Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

My position is Shaw knew about Garithos and spat on his grave, while Kristoff reminisced about the time spent with him. Garithos doesn’t come in 15+ years of Alliance questing.

Anything else would be you filling plot holes. The very same thing you’re accusing others of.


So the Alliance knew about what the Forsaken did to Garithos, got it.


What if the Lava eels ate Garithos?


What if Murlocs are Dreadlords :scream:


Now we would be in serious trouble.

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It was Dreadlords pretending to be Lava Eels pretending to be Murlocs who vored Garithos


… and apparantly didn’t care, got it. F Garithos, btw.

Again, no one cares about Garithos. What people would care about is an Alliance commander was killed by Sylvanas and her forces.


His lower jaw looks like a toilet bowl. Just saying.

Then those murlocs are also dreadlords.

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Much like the Horde logo does

You’re being very obtuse. We’ve known Kristoff has known since wayyyyy back in the day, we’ve known that Shaw spat on his grave since last year.

Are you ready to move on to the crux of our discussion or are you still gonna play dumb?

Nah, the Horde symbol is the Draenei seal of the naaru in reverse (when you activate gift of the naaru).

Ainhin unironically cares about Garithos and there’s like almost 20 years of whining on lore forums about it


The Alliance didn’t care about Garithos enough to seek revenge or anything. But that doesn’t mean the Alliance is required to entertain any emissary from a faction that literally just stabbed them in the back.


I care less about Garithos and more about the actions of the Forsaken. One of the most consistent ways that people try to cover for the Forsaken’s actions in this scenario is to try and make it about Garithos and how terrible he was and how if you don’t think the Forsaken’s actions were good and justified you must love Garithos.


No one cared to avenge Garithos. What they cared about was an Alliance/Forsaken partnership ended with the Alliance being betrayed and slaughtered.


It’s the only angle they got. Have pity on them.

That’s more of a Blood Elf thing, don’t you think?

The problem is that you also have a history of defending his attitude and behavior towards Kael’thas, so you actually really do love Garithos

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