Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

The victims were not “on trial” but they were certainly being tested, which was always part of the Mists experience. Everything is test/an opportunity to grow. The end of the trials was suppose to show things like how Anduin was no longer some mewling whelp, that Varian would prefer to save Jaina rather then go after a criminal or that Baine was not going to be the next Garrosh etc.

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She’s been on the story team for over 5 years. Senior writer at Blizzard. Not some outside contractor. She invented Draka. Like… thats how long she has been working on this stuff. She writes quest text and cinematic dialogue, and occasionally they ask her to get out the glue stick and crayons and piece together a novel.


She retconned important commentary from Dark Mirror.

What commentary?

The part where Sylvanas and Nathanos were not acting on their romantic feelings, to protect Sylvanas from accusations of Nepotism. Instead, she made it so that it was definitely nepotism.

It was great social commentary about both racism and misogyny. How men tend to suggest nepotism and sex are at play whenever a female in power promotes one of their rivals. And how minorities are presumed to achieve professional success through other than legitimate means.


They did add these awesome looking Forsaken siege ballistas. That nobody play tested. Because you just plinked at those boats for an hour doing no discernable damage.

My biggest annoyance is they had the war bats. In that cool store mount armor I’m still mad I bought. There were no other bat mounts in Legion and I’d wanted one so badly since they introduced flying.

But then they literally hand you the impossibly cool UC Plaguebat just for doing the prepatch and BFA was lousy with bat mounts. I got all but the blue recolor of the store one. I did so many damn expeditions even after they stopped being relevant and it never dropped. But I digress.

The Chimera was the coolest thing to ride in Darkshore. You could hijack one at the final push and it was the only sort of fun way to engage in that boat fight. Which remains the weirdest thing in Warcraft’s many strange decisions.

It really felt like a PvP scenario. Like this would be an annoying thing to chew through that would give the enemy players some room for breathing to try to turn the tide at the last minute. But that wasn’t the case so I can’t tell you how long I stood on that damn beach, throwing weird explosive plants at a boat, if I wasn’t lucky enough to hijack a chimera. Because the awesome looking ballistas were as fun to pilot as an actual ballista loaded with nerf bolts.

And the sheer lack of fun to everything. The faction conflict should feel like this;

Just a big cool slap fight grudge match. You already know we’re going to have to team up to kill a bigger bad in the end, so making it this somber war drama and then still trying to make it fun was asinine.

I felt bad enough for the Kaldorei already. They didn’t even attack Lordaeron! I just felt like I was kicking somebody who was already down who I barely knew. And the idea they apparently thought we’d have fun recreating massacares is something else.

Like I specifically gave my character a German accent because I was tired of most characters having one being villainous. When hey my family tried to resist and there’s not a lot of us left as a result. So just imagine how thrilled I’d be if they decided I should now take part in operating a death camp.

Good Lord what were they thinking.

This whole story from BFA onward;


Yeah, she’s pretty much a clown. But so is everyone working WoW now. So why are we complaining about second hand clowns?

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That’s another interesting contrast with Karazhan. I’d notice that as well years ago. It’s not the same architecture you see in Stormwind or other human settlements in the North.


True that. Even the bells are the same! Lordaeron’s and Stormwind’s bells are twins, as both were cast in the great forge in Ironforge as gifts from the dwarves. Same tolling and everything. I bet very few people are aware of this, but it’s a very cool detail.


Karazhan was built by Aegwynn using Aluneth… which makes one wonder if atypical architecture is a reflection of the true plane of order, which is where Aluneth was summoned from.

On this note, I just want to point out that Stormwind and Lordearon are still intrinsically related. Hell, Exploring EK ends with us discovering that the crown of Terenas was in Stormwind all along. I mean, that little detail was pretty awesome.


I desperately wish there were more cool libraries in game.

I had a RP event set there as hosted by my Belf Lock (Blood Mage) where wed go over lore ICly. I got absurdly good at speed running that raid so I could clear out the library.

Nothing else I could find really had that vibe of books just everywhere.


If ever Stormwind gets updated the Royal Library would be a perfect place to start. Hell, if we ever get some sort of time travel expansion we could have it show the event of Gorefiend stealing the Book of Medivh.


given what we’ve learned, was it metaphorically?


There seemed to be quite a few points in that book hyping up the Stormwind & Lordaeron connection. Terenas’ Crown, the city bells & Flynn’s comment about much of Stormwind’s population coming from Lordaeron.


I still desperately hope Silvermoon gets a similar update.

It remains sad to me that was the place to be when I was playing WoW. The multiple banks, AHs and general calm vibe really made it a hub of player activity.

Now it and the Exodar are functionally abandoned.

Seriously I took out Velen for the achievement with three people in Legion. Just 3. Probably took us 40 minutes. Just a tank, a DPS and me healing.

Nobody noticed.


I personally think each city needed its own Darkmoon style event. Where we get quests, new rewards and city related activity. Hell, just a “if you rest in this city you get 100% more rested exp/100% more rep”.


That would be cool but they seem to be on the war march to make the factions less diverse and interesting.

I got into the truly bizarre habit of going to Silvermoon from Orgrimmar to Tirisfal (the orb just takes you to the time displaced version) to STV anytime I needed to get to the southern EK. Which for a RPer was quite often.

Even in BFA while Dazar’Alor looked cool that damn sharding would frequent make people you were talking to just vanish into a different version and Org is low on places to chill. So back to Booty Bay.

The irony was this allegedly was done to make the world feel bigger. And instead it just made it more obtuse.

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WoW ran into a problem that has plagued all successful MMOs since before they had graphics. A growing world leaves older zones feeling dead.

You can try to solve it by sending people back for one reason or another, or you can ignore the older zones by giving people everything they need in new zones. WoW tried to manage it with free use portals in Dalaran, and keeping vanilla cities relevant through quest stuff and the like. Then the cata revamp made everywhere somewhat relevant again, and new races meant new levelers. But sharding helped to reduce the dead feeling. Level boosts made less levelers in old content. Dungeonfinder and BG leveling even moreso. Reducing the relevant cities to an expansion hub and a faction hub per faction just became the simplest solution. One of the earlier steps toward making the overworld irrelevant.

Yeah, I agree.
Lordaeron will forever be the absolute symbol of humanity in Warcraft, as it is the reason the Alliance exists, the birthplace of the Knights of the Silver Hand as well as other amazing human heroes, among other (but not less important) things.

Lordaeron proved to be Stormwind’s staunchest ally. Terenas accepted the refugees with open arms, he was like a second father to Varian and even helped them rebuilt their kingdom. Keeping Terenas’ crown and the remaining survivors of Lordaeron safe is the least that Stormwind could do.

Even though I find Stormwind to be very bland compared to rest of the human kingdoms, I really dig the shared history with Lordaeron. It’s a relationship of mutual respect.

Even if we don’t get a full world revamp soon, at the very least, I hope they will update the capitals…it will do wonders.