There were a couple directions they could have gone that I think would have been more satisfying, and most of them remained viable until the “I will never serve” line was delivered, and only because it wasnt followed with an ambush she had planned all along with the help of her Valkyr.
She could have been a self serving, disgraced agent of the horde who started an underground empire of independent mercenaries spies and assassins, becoming our sometimes enemy, sometimes ally of convenience. She could have eventually turned back up as a lieutenant/advisor/asset of Wrathion’s (I could even ship them really). She could have been planning to betray Zovaal like I said, and sprung the trap at the right moment, with her own plan for how to break/fix the machine of death. They could have stuck with the “there must always be a lich king” motif and had her become the new jailer, fulfilling the Goddess of Death foreshadowing they had been feeding us since EoN and doing Kerrigan 2.0 which would have been double stale, but fine in comparison to what we have…
They could literally have had her be like “Shoot, I feel bad about Teldrassil, sorry guys, but Im going to take an opportunity to escape because I’m selfish.”
I would almost take anything over what we’ve gotten.
The one you’ve mentioned. The post I’ve replied to. Basically the “sylvanas asks nathanos for it rough over the graves of her dead parents.” Just need to see a picture of that, of the book itself.
Grand Marshal Garithos:The spell has been lifted. Is the nightmare finally over?
Sylvanas Windrunner:Stand down, humans. I have no quarrel with you.
Grand Marshal Garithos:What is it you want, elf witch?
Sylvanas Windrunner:We have a common enemy. The last dreadlord, Balnazzar, currently controls the capital city of your kingdom. If you help me kill him, I’ll see to it that you get your lands back.
Grand Marshal Garithos:Why should we trust you? You’re part of the Scourge that drove us out in the first place!
Sylvanas Windrunner:Not anymore. My only interest here is vengeance.
Grand Marshal Garithos:Very well. I’ll rally what’s left of my forces and meet you outside the gates.
Garithos leaves.
Varimathras:Come now, you have no intention of giving them their lands back.
Sylvanas Windrunner:Of course not. The humans are simply a means to an end.
Varimathras:You sound more like one of us with every passing day, my lady.
Thats not an alternate universe. That’s the subtle social commentary surrounding their entire romance, and Lorethemar is the jealous racist.
Edit: AAAARGH! I just realized that Golden retconned their romance to have officially been acted upon during their lives, vindicating the racist high elves that quietly accused them of nepotism. God I hate Golden’s writing. Way to throw away commentary about the challenges facing a woman in power.
Nobody cares about the suffering of a minor baron who cost the alliance a major ally by using alliance troops to round up its armies in the middle of clearing Dalaran
Couple that with the fact that the current King of Alliance blames the Alliance for the current Forsaken/Alliance status quo.
Coupled with a high ranking Alliance official stating that Sylvanas killing him and the Forsaken eating him is better than what Garithos deserved.
Coupled with the fact that the remaining remnants of the Knight of the Silver Hand attempted to obliterate the Forsaken without know next to nothing about them.
Coupled with the fact that Varian himself says that the only reason an undead wasn’t blood splatter on the throne room floor was because of a letter from Tirion.
I deduct that we have a whole lot of nothing here.
And pretty much every time he’s been acknowledged in alliance writing it’s as a realisation that things in Lordaeron were probably unsalvageably screwed