Not the Jailer! The Fire Eel.
shouldn’t Sylvanas have been a champion of reuniting the Forsaken with their families then
Golden has to go just straight up
The logic is that would’ve only been temporary since they’d be separated in the afterlife.
You haven’t even read the book, you’re getting second hand forum information
Wow what a good reason for sylvanas to genocide people, I dont really see it as out of character tho, she was so unhinged with her sister
THat just sounds based
Liressa was a prophet
LMAO WAT?! What in the actual fuhh! So Nathanos was just a random messenger boy she took in?! WTF backstory is that?! HAHA! This is so hilarious and screwed! I’m having Sonic High School flashbacks!
Liressa saw into the future and saw that Sylvanas was going to go full goth, marry a useless gamer, and live in a sewer
I’ve been laughing non stop because It’s so many whirlwind emotions I can’t control my face.
Everything I just said is 100% true.
Her relationship with nathanos is a bit bizzare he just follows her home one day and somehow everyone is okay with this. He literally interjects himself as part of her family.
Her mom calls him her “human pet”
She literally found him on the side of the road Evelyssa.
Finally after the Second War she’s like “Maybe Nathanos should become a Farstrider” and Lothemar after being his friend for presumably a few years is like “Maybe he shouldn’t” as if he and Lorthemar haven’t been actively working together to investigate The Horde ie: “the Green Alien Monsters” and Sylvanas was like “well i’m doing it anyway” and that’s where the story of her living life ends.
Well she did that one time. It was going pretty well until she killed all of them.
I should probably mention, Sylvanas killed the people at The Gathering on purpose hoping it would cause the Alliance to start the war
We knew that tho
Little did she know that the Alliance is pathetically impotent when it comes to sticking up for itself.
“I invaded HILLSBRAD, I invaded GILNEAS, I enslaved a bunch of them and built death camps, and they STILL won’t go to war with me?!?”
What’s interesting about this is that the Light urged Calia to do what she did there, so it really does seem like the Light assisting Zovaal in his plan
Sylvanas in Stormwind’s throne room surrounded by dead guards. Anduin is sitting on the throne while she stands in front of him twerking in his face
“Sylvanas, if you don’t stop I’m going to going to let Genn yell at you again. Well, maybe talk loudly.”
Is Golden seeing herself as Liressa?
It caused the Alliance to flood Orgrimmar with Spies giving Saurfang more excuses to start a war with Teldrassil which he apparently needed as he was desperately protesting the notion of War even after the Spies came flooding into Orgrimmar.
Saurfang needed as many excuses as possible to agree to the Horde being the aggressor and Sylvanas’s stunt with Calia caused the Alliance to provide him with yet one more excuse: Flooding Orgrimmar with Spies.
Sylvanas needed either Saurfang or Anduin to initiate the War and Calia’s death clearly pulled it off regardless of method.
“The Light has made a pact with the enemy of all.”
Also it seems like Nzoth has had hooks on Aleria since she was young.
“When the last arrow hits it’s mark all tethers will fall away” could be refering to how Alleria was destined to fail her test and not become Ranger General. By Sylvanas’s last arrow killing the beast she secured the spot of RG by passing her mothers test and not Alleria securing both Sisters on thier respective paths. One on the path of Death, one on the path of Void.
This is so bad lol
In combination with Calia getting a random makeover in 9.2.5 with no lore basis and zero narrative development in two years to even attempt to convince us is just
Refusing to get out of the hole they’re digging