Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Haha, that video is great and yeah the faction conflict would have been great like this. But they try to hamfist some thoughtless morality extremely badly into the game for shock value because they wanted a “red wedding moment” from game of thrones in wow, without realizing what made the red wedding good, they just thought a bunch of people getting stabbed was cool and ignored any reasoning for it or any build up that lead to it. Then you get feeling like this:

And at the end of the day it’s a video game and you shouldn’t feel like crap when playing it, and if this is how it feel to fight the kaldorei, imagine how lousy it feels as one lol. But then it goes back to my thing of if the people you are fighting against are weak, does it even really feel good to beat them? Just like I like good villains or antagonists because it makes beating them that much more of an accomplishment, when we beat idiots like the jailer it doesn’t feel good or satisfying, we are just going through the motions at that point. That’s why I never understood why they wanted to make the night elves look so weak just to have the horde beat them up and the alliance can come in an save them etc.


BFA Writers, Possibly: War is BAD and you should feel BAD playing in even a fake one!

BFA Players: Well, this does feel bad, so we quit!

BFA Writers: Wait, did I succeed?


I don’t know what they expected our reaction to Teldrassil but you literally had Horde players desperately trying to apologize.

I barely wanted my UC Plaguebat. And I love that thing. I named her Heidi and she’s a reoccurring character who’s intimidation factor is going to collapse if the humans ever realize she’s happily wagging her tail.

My favorite thing about the Forsaken has always been the inherent silliness of most of their things and the isn’t what it looks like to most of their antics.

They’ve a ducking spider jail and you’ve to get their version of guard dogs to stretch their eight legs and feed them murlocs because they’re making eight eyes at the prisoners. Obviously we can’t have the spiders eating people. That’d be wildly inhumane.

Especially with so much dairy in their diet. It’d make the spiders sick. They need lean proteins from the fish men and also to feel like they’re hunting. Poor things must be going mad with boredom in there.

I love that completely warped sense of humanity. Because it’s still there. It’s just been inverted and now they’ve a weird love of all things icky, spooky or alarming.

But in Darkshore they’re just pricks. None of the trademark humor or weirdness. Just slaughter these Druids because they’re healing trees and we hate trees now, I guess.

Completely the wrong headed approach.


More people are learning of Our Lord and Savior the Lava Vore Eels and their Magma-y Paradise where Mrs Lava Eel has no one to vore

They are reacting accordingly

Soon all will learn of the great injustice Mrs Lava Eel endured thanks to RoboArbiter

What will Pelagos do for the Lava Eels and their Loving Vore?

CDev must answer these questions


Keep spendin’ most our lives livin’ in a lava paradise
Keep spendin’ most our lives livin’ in a lava paradise
Been eaten by our wives livin’ in a lava paradise
Been eaten by our wives livin’ in a lava paradise


Suffice to say I’ve always loved the Forsaken because the rest of the Horde is on about tragedy or stoic honor or being the last in the line of a noble race. Then the undead break through a wall in some sort of wacky races coffin car with this kinda vibe;

I’m trying to fill this up with quests but I’m struggling to find the quest names.

So just take my word when I say my favorites are;

  • A guy horrified to the point of stifling vomit that the humans are trying to make farms in the plagueland.

  • A psychiatrist in Hillsbrad that calls his patients idiots and threatens to diagnose you.

  • A Forsaken in Warspear who needs to be reminded by an Orc why losing a leg is kind of a big deal to most people.

  • The Forsaken Apothecary thats just entirely too thirsty in the most unsettling ways for the Farstrider she’s trying to rescue

  • Everytime they start to get frisky around the living come to think of it

  • The Apothecarium. Seriously they feed a guy an elixir that turns him into a frog, squirrel, sheep and then an explosion. This is treated as legitimate horror to this day and not objectively hilarious for some reason even as an Apothecary is filling out notes like that wasn’t bizarre.

  • The entirety of the Hillsbrad questline

  • Every last word out of Calder Gray’s mouth

  • Every last word out of Shadowmaster Kiryn’s beautiful lack of lips

And Darkshore had none of that fun. Which was asinine to me because why even have them fight the Forsaken and Goblins if we’re not here to have a giggle.

That’s the comedy paring. All they do is create lawsuits with every step. We’ve the Bilgewater and Forsaken in one zone together and it isn’t funny. It’s trying to be serious. So it feels like somebody cast Albert and Castello in WW2 documentary footage.


