Damn you guys completely turned around from “this book is an abomination” to “how can you not understand the nuanced prose of this tome” and all it took was for you to think you found some forum ammunition
Keep living that dream Zerde.
Unless the proclamation matches what you already believe because you are utterly shameless
Anduin can’t. At this point the only ones who have a claim to the throne are Calia or her daughter.
Of course, now that Calia has given up said claim, Lordearon is effective a free for all to whoever has the might to claim it.
Golden asked someone to take down spoilers in a thread I was tagged in over that was ranting about lava eel vore as the impetus for Night Elf genocide
I hate everything about this
Lilian Voss is revealed to be the daughter of Calia and that’s why Benedictus took her in long ago
(Not real but imagine, spicy)
If you get banned from Twitter over eel vore Baal…
Unless I proclaimed something you think I did, because you’re not keeping up.
Nah Twitter doesn’t punish people posting about vore or spoilers uwu
Stop being weird about Christie Golden.
His opinion isnt wrong. It was the kind of biggoted, shortsighted, spiteful policy decision someone with few advisors, no strategic thought and no wisdom to see how cornering the very animal he was now getting into bed with would somehow backfire on him.
Garithos: Screw you witch. I hope the Dreadlords keep Lordaeron and the scourge eat you
Sylvanas: What if we help you kill the Dreadlord and scourge in Lordaeron and then go be homeless so the remaining scourge can slaughter us?
Garithos: Now your talking. Deal.
Guys what if the Lava Eels were Dreadlords
That’s the exact opposite of what happened. I posted the dialogue verbatim upthread
My god what is with you people
It’s dreadlords all the way down
You’re still aren’t keeping up, but I’ll leave that between you and Maw.
It’s truly nutty. Shaw knows how Garithos died, so clearly he has info about it. And we as players literally witness it happen in WC3. So we know for a fact that the first Alliance and Sylvanas partnership ended with the Sylvanas betraying them. Meanwhile, we don’t actually know how the forsaken emissaries were killed. It was left vague which is lame as hell. I don’t mind the Alliance killing those emissaries, as long as the Forsaken betraying the Alliance at Lordaeron was acknowledged as the reason why they were killed.
Here we can politely disagree. The vagueries of Vanilla to MoP weren’t the problem. The lore is better served when facts are heavily implied without the need to be outright stated.
The problems began when Blizzard started to rely on outright statements because they also started withholding any information.
BfA wasn’t bad because Sylvanas’s motives were vague, because nothing was vague. Instead, we were simply told nothing. Wait and see. Why Teldrassil? Wait and see, no hints at all. What’s her goal? Wait and see, no hints at all.
Then Shadowlands was the same. What’s Zovaal’s goal? To remake a broken system. That isn’t a vague statement; it’s a nothing statement. Remake what system? How is it broken? Who broke it? It’s a statement that tells you nothing at all. Because Blizzard wants us to wait, so they can tell us the whole thing at once.
We need a return to vagueness with implied truth, and to do away with nothingburger non-hints so we can wait and see.
Welcome to the story forums, where something being confirmed means it never happened, and something being left vague means we know exactly what happened
It’s truly a sight to behold.
Ain, be careful!! Stretching that far for some utter dribble might throw your shoulder out!!
Maybe try for something closer to reality next time.