Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Oh and by the way, chemical weapons usage on civilians is a thing that happens in real life. It’s happened pretty recently in fact, and hopefully won’t happen again within the next few weeks.

Chemical weapons were often used as an execution method in the same context as all that loaded imagery you insist that the Forsaken’s Hillsbrad campaign definitely doesn’t use.


You know, all of this? It would actually sound poignant and real were it coming from someone other than you. You’ve done enough to cause people to doubt your sincerity and integrity that even valid points and criticism are tainted by your past actions and statements.

It’s a shame really. I want to agree with you, but I know a day or two later you’ll casually say something horrible, like how it’s okay to be openly hostile and antagonistic towards people if they don’t give you what you want.


I just found a jarringly sexist line in the book.

“Sylvanas was there to see them off. Like a general riding his horse up and down the lines of soldiers.”

She is a general. Why does this have to default to male. She could just be a general inspecting her troops like the general she used to be, still is.

I am hoping this was just an oversight. Male linguistic bias is likely the norm in writing, but it still is casually sexist.


I wish they’d do more stuff in that vein.

I get a kick out of Hillsbrad because of the three characters representing players, we are Johnny Awesome.

Johnny Awesome says: I will do this ONE thing that you ask of me, quest giver. Pray I find more menial tasks to accomplish or you will be hearing from me again and I assure you that my commentary on forums of public opinion will be most unkind."

I’m not sure a cinematic would be a good time for it but there is a lot of room for referencing the absurdity of the game. I’m actually surprised there’s just the one quest where you play a NPC.

The PCs are such rampaging psychopaths that there’s definitely more material to mine there.


I sincerely hope you don’t use your powerful AoE abilities on small spiders in The Old Kongdom dungeon.

Most people consider there to be some pretty important distinctions between small arachnids and human beings

Although there’s a reason why children who make a habit of pulling wings off flies or tormenting animals are considered to have some very concerning psychological inclinations.

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Well, we also know that they also bonded in the Cosby Suite. Birds of a feather…


Are you calling Benedict a psychopath? if you are, just say so.

Psychopaths also don’t care about anyone else in their pursuit of what they want, and you’ve checked those boxes more often than anyone here Ain. If you are curious if you fall on the spectrum here’s a test https://www.idrlabs.com/psychopathy-spectrum/test.php


No, I’m not.

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I get it. I regularly spawn and die over and over so people can get their PvP trinket, or against all odds.

And Between human beings and cartoon zombies… so.

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And then we AFK in the illidan raid.


I genuinely don’t get the resentment. Yeah some Nelf fans can be completely crazed but that’s the case for every faction to some extent.

The Kaldorei seem like one of WoW’s USPs to me. Quite a lot of settings have Wood Elves, and I’m probably most partial to TES’s Bosmer, the small fry, chipper woodfolk who seem funny until you realize they’re anti vegans who eat everything they kill and fashion all tools out’ve bone and leather.

But WoW’s Nelves are certainly the queens of the aesthetic. I’m really not much of a tree hugger, getting lost in the woods at night once was enough for me. Yet even I can’t help but get enthralled by their fae forests when you’re wandering around Ashenvale or the like.

I get that’s why they’re so frequently targeted. Even if you had zero clue what this setting is, seeing such an idyllic setting being brought to ruin let’s you know who the bad guys are.

But instead of realizing there’s diminishing returns to that sort of thing they just raised the stakes to the highest level they could for just a marketing stunt. And the complete ignorance this would bother people remains baffling.

I still remember that pop up book they were selling with real war crime action! Where you could set it on fire yourself.

Just a baffling approach to this. Did anyone hate Darnassus that much? Because even though I’ve spoken at length for my distaste for SW I’ve no interest in destroying the place. Permanently at least. I’m sure some people enjoy it and I’d get no joy from ruining their fun for a cool commercial.


Ren I’m asking if when Sylvanas killed herself, did she go to the Maw “correctly” or was it Agatha.

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I think what Ren is saying is that the book doesn’t make it clear. She ends up in the Maw and encounters the Jailer who manipulates her.

Kinda obvious at this rate that they don’t like giving clear answers.


A lot of the devs are old school WC2 evil Horde fans, and love their male power fantasies. Amazonian women aren’t compatible with that neckbeard ideology. That’s all that really needs to be said, they can’t or don’t want to write outside of their comfort niche of the same one or two story tricks. That’s also why the Night Elves were forced into the Alliance, defanged, and watered down into hippies.

It’s ironic to me that those clowns missed the chance at have “metal, savage” elves right into of Warhammer despite being obsessed with that setting.


I’m willing to bet the lawsuit purged a lot of them

Smoking guns and all that


As an alliance member who we worship would say. This entire horde must be purged

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Eh, they still keep trying to run with their stupid ideas (Teldrassil, faction wars, shoving Anduindown our throats).

We’ll see.


My guess is that the next expansion will make or break them.

But at this point I refuse to give them the benefit of the doubt. They lack talent, passion, common sense and respect for either their players or employees, the product of toxicity that has likely run very long, and now is very deep in the company.