You’re holding Garithos up as some great guy that makes earnest deals that the Alliance is privy to without any proof what so ever. The ironic part is you’re getting on Ren for the exact same thing you’re doing in our conversation.
Shaw doesn’t mention a deal with Sylvanas in Exploring EK, he only brings him up to mention how badly Lordaeron’s surviving leadership screwed the pooch with the blood elves
If they were that privy to the whole thing I’m sure Scarlet propaganda in game would be plastered with Vengeance for Lord Garithos nonsense
And yet Shaw mentions he knows how he died(his end was terrible) which means he knows the Forsaken/Sylvanas killed him. That has got to give warning bells to anyone.
Well, see here DIF, nuanced language and implicit meaning only matters when it looks better for the Alliance and worse for the Horde. If it looks worse for the Alliance or better for the Horde, then nuance is irrelevant and it must be spelled out entirely.
Shaw probably found out everything about Garithos from the papers in the diplomatic satchel stuck between a crocolisk’s teeth in Wetlands.
And the Alliance knew about Garithos. So the Alliance, had they actually done it, would have done it justfiably and we can blame this whole thing on Sylvanas.
Thats all good! Thats great, and Im surprised Golden managed to not muck it up, either having Sylvanas kill the emmisaries herself or having Forsaken CSI determin that it was Varian himself. Being rejected, FORSAKEN, is their motivation. It doesnt have to be a good motivation. It doesnt have to be clean. It’s just a victimhood identity and it has real world parallels.
“Killing diplomats is justifiable because of an unrelated conflict with”
Also if it was common knowledge that Garithos tried to have the blood elves slaughtered in the alliance’s name the night elves going on the warpath in the blood elf intro in BC makes negative sense
Because this is how Warcraft story has been for a long time. A vague mess with only hint of what the actual truth could be. Heck, it took us until this book to learn Sylvanas actually didnt have anything to do with the Wrathgate!