Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

The only original plan was probably for them to be like the defilers in AB. Just set dressing walking around… because warfronts were originally supposed to be PvP.

It is effectively what makes it fun for everyone involved.

we know for a long time allready that alleria is the heir of quel’Thalas after the end of the royal bloodline of the sunstrider, this is nothing new, its an old topic.

I’d argue its always been speculated. Personally I had always hoped the idea of, ‘Ranger-General,’ being a hereditary position was just headcanon or some little bit of lore that got snuck in somewhere and hadn’t been vetted. Now it’s a key part of a character’s development and a novel.

I just don’t like the fact that Quel’Thalas has even more ties to the Alliance. Lor’themar just needs to reorganize it into a republic already, or claim the Throne.


we know it since tides of darkness. a small sentence, an unimportant sentence even, in this Novel, but it has been known for a long time.

Maybe for PVP’ers. What if you could care less for PVP? At that point it is simply tedious and annoying.

Just checked to see if I had any of those, is it really down to just two leaders? Lor’themar and Rohkan?

The void even plays on the fact that Alleria is the true heir to the throne, but as long as Lor’Themar remains the regent, everything is fine, because Lor’Themar is the regent appointed by the last Sunstrider heir, who said that Quel’Thalas will never have another king.

This is the basis of Lor’Themar’s political power. He cannot found a dynasty, he is forbidden to do so, if he wants to invoke Kael’Tha’s appointment as Lord Regent.

this was known since the wc2-novels that the ranger general is a hereditary position aswell. Everyone expected from alleria to take over…but she didn´t want tho, even if she was the most talented windrunner ever born, she still didnt´want this kind of “position”, its limited her freedom to do what she want…so the next in line was apointed…sylvanas.

she liked to travel in forein countrys or protect the borders outside of quel’Thalas as part of the farstrider, the ranger general didn´t allow her to continue such things.


She wasn’t. Sylvanas was.

It’s been clear since EoN that Sylvanas was the most talented archer in the family and War Crimes also says this from Veressa’s PoV.


sorry…but this is still allerias story…the most talented windrunner ever born…thats even how metzen descripted her. and metzen was the inventor of both…

That’s not canon, not anymore. Alleria is not the most talented Windrunner, not by a longshot.

She was just the firstborn.

Sylvanas didn’t steal Alleria’s story either.

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most talented archer still “alive”, its an huge difference, because alleria at this time didn´t counted as allive…and we didn´t know if she was allive or not…but between all three

Alleria was the most talented and gifted fighter and the big hope of the windrunner family…but she didn´t want to lead the position as ranger general, because its limited her personal freedom. She was the farstrider…the one who defend qt in forein borders…if nessecary.

Its still canon. Sylvanas was count the biggest archer of the windrunner still alive, but during this time…alleria wasn´t for sure alive…vereesa even wish a few times that alleria would be alive.

She ´s still the most gifted fighter and talent of the windrunner family, thats her story.

“Alleria was expected to succeed her mother as Silvermoons ranger-general, but Alleria herself had little use for the expectations or traditions of the high elves. She instead focused on practical matters and chose to become one of the Farstriders, a group of rangers that fought for her people all across Azeroth. She made a name for herself after a number of quick, decisive victories. Alleria’s sister Sylvanas would one day rise to leadership in her stead. Alleria would go on to achieve the rank of a Farstrider ranger-captain.”

Then don’t invade the capitals designed for enemy players, and slay their leaders?

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This is purely your headcanon and you should let it go, or stop treating it as fact.

Alleria is a good archer, but it’s absolutely evident that she’s not the best.

Lorethemar is a better living archer than Alleria and so is Halduron.


i quoted you the source material above. Tales of the Hunt

Except Kael’thas was the King. The idea of Quel’Thalas never having another king after Anasterian was already out the window by the time of BC when Kael was being referred to as the, ‘Sun King.’

Rommath has made it clear it is within Lor’themar’s power to create a new dynasty by naming himself King. Lor’themar just doesn’t want to.

Now it’s leaving this gaping loophole open, and I don’t like it. That’s just my two cents on it. Feels like it’ll be used as some stupid excuse in the next faction conflict expansion to put up a Quel’Thalas warfront. Or, heaven forbid, they make the factions neutral and then have Alleria take up the mantle of Ranger-General once someone over in Quel’Thalas realizes the Void Elves aren’t a threat to the Sunwell so long as they’re not near it.

It just feels like an open-door for bad writing. Quel’Thalas belongs with the Horde, so cut all these little strings tying it to the Alliance already.


How much fun would it be to be able to spend 70 Billion just to tell Danuser and Golden to make Vareesa the best or get fired!

:smiley: :laughing: :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face: :skull: :ghost:


thats wrong, simply wrong, alleria is the most gifted fighter and archer of all rangers …even sylvanas admitted this…multiple times.

here, a quote from sylvanas: “Your heart flew straight as any arrow upon the wind, sister. You were the brightest of our Order. You were the most beloved of our kin.”

That sounds like a commentary on her demeanor.


Technically yes, but Lor’Themar’s entire power is based on the fact that he is not king, but only regent, and that there is no king in QT anymore.

This is a limitation of his power - politically - and believe me, there are more than enough nobles in QT who would like to have the power they once had. i mean, we even get hints in the starting area that such elves exist…and we even have hints that not all elves like lor’Themar as leader

i don´t expect another faction war to be honest, i don´t think blizz can affort this.

that text doesn’t say Alleria was the best living archer, it says she was a formidable leader.

Your Alleria fantasies are delusions at this point.

All your headcanons are moot because in this Sylvanas novel Alleria would be dead if it wasn’t for the fact her sister Sylvanas, the best archer in the family, didn’t save her from Mauler. Alleria could not fell the beast with one arrow but Sylvanas could and Sylvanas was much younger and she wasn’t even a farstrider at that point.

Allera failed her test to become Ranger General, on a very surface archery level. That doesn’t mean that everyone didn’t have faith in her though, but she was absolutely not the best at anything.