Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

But her Dalaran fountain coin says otherwise!

The intrigue Zerde!


One google search later

Oh I was just making a joke… Deathwing really did Bad Dragon Calia.

… nice


Except when her father told her she was going to mary Prestor she ended up weeping. Likely that is a fake coin or another lore tidbit that fell though the cracks(or maybe that is just the coin of another girl who’s name is calia/a fake coin)

Zerde. Come on man.


Accept it Zerde.

Calia may not be the gilded queen you want her to be. She may be a wolf in sheeps clothing.

“The Golden One claims a vacant throne” and all that.


Look it is not Deathwing for no other reason that anyone who mated with Deathwing died(except for Sinstra and she was horribly burned)

The coin is either a retcon(hence my somewhat tounge in cheek post) or more likely someone just forgot and thought it was a fun little tidbit to add.

Another posibility is she was charmed like everyone else(due to Deathwing’s magic) but when the reality hit that she had to marry him maybe said charm spell broke.

Also remember months ago Mawthorne when I broughtbup that Sylvanas could be leading or working with the Dreadlords, she was. Mal’Ganis came ro her after she became Warchief.

It all makes sense now.

But that being said following that same thread Calia may also be Balnazzar, that’s my new theory (saving it before other people can claim it as thier own) The real Calia could very well still be dead, and no Lightforging took place at all… Balnazzar has the power to portray himself as a reanimated perfect corpse.

Balnazzar wanted the Forsaken. He was actively sabotaging Sylvanas.

He still looked human enough to not throw up any red flags to the humans he was tricking, so I’m not convinced his human form had the same problem. Sinestra had obvious claw wounds on her dragon form implying it was done in dragon form.

Also, side note, am I the only one super uncomfortable with what they did to her?


This is why Golden point blank shouldn’t write for Horde races. The Forsaken being moved to the Alliance sounds like a waking nightmare.

Why would you ever want to go there?

What I love about the Horde is while the Orcs are their poster child, they’re not it’s main race and Thrall certainly isn’t their lead character.

They’re a found family of odd couples who’s main commonality is not being welcomed elsewhere. The Orcs are the glue that hold everything together, not a blob rapidly consuming everyone else’s identity. I’ve never felt out of place in Horde storylines on a Forsaken. Because even if I’m in tranquil Mulgore I’m out there helping out my allies. The Tauren and the Forsaken don’t see eye to eye. Literally even with levitation they’ve about a half foot on my toon.

But ya know, it’s family, so Fast and Furious meme. Hell the Forsaken don’t look like they belong in Dazar’Alor. Didn’t hamper my enjoyment. Because the petropunk fun sized Mad Max engineers, the silk wearing immortal socialite wizards and even the mean green fighting machines themselves didn’t look less out of place. I was just thrilled the good will collection box of action figures that is the Horde now had a t-rex.

Meanwhile- I’d kinda wanted my Worgen Outlaw Rogue to be a pirate who’s a little too into explosions. And I had to go to Booty Bay to find that vibe which is also where I found the Worgen content I couldn’t find elsewhere. Because they’re either backup dancers for the humans or nelves and have no real identity of their own in 97% of the questlines. I had a similar experience with the Draenei who I really wanted to like.

What’s baffling is the humans would serve as an even better glue. They don’t need much explanation. If you’ve seen Elywyn for 10 seconds you’ve seen it for 10 years. It’s generic human fantasy stuff. That’s the ideal stage to let more interesting and high concept ideas take center stage.

But they just don’t. And the kicker is just on their own the Orcs are fascinating. They don’t need any help. They can and have taken the lead in stories but it never felt like they were muscling in on the Forsaken’s themes.

Like in Wrath my beef was with the DKs. Because they stole the Forsaken’s whole identity so vengance could be a multi faction affair. Garrosh being in ICC was weird but I didn’t begrudge the Orcs over it.

The Alliance desperately needs to be scrambling to try to feel like the Horde. And they’re trying to push us into their shape.

It’s incomprehensible.


Assuming Deathwing could have hybrid human/dragon babies he would probably be kidnapping as many women as he could and making new potentially corrupted offsprings to help with his whole destroy the world plan.

Add to that, she was with her husband when Southshore was leveled by blight. One would think Deathwing would have just roasted the Forsaken rather then let his kid die.

You are not the only one. The forced mating/birth thing is a huge issue with dragon lore, but it just can’t be easily retconned out.


Only if it was like, “Oh yeah… eat me daddy, uwu.”


Deathwing(and Malygos) was a bad guy when they did those horrible things.

It was suppose to be disturbing and another reason for us to fight them. I dont think it should ne retconned out.

Was there any more details in the book about her fight with Malfurion at Darkshore, or any mention of Malfurion in general?

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They literally gave him a redemption in BfA despite breaking out a war criminal.

A bunch of Calia simps according to NuBlizzard


No sadly :frowning: he may have been mentioned in the Legion war gathering.

No Tyrande until the Epilogue either.


I mean, it was practically a play by play in AGW. Blizz would have to admit that their coverage of that fight was inconsistent first… so I doubt that will happen.

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She had a daughter with her Husband so any Son of Deathwing by her is already born and under the tutelage of the Black Dragonflight.

If she did have a child with Deathwing the pregnancy happened before Terenas even mentioned the wedding to her! The child would have been born in secret and taken away by Deathwing and his in his chateau under multiple protections including the Endless Hunger.

There was a reason that Deathwing was willing to place multiple scrying traps on his residence as he did not take Dragon Form there and the only creatures we’ve seen in the Novel were Goblins which wouldn’t surprise any Wizards thinking that Daval Prestor was a Wizard(they would expect it) even if they kept the place all Volcanic as the Goblins have Fire Elementals working for them.

There was something in Deathwing’s House that he didn’t want the Wizards to see that we were prevented from seeing ourselves! Calia’s Son would be a possible explanation.

Can you post a photo (using imgur I guess) with that quote/line of the book itself? It’s insane to think there’s something like this in the book.