Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

All those have justification tho, and they all suck, orcs did it cause a spirit told them dranei where gonna kill them all, Arthas did it cause he has to save his kingdom, and then he went pure evil.

I just dont see eels or not anything that people would actually like, cause theres nothing that does it, you cant be like yes, this thing is worth destroying a whole people

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I caught up!

…From what I got, I’m mostly surprised by how little I was surprised by here (some details, maybe, lookin’ at you, eels).

Sylvanas viewing everything through the lense of how it relates to her or is like something she experienced seems on brand.

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I’ll never understand why they thought this would go over well.

Who was it fun for? All of my Darnassus memories involve attacking it. And even I was sad to see her go because it was a fun place to attack. I’ll never forget one time when we summoned the whole raid while hiding underwater. There was a single Nelf player fishing off the pier. I like to imagine it bobbed right as an entire Horde raid party charged from out of nowhere.

Not to mention this is a game where people have had funerals, started friendships and even met spouses. At least one person probably met their wife in Darnassus.

Obviously destroying something like that is going to cause a pretty visceral reaction. The fact they pulled the trigger on it while having no plan, no meaningful way to address or rectify it, nor even any real point to doing it in the story remains one of the most baffling things I’ve seem.

It’s not surprising a lot of Nelf fans seemed to think this was done specifically to piss them off. Because the sheer bone headed manner this was conducted is so inept it feels contemptuous.


True. Even suggesting it is murder for a morally grey universe. Thats why you dont say the G word, if you are cdev.

But i didnt mean just justification. Explanation? I mean, we know Thanos is the bad guy, but we also know why he did the snap and how he got there. And that wasnt even out of character.

If you arent going to offer deeper insight, why write the book at all?

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None of the previous ones I mentioned caused anywhere near the backlash or anger that Teldrassil did. Sure there were some players that RP’ed anger over it but you didn’t have the type of mass reaction that Teldrassil did.

They were in a good spot after Legion which was widely considered a “Break Glass in Emergency” expansion and they promptly flushed it with one pre-expansion event.

I guess what I am trying to say is they didn’t expect it to have the lasting impact it did. And when it did they had no idea how to handle it going forward.


Worse than that… I think they took it personally. Instead of letting people be angry. Instead of letting people be emotional, and still following through with the story they obviously had planned that would explain everything, they became afraid of their own vision.

That or they wanted to, or had to wipe Afrasiabi’s fingerprints off of as much as possible.


But it did, sylvanas was sad that families didnt stay together in the afterlife

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Add in everything Ve’nari

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Yeah, obviously they didn’t have any plan for the burning, it was probably just going to be forgotten immediately after. I’ve been saying this since 8.1, especially in that interview, when they said “Tyrande got her revenge for the night elves” with the extremely lame showing of the night warrior where she needed Malfurion to save her from Nathanos.

This is probably why Tyrande doesn’t do anything in all of BfA after 8.1 because they had nothing planned for her or the night elves and were focused on Saurfang, Sylvanas and Anduin, not the actual people they just had go through a genocide.

This is also why Tyrande feel entirely pointless to shadowlands and is only in a minor side story that impacts nothing, disappears for most of 8.0, shows up for a little in 8.1 and then is again absent (until the very end) of 8.2.

I don’t think they planned anything for the night warrior beyond using it as an excuse to give night elves black eyes customization, to match the blood elves getting golden eyes in 8.0. I don’t think they planned anything else for the night elves after burning the tree and just doing the warfront in 8.1 and it was just going to be forgotten while the night elves remained hobos in stormwind.


thats is sadly true…

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When you put it like that, it almost feels like Sylvanas in fact won and accomplished her goals.

If the Jailer and Valkyr used some sort of primitive life form to display the unfairness of the Afterlife system… if Sylvanas worked with the Jailer because the Afterlife system she saw was unfair… if she worked to free the Jailer to overhaul the system that subjected the cosmos… well, her efforts did lead to that.

The previous Arbiter that doled out afterlives was taken out. It now has been replaced by one that was not just simply placed in the position by the Eternal Ones - but also living mortals, as well as mortals who have died and are in their afterlives. Mortals had a hand in placing this Arbiter, and that likely was not the case before.

If the impetus of her choice was to change the way souls were judged and ordered, her efforts did bring that about.

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In the interview prior to Darkshore being released, Danuser admitted that they had no plans for Tyrande outside of sitting around in stormwind (Maiev was going to be the NW). The entire storyline exists due to fan backlash. Ironically as much as they probably are tired of writing a continuation of the Teldrassil story, they keep doing such a bad job at it that fan backlash forces them to write more quests and dialogue.

Those tone-deaf idiots had freaking death camps in the first version of Darkshore. Stupid mistakes and lazy writing keeps giving people ammunition with the belief that Blizzard hates night elves and enjoys twisting the knife in fans. It’s already established that they play faviorites, but intentional malice towards subjects of fans? That kind of behavior usually gets people fired.


Not only that, but she’s also responsible for destroying wowhell.

Good on her.

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The maw still exists, but curse is right about the first thing, I think.

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Yeah even the WoT was going to be worse for night elves, and 8.1 they were literally called “death camps”. Ian also pointed this out.

Yeah, I don’t believe they had anything planned for the night elves, as they’ve only been using them to show up and get killed or job usually. They’ve been the punching bags of wow since cata. Even every “victory” like they securing the divine bell in MoP or “winning” Darkshore comes with the night elves being extremely punished afterwars like horde slaying all the sentinels who got the bell and then walking into darnassus easily and stealing the bell, or they went out of their way in Exploring Kalimdor to say while the night elves got darkshore it’s just a blighted ruin now.

Interesting thing to keep in mind too the divine bell thing was going to be much worse for the night elves, the horde was going to ring the bell in the city and cause tons of chaos that basically destroyed the city.

I don’t know why they hate the night elves so much but this is just their default mode for whenever they have them show up. If people didn’t call them out for continually trashing the night elves it would have been so much worse.


Was the Horde going to do it? I thought it was just going to be a thing they walked into like when Aethas and Rommath nearly tear each other’s heads off once the thing is in Silvermoon.

The physical realm will (most likely) still exist, but Pelagos is very anti-Maw for anyone and Sylvanas is tasked with clearing out every soul there so it’s not going to be used anymore.

(Boy I’m getting really bad about just making a single post response instead of being a double posting loser.)

Yeah, horde was suppose to ring it in the city basically to test it out. This also explains Jaina’s reaction better. This though was from (I think) Anne Stickney’s tumblr when talking to Kosak about it.


Yes. It was supposed to be another “just as planned” moment for Garrosh. It would have been the second city after Theramore he leveled.

Cataclysm is when Kosak joined the company as a writer. Also the infamous Blizzcon for Cataclysm happened and they let the WC2 Horde fanboys in the company unmuzzle themselves.


I actually thought too when he finally left it was going to get better for night elves, it couldn’t get worse for them right? Jokes on me.

so that means that shes gonna have to save arthas lol