Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Because it be bad for revenue, and investors would not permit it. Remember, the bottom line is… the bottom line. They have to pretend this was the plan all along.

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This or butt scratching noises :rofl:


Has Doness learned Domination Magic?


I felt really guilty. Golden made me feel guilty, and she just liked my apology tweet and this felt like a betrayal. I’m a good woman who honours my word. >.< I just am terrible at keeping secrets and I want to tell my friends everything. I’m so torn by peer pressure.

I told Baal in private and that doesn’t feel so much like a betrayal, at least I told someone and got it off my chest, secrets eat me up inside.


I was watching old lore videos and a moment stuck out at me. It was from a Blizzcon story panel interview after Wrath.

I’d actually never noticed this but in the Frost Troll dungeon Gundrak there is a gigantic snake tail going all the way up to the ceiling and out of the view of the player.

The guy who asked the question had even gone to the trouble of printing out a large picture of the serpent tail.

And they admitted they had zero clue what it was. It was there because it looked cool. That was it. That was the reasoning.

These were the ‘good old days’ with Metzen keep in mind.

I just sorta asked myself;

Why are we doing this?

In regards to this whole story forum thing. This isn’t new. The game seems to have contempt for anyone actually paying close attention. In a better designed game an eagle eyed player noticing this detail (that I never once did despite doing that dungeon more times than I can count) would’ve maybe been on to something interesting.

But in WoW, it’s just set dressing. There is no award for paying attention. There is no reward for thinking about all the plotlines and character motivations and where they could go.

I’m laughing about it. But; Turns out it’s eels is what it’s always been. None of this has added up. None of this has ever been deliberate or well thought out.

It’s always been just w/e the writer, designer, artist etc. thought was cool at the time. With no thought to the grander story or context given by much of anyone if anyone at all.


But thats just not true. There are tons of reasonable excuses for why this story sucked. There are tons of more important things Blizzard had to worry about, and tons of unprecidented challenges, and none of them would have made us collectively accept nothing as a product during this time. Blizzard had to move forward with SL, and while they definitely made mistakes, we dont know what they cut, what they rewrote, or why. And we don’t necessarily deserve to. Simply admitting that SL was bad, explaining that there were so many hurdles and ensuring us that they did their best considering, to bring us a fun expansion (and it mostly was) despite those challenges; that they know they could have and should have done better, and that they intend to… maybe explaining steps that they are taking to future proof this franchise against this kind of disaster in the future… would go a long way to restoring trust.

Heck, all Domino’s Pizza had to do was admit their pizza sucked and come up with a new sauce to remain relevant.


I know and this makes me feel like I waste so much time. I’ve taken a hiatus from my speculations because there is no payoff. It’s like Pyromancer, he had a meltdown about the same thing. We can toil to pull every single string together and the cdevs could turn around and be like “what strings?”

We are lucky if we get something that actually pays off in this franchise.


The big thing for me is they need to stop saying they didn’t cut anything. We watched them cut things. We see that there was supposed to be a bigger story here. There are so many loose ends that just got dropped. I could make a list.

  • Bwonsamdi and Muehzala
  • Wild Gods and Loa being devoured by Mawsworn
  • Odyn’s past deals with the jailer
  • The Forge of Souls being used a place to forge weapons for the Legion
  • Maldraxxus incursions on the Legion
  • The Jailer’s expiriments with Domination magic
  • Sire Denathrius’s Expiriments that angered the Light

I have the feeling Ego is the answer. (I don’t mean Kurt Russell’s character in Guardians 2)


I think the Booty Bay questline knocked me on my butt the way it did because that’s one of the few times I’ve seen a small detail get expanded on.

I’d made my Worgen Pirate after revisiting Classic and I’d noticed a lot of the pirates were from Gilneas. Pretty small quest detail I certainly hadn’t remembered. It was just throwaway flavor text I wouldn’t expect anyone to remember that I decided was a cool origin for my character.

So I was floored they’d actually followed up with it in the Booty Bay questline. The world now had a huge werewolf pirate problem.

But now I really do figure they’d just decided to go with werewolf pirates. Because yeah that is certainly a cool idea. And it just so happened they’d incidentally set that up in Vanilla. Somebody noticed and they ran with it.


