Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

I’m gonna go with “break.” They aren’t exactly good at writing, and are just as prone to not listening to criticism.


Well a solid clear answer prevents from being the Mastermind behind the Jailer’s every action pulling an “Elune” and bypassing the Arbiter to put Sylvanas right where he/she/they wanted her just like Elune did with Ysera.

Or prevents a big Reveal when Sire Denathrius returns and reveals he simply fast forwarded Sylvanas to the Maw when she arrived in Revendreth at the Jailer’s request.

Either one could allow them to reset Sylvanas back to her single target, single minded revenge theme she had during Vanilla-Wrath.

News bosses likely taking over. The next x-pac needs to be a smash hit for their continued job security. Another ill received dud and they likely will be updating resumes.

There has got to be some pressure to get this one right and put these problems behind them.


It’s not clear. There’s no interaction with her and the Arbiter so it was probably Agatha.

The jailer says she got there because of her choices. So the Jailer could be saying she was judged and found worthy of the Maw or he could be lying. He is likely lying. Or he could be saying her choices are what brought her to him. which is a be more meta but it seems more accurate to say.


They should work without Quel’Thalas. The entire point of the High Elf narrative was it’s hard divorce from Quel’Thalas. Its one reason I’ve never been fond of people pushing for a story where the Alliance goes after Quel’Thalas, or the High Elves taking any interest in it. It’s entirely an opinion, but I don’t find that interesting in the slightest. I’d be much more interested in the story of the High Elves establishing a new home for themselves, or settling into their new home (Dalaran working just fine).

Quel’Thalas belongs to the Blood Elves. Full stop. I don’t think the High Elves should want anything to do with it. Its like arguing America should be in charge of England because the settlers came from England. It ignores the reason the pilgrims left, just as these ideas that the High Elves should, ‘reclaim,’ Quel’Thalas ignores why they left to begin with.


WC2 must’ve been one of those things you just had to be around for I guess. It’s fine. Granted I didn’t even think WC3 was that hot, I was more of an Age of Mythology boy.

I was actually pretty surprised to see how ruthless the Kaldorei were upon a replay after I got back into WoW. They’re real shoot first, ask questions never types that seemed pretty different from the much calmer, even friendly Nelves I’d gotten used to WoW. And yeah knowing what we do now I’m not surprised they were completely baffled by what to do with blood hungry Amazon ladies who held ish down while the boys largely napped.

Tbh it wasn’t until we got the Nightborne that I realized how weird their animations are. I was always more pointedly interested in the undead and orc women. Ya don’t really get the excitable, bouncing on their heels vibe from WC3. It actually kinda breaks the drama of the moment. My Shaldorei diplomat is attempting to diffuse this situation with the Kul Tiran Marines we are currently in an armed stand off with, and decides this is the moment to remind everyone that she’s just got a cracking pair of boobs.

Though tbh now that I write that out, that actually sounds like unorthodox but not unsound diplomacy.

Like the Kaldorei should show the beauty and wrath of nature. The Earth is a very beautiful place, but it feeds off your corpse, never forget that. And instead they’re basically a bunch of uncharacteristically sexy Green Peace activists.


No Sylvanas fan here, but I’m having a hard time seeing anything before actively serving the Jailor that would be Maw-worthy.


She genuinely didn’t.

That’s been a question looming over all this. Like Kael’Thas was wayyyy more far gone than Sylvanas and if he gets to be dragged around by a stern yet supportive floating vampire lady (this is apparently considered a punishment) then it’s baffling why she’d get sent to Super Hell.

And honestly a lot of her behavior would make sense if she’d been convinced she was damned no matter what.

Although again an undead remains the weirdest character to do this with. She’s already given a middle finger to the whole natural order thing three times. And had cultivated a personality cult full of undeath experts that I’m sure would’ve toiled tirelessly to pop her back up should the worst happen.

Weirdest character to give this plotline too.


I think it only makes sense that she was deliberately tricked by Zovaal so she would willing serve his interests.


It just remains bizarre.

She had the best sales pitch ever for why people should opt for undeath,

Could alternative mortality be right for you? Ask your local Apothecary, today!

And instead opts to declare war on creation. It’s baffling. Like I get she’s got some personal problems but rather than using any of the considerable resources at her disposable to try to improve her quality of ‘life’ she decides to behave like a Skyrim character who just quicksaved. Because from her perspective that’s basically what’s happening.

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Honestly I dunno why i am shocked that horde players wish that darkshore battlefront while in the shadow of a genocide, wish it had more memes

I am starting to think Kyalin of all people is right about some of the things she says

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I’ve always been a strong support of Dalaran being the “capitol” of Alliance Thalassian Elves for a number of reasons. They have a historical connection to the city alongside the humans & it would be something that could FINALLY bring Dalaran back into the Alliance and keep it there. Their constant changing of allegiance ever other expansion is ridiculous. As well as the fact that they didn’t do anything in the BFA war.

An ideal scenario for me would be them landing it back in the crater in Hillsbrad and having it as their starter zone.


Honestly I think they should just give you the option of popping into your Capitol city with the starter gear, bags and spending money you’d get from Exiles Reach if you’ve already completed it.

As someone who came back in Legion I can tell you the starter zones are baffling experiences that seemed design to deliberately confuse the player, and should probably just be done away with so we can focus on actually updating these zones to keep them moving with the story.

In ways more interesting than just setting everything on fire.

Seriously it is truly confusing to have class trainers standing around for no reason. Not to mention the places are so abandoned these days I thought maybe I was locked into a phase. I didn’t see another player until I saw a few AFKing in UC.

Do the Exiles reach thing if you’re new or returning. Then bam drop the player in the always active Capitol city and have them pick an actual adventure so they can have a coherent narrative experience.

I still haven’t seen much of WoD and MoP because I leveled most of my toons pre revamp. And I only completed the Cata content I did because at that point I knew to avoid BGs/Dungeons if I didn’t want to level out of the content.

You know it’s not a real genocide, right? And people can still have a sense of humour?


yeah and if sylvanas had a bloody awful death at the hands of tyrande surely you’d be so understanding of that

She’d had a bloody awful death at the hands of Arthas.

And I actually did have to witness memes about her powersliding into his blade.


clearly blizzard didnt mean it to be funny thing.

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That didn’t stop people from making it funny.


If we’re keeping things on theme here, Ren probably wouldn’t make wildly inappropriate assumptions about you as a human being based solely on your enjoyment of Sylvanas’s death.

Sadly, you’ve proven you’re the opposite.


I am just saying she wouldnt have a good time, like I wouldnt have a good time if the horde side of darkshore was filled with memes