Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

It always bothered me. The Horde’s reasons for not liking Death Knights should be different from the Alliance’s. Possibly because to them it’s a relic of Gul’dan’s magic and a reminder of their time under Legion control.

Especially since according to this book, one of the reasons it was apparently easier for the Forsaken to approach the Horde is because the Horde didn’t have any significant experience with the Scourge, unlike the Alliance.


Yeah they really should have sent you to Silvermoon. It wouldve been closer and the Belves actually have a reason to fear the Scourge.

You’d think the Orcs would’ve been more excited at the prospect of something tough to smack around if anything. I just don’t picture them as cowering and throwing fruit.


I would say the devs at blizzard enjoyed it because they enjoy destroying the night elves and they keep do things like this to them or trying to do things like this, but I don’t think regular sane people would enjoy rounding up civilians to kill them or find that kind of thing fun.

I think the only reason the forsaken are there is because they left undercity for org and then night elves/forsaken are kind of the rts combo that would go against each other, was the arathis WF mostly orcs/trolls/tauren vs humans? I think these were more just the rts match ups they didn’t really think about much.


It’s all RP. If I said my human was from Stormwind that’d be RP too, because the game deliberately doesn’t assign you a nationality, just a residence.

Saying your Forsaken character is from Lordaeron is also RP. Heck, saying your Worgen character is from Gilneas is RP. Maybe you were a Kul’tiran who got stuck behind the wall and had to make the best of it, or maybe you were an SI:7 spy gathering intelligence from behind the wall.

The only reason that anyone has to try and pigeonhole the origins of any given playable race, especially races like Humans, Undead, Dwarves, Trolls, and Orcs who have a history of diversity, is to troll.

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I’ve been playing Call Of Duty all day and have now caught up on the thread. Seems like Golden has seen atleast some of it since she’s replied to Ren on Twitter.


It’s a shame that there wasn’t some kind of bonus campaign in WC3 that took place in Stormwind after the fall of the Northern Kingdoms. Where it could have introduced characters like Varian & Bolvar amongst some others. Seeing their reactions to what happened as well as what was going on in Stormwind with the threats affecting them. Including the threat of Duskwood which you’d think would be horrifying to the people of Stormwind & the refugees who made it south. Seeing Undead & other nightmarish things overtaking an entire region of the Kingdom.


Stormwind feels like it’s missing a big chunk of history. AFAIK, nothing happens for the place in between Warcraft 1 and WoW except that it gets rebuilt. I feel like there should be more explanation for that. The place got rebuilt perfectly fine and was repopulated without problem. It could probably have interesting events happen then similar to how Orgrimmar was built.


I apparently can’t like another post for 7 hours otherwise I would like yours.

And yeah it seemed they wanted their WC3 Nelves VS Scourge throwback. But outside Abominations the Forsaken don’t use much in the way of Scourge tech. Their actual troops are sharpshooters, apothecaries, regular old knights but spooky and your standard sword and board guardsmen.

The weird Scourge stuff they had laying around was just weird. Like there’s one gargoyle at base that’s just kinda there. They don’t even let you use a meat wagon even though I know they had an animation for one but that got sawed off and stapled to the WC3 Reforged pre-order.

And also the Bilgewater were there and their mechs were far and away the most fun hero unit to use. I played that damn mini game more than I should’ve to get the cloth and mail armor sets.

I’ve a thing for Plague Doctors and man that mail set is so dsmn cool I rolled a 2nd Hunter just to play survival and use the halbred that came with it. My undead main Hunter is a cowboy from Westfall and just didn’t feel right in uniform.

It was just such a half baked idea. I’m the type of guy who’ll come up with wild ideas overexamining Forsaken buildings for what does and doesn’t have a bed. And I couldn’t squeeze any extra enjoyment out of it. Because there were no insights into Forsaken society not already self evident or presumable.

Like yeah I just sorta figured they’d have calvary. Don’t get me wrong it was cool to see it. Even if the NPC would glitch out like 7/10 times and just do the sprint animation. Which was indeed entertaining just not in the intended way.

Emboldened by the return of their heroic king, Varian Wrynn, the proud humans of Stormwind led the Alliance to victory in its war against the dreaded Lich King.

We all tell ourselves sweet little lies.


“of X” denotes residence. Come on dude.

Why do you even care this much about where player characters originate from. Player characters aren’t even characters

Yeah every intro and description of the playable human faction links them to Stormwind’s history and explicitly says they’re of there.

But I’m sure you’re meant to interrupt that as meaning they’re all secretly Lordaeronian. Sure, why not.

And Forsaken males hunch because their titanium balls tend to pull them toward that direction.