Because for some unbelievable reason they decided to make an anti-war story, sorta, in a game predicated on war. And they also possibly had a weird version of Tourette’s where they would say ‘Morally Grey’ but act they had no concept of the idea, so I guess to them it was just random noise coming out of their mouth constantly, and thus made one side of the conflict Pitch Black and the other Lily White, and you played the Pitch Black side, and thus had to have it rubbed in your face how BAD you were, how completely VILE, HATEFUL SLIMY GARBAGE FILTH, for playing Horde.


There are two sides to these wacky Forsaken hijinx. The Forsaken as the perpetrators and their victims who get sacrificed to give the Forsaken a laugh.

You might like it, but from the other side, it’s called bullying. Not fundamentally different from a jerk giving someone a swirly because they find it funny.


I just wanted to say before I got to sleep that I’ve loved reading your anecdotes and what you like about being forsaken…before blizzard went with a kind of more generic bad guy take in bfa, striping them of a much more interesting identity to push a story no one wanted.


Although I am not Benedikt I would like to say I enjoy reading your posts, Mara.


Heh, Thanks! Even if I do get angry when talking about all the abuse night elves have gone through…which I try to let out in a healthy way…I’m glad you enjoy them!


The Jailer did sever her bond to the Maw, so by 9.2 Sylvanas reasonably should be back to the strength she had before allying with him, rather than the super powers we saw her getting after we killed Argus.


well yeah she lost all her barrowed power ha

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That still boggles the mind.

In general War Crimes is just bizarre because out the gate with the title it’s taking a pretty silly concept dead seriously. It’s a courtroom drama starring exclusively action figures. The criminal is in a Panda jail. This is objectively ridiculous.

That just strikes me as the sort of story you’d want to have at least some fun with. Because the defense attorney is a minotaur. So deciding to take it as seriously as well, the Nuremberg Trials, remains an odd choice to me.

WoW has to take itself seriously at times of course. But Garrosh Hellscream, the personification of an adolescent fist breaching drywall, may not be the best character to saddle with such heavy themes. Because even by the standards of this setting he’s a cartoon character.


Thats a stretch. Human beings have a shadow, and acting out our shadow selves in a video game can be healthy fantasy. Provided we are not really griefing a real person, it is not bullying.

Its not like you log on to your alliance character and pick up a quest that sends you to Hillsbrad, where you are planted in the garden and we all hilariously bash your avatar’s brains in with a shovel.

Bullying is a real thing. Calling everything bullying robs the word of power.


I love her weird dead face.

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War Crimes described in one word: juvenile.

The entire book feels like a child acting out what’s happening with its toys.


I still absolutely cannot understand how they could make a zone with the Forsaken and Goblins and make it generic and boring.

It’s like they got Alliance only players to make the zone so they had only ever seen the Forsaken and Goblins as enemy units.

  1. Why be an a jerk and prevent some one from getting their achievement?

  2. How many minutes is it before he respawns?

As an aside before the Achievements, The Alliance on Malygos (Not a PVP Server) during Vanilla would start mass Portaling and Teleporting into Darnassus when Tyrande was being attacked to lag out the Horde attackers. They would lag then be dead cause Tyrande killed them during the lag.

We would ignore the Horde when they attacked Staghelm.

However caring about that died out when Achievements became a thing (Simple politeness to allow people their Achievements) and when Cata started the depletion of the Alliance population.

Kind of surprised that Ranger-General was a hereditary position…

I’m not sure I like that at all, either. It opens a very messy can of worms about who the Ranger-General of Quel’Thalas should be right now, which would be either Alleria or Vereesa.

I guess this DOES explain why Vereesa carries the title of, ‘Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant,’ though. It was never so much about grandstanding and putting on airs like a child, as its that it is her legitimate title given the deaths of her mother and sisters (presumed death in Alleria’s case). I guess that does answer that one question.

But I’m still not a fan of the position being hereditary. So long as Quel’Thalas’ government remains the same as it’s always been, then right now Alleria has all the right by succession to rule it. Lor’themar is a regent appointed by the previous King, but he himself hasn’t claimed the throne and started a new dynasty. This means the highest ranking legitimate individuals within Quel’Thalas are both members of the Alliance.

WHY isn’t Lor’themar either just reorganizing the government to ditch the old ways, or claiming the seat of King, yet? I don’t like these loopholes…