Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

im just waiting for the inevitable “sylvanas book sales are a success” press release, people buying this book in the millions and blizzard putting in lesser effort into the story shown in game

it’s just gonna happen


When Rick and Morty use interdimensional cable to unveil the moral relativism of the cosmos, they get an episode on Wisecracks Youtube channel. When Golden does it, it gets ridiculed.

Oh, almost forgot. The answer is misogyny.

I just want to listen to a cool audio drama man.

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“Dearest cousin lord Sinistercastle-upon-Graveyard, the peasants are starving, the statue will contribute greatly to their benefit, we will sing your praises in the church of the holy light for this gift to the realm. Which I am selling. Immediately. To feed them.”

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the books like wolfheart and before the storm were adding more to the lore

this sylvanas book just has half additions and half of what was supposed to be in game

you should not have to read books (i read warcraft books for the lore if i can) to understand the game’s story

it’s poor writing


Novels should be optional. You shouldn’t need to buy and read a book to understand what is happening in-game.

But I suppose if they showed Eel Vore in game, they would lose their T rating.


Or you know that statue was added long before Deathwing attacked and maybe given as a gift by some wealth noble or maybe even the dwarves to celebrate Varian getting rid of Onyxia(and by extension helping them later with their own problems).

Everything you said is just head canon and for the most part, the people of Stormwind did love Varian. That is canon.

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Writes 3 lines of head canon

“Everything you said is just head canon”



And everything she said is head canon. The point is we dont know ANYTHING about the statue(negative or positive). But we do know he was beloved by Stormwind(most of them anyway) That is canon lore and that Varian is a frugal person who doesnt care about expensive things(he even mentioned he though the night elf lodging given too him was too much!)

So cope on that and I hope Tyrande soon asks for forgiveness from Anduin for being so IMPATIENT.


A game where Undead have the cannibalism racial and where Blood elves are in a constant war against crystal me… uh mana addicts can’t have loving eel cannibalism?

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you have literal undead like another poster said eating corpses to restore health but god forbid someone sees a monster eating a monster

Of course it can. I for one welcome our loving cannibalistic lava eel overlords.


Say one thing negative about humans

I believe I am on record saying Eel Vore is the most interesting