts me in the soul.

Well, we punish serial killers with life sentences in prison. in RL a single life sentence is about 20-30 years before the possibility of parole, depending on the nation. if she spent (subjectively) even, say, three millennia at her labor, she would of served some 100,000 life sentences laboring in hell before she is let out.

That seems like a lot.


Maybe Night Elves are actually Elunarian Lava Vore Eels in disguise

Like those alien worm who take over bodies and were deities in Stargate SG1

MAYBE all elves are lava vore eels

Maybe I’M a lava vore eel



In RL we don’t have access to magic.
We do in wow. I don’t understand why you are satisfied with mediocrity.

It doesn’t balance the scales when they can be balanced.


Can we all just pick an RP server and act out our faction differences in weekly wpvp rp in Gilneas and Teldrassil?

I do not see it as mediocrity. I see 100,000 life sentences in hell as fair. To my eyes you are being extreme in your bloodlust here.

Perhaps its just a fundamental RL worldview conflict. I dunno.


Your lava vore eel shenanigans are getting to Tumblr Baal. I saw a post about hunters wanting lava eel pets.


Can I roleplay as a Lava Vore Eel in disguise :pleading_face:


To my eyes you are viewing the suffering of the villain weights more than suffering from the victims.


I think that we can all agree that any kind of mana worm, or dragonhawk type minion is the actual pc.


Not at all. I am just regarding the Villain is also a person too, with their own flawed reasons for doing what they did.


Sylvanas doesn’t exist. Not even in the ‘We don’t know for certain, but we can have faith in their existence’ way that God does. How someone feels about her, positively or negatively, does not define them as a moral being at all. Smallioz attacking a character he dislikes that you like =/= him being a bad person.


I’m lowkey annoyed that Blizzard has a problem naming things. Sylvanas’s dad is named “Verath” right? In 9.2.5 there’s a mob in Quel’thalas scenario named “Varath.” […] blizzard needs to start using name generators.

Yet somehow your math works out in Sylvanas well being is prioritized more than the victims.


its a dual edged blade. if they name things they actually have to remember the names.

You think they have some sort of full time lore historian or something?


Smallz isn’t a bad person because he doesn’t like the character I like. He’s a bad person in my eyes, because he’s a forum troll.