Because that’s where most current humans currently reside. This is not hard. This is basic language dude.

I’m from Toronto. What you’re doing is the equivalent of after me moving to Vancouver, you then ask me “how can you be from Toronto? This is Vancouver”

I didn’t say they were all from Lordaeron, I said that nationality is never made explicit, only residence. Probably because it’s a role playing game.

I ask you again, why do you care so much where player characters come from? It has literally no effect on the lore at all because player characters aren’t even characters.

As far as I can tell, it’s because of this:

Or are you just inexplicably threatened by the idea of a Human player character from Lordaeron? I’m not threatened by the idea of a Forsaken player character from wherever you want them to be, including Lordaeron.

I was referring to the pre WotC novelization, although what came after was probably far worse (especially when we hit 4e’s convention). I guess another way to put it would be that FR’s novelization consistently came at a cost to the setting.


Seems par for the course to me.

There’s a lot that could have been done in a story talking about Stormwind’s rebuilding. I could see it being somewhat of a “Wild” Frontier. At least to an extent anyway. Especially seeing some of the frontiersmen/settlers from the north that decided to move south and start a new life after the War.

There’s also the fact that at least in it’s ingame model, it looks almost identical or very similar to Stratholme. An ingame reference to that or in some story would be interesting as well. Especially if that was done on purpose or influenced by King Terenas and others.


Especially since Karazhan suggests a contrast between Stormwind’s pre-First War architecture and its post-Second War restoration. Most of rebuilt Stormwind’s architectural styles are the same as Lordaeron’s, with the sole except of lower Karazhan, which has an architectural style not seen anywhere else.


Nah I just like giving you ish because you’re still in a mood about how they made your favorite WC2 faction into a bunch of goth plaguepunk lunatics.

They do shout SW from the God damn rooftops about everything though. And I get why they picked it. It made the most sense lorewise, it is just meta wise the first human city ever created, it’s got a cool name and it’s more generic nature should’ve allowed it to be the staging ground that could ease people into more high concept stuff like the Draenei, Kaldorei, Gnomes, etc.

Thats what I find so baffling about the Alliance. The Orcs are the glue that holds everything together and would be the frontman if the Horde was a band. So much so thats literally the case with the Tauren Chieftains.

But they don’t really tend to dominate stories. Everybody gets something to do in the Horde. Well except the Tauren but Baine can be said to at least be there.

I kinda thought some players were exaggerating but the Worgen, the most interesting looking faction in the Alliance, are basically back up dancers who’s coolest stuff is in Stormheim, Booty Bay and Horde Silverpine.


A lot of you are pointing at Golden. Yeh, she has her name on it. But let’s not forget, she follows what the story team tells her. This is Danuser’s world. “Ugly guy” getting accepted by the hot elf? This is a fetish.

But at the end of the day, it’s just people working for a paycheck, they don’t have a story to tell.

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Criticizing Golden for WoW’s direction is unfair and misguided, and I have said as much several times. Criticizing Golden for her own novel is totally fair.


Yeah, I was hoping to see more kind of unit tech in that warfront. I know night elves used like Chimera in WC3 and there was a rare chimera to kill in the outside world, but I don’t remember what units the night elves had other than the regular mounted troops, archers and the trees? Did the forsaken have their regular plague catapults? They definitely should have had the meat wagon since that was literally just an in game mount.

I feel they could have done so much more in terms of unit type diversity, and it seemed like they were going to try to make it feel more like an in game rts, but they just kind of scrapped it halfway through and just used very basic units, when it could have been a chance to show off unique racial tech, but warfronts, like a lot of their ideas lately, feels kind of half finished and then they just abandoned it instead of trying to expand/improve it.

MoP scenarios were something I thought they would expand on more to add more lore into the game because a big complaint was things happening in outside material, so add something to the game of maybe Garrosh and Cairne’s duel or other important event that they don’t really want to build a whole questline around, but they can be isolate in their own scenario you play through and can go back to, to get a better idea of what is happening if you are curious.

But that like WF they like to say are expansion specific things, when it’s more like they are scrapped ideas because the version they added wasn’t popular and they usually try to force people to do them a lot like early island in bfa or torghast, torghast I thought was great but I think people burnt out quickly on it having to do 6 floors twice on each character, it just became too much. I think it’s much better now and I still think it’s a great idea but I feel they are just going to scrap this for the next expansion, much like scenarios and warfronts.


Golden how did you come up with War Crimes
“I personally investigated the Nuremberg Trials and shaped the story accordingly”
But Golden you put the victims on trial too, what are you implying
“I am beholden to CDev and do not have any control over shaping the story”

Same nonsense when Calia happened