I want to make a pirate worgen rogue so bad, I actually considered it.

That explains Ripsnarl.

I had A LOT of fun in Kul Tiras, let me tell you that.

Because I could now add ‘Witch Hunter’ to the Werewolf Pirate. And ish. Werewolf Pirate Witch Hunter sounds like a game idea in itself.

As in a werewolf that’s a pirate who hunts witches. A guy that hunts pirates, witches and werewolves is just Bloodborne I think.

Plus I always had very small mogged claw weapons so it always looked like he was just slashing them. That and him just pulling a pistol was such a cool vibe.


Even moreso (and I think we all knew this was coming in one way, shape or form since the Kerrigan 2.0 accusations started being thrown around) Sylvanas is Christ. Or in this case, an anti-christ but not the Anti-christ. She’s an almost immortal being who is made death, and sent to hell to capture the keys of death and hades to free us all from the grave. Even though they fiddled with it a lot to make the narrative almost un-navigable, they had keyframes they had to include because they just couldn’t abandon them. Sylvanas is the free-will Christ, and she is going into hell to save souls from damnation domination. Though it is a crucifix she is nailed to by Tyrande, it is a punishment to which she submitted herself. Sure, there was a lot of “let this cup pass from me” but in the end its a “do what it is you must do”.

Of course Blizzard will pull a John of Patmos and have the lamb return in the clouds with a double edged sword coming out of her mouth.


Would be cool if they had Bolvar and the Four Horsemen help her

A whole joint effort of the Ebon Blade who still wield domination magic



You could get them to come back you up in Torghast as a DK.

That was neat at least.

Im with you. Im sad we didnt explore the drust more fully in SL. Since pvp queues are unbearable horde side, Ive pretty much become Worgen exclusive and I would’ve crapped my pants if they gave Worgen druids access to wicker beast forms after a Thros origin revelation.

Oh yeah for sure it’s ego, they will never admit they made a mistake or that a change in direction is good. This was a 2019 Q&A:

Ion: I understand you want to play with the opposite faction and it would be easier for you, but mechanically, it is a pillar of what makes Warcraft Warcraft. That division has value, although we do want to look for ways for you to play with lots of people. However, formal cross-faction play is not in the cards.


GamesBeat: Talking about community requests and maybe stubbornness, is something like cross-faction raiding a bit more on the radar as a possibility these days?

Hazzikostas: I’d say that is a bit more on the radar, yes. That’s one of those areas where, a lot of things to solve, a lot of things to figure out to make it happen, but at the end of the day, if Jaina and Thrall are working alongside each other in the raid, why can’t Alliance and Horde players also work alongside each other in that raid, especially when we know it’s going to solve a lot of the social problems people are grappling with? Particularly trying to keep a high-end Alliance guild together in North America or a Horde one in Oceania.


They like to at least give the impression that they are always in control and everything is planned out, so they could never be wrong and it was always part of the plan. Just like Shadowlands always being planned as a play in 3 acts (or whatever Danuser said), while you have Ion admitting in 9.1 that a lot of the major narrative decisions didn’t even come together for 9.1 until the beginning of that year.

“But, the specific details of the twists and turns the story is going to take, who the bosses in the Raid are, even some of the major narrative moments that we’re going to see play out in the coming weeks are things that came together at the end of last year, and the beginning of this year.”

(I’m also using this post for a reference for myself because I keep forgetting to save these links)


What would justify genocide, theres nothing that does

I don’t know what you mean by rivalry, there is no rivalry there, it’s more like enmity.

A rivalry would mean they have a common goal and compete for it, but there is no such thing.

I don’t think they felt they needed justification for a genocide.

The Orcs did it to the Draenei on the original Draenor. Then the orcs did it to Stormwind in Warcraft 1. Warcraft 3 had Arthas dealing it to Stratholme, Lorderon, and then Silvermoon.

Teldrassil was the first time they tried it live in Wow and on a playable race. The previous ones had been in the RTS or backstory. I don’t think they appreciated the difference in the experiences it brought about. The backlash and continued anger over it metaphorically caught the entire team with their pants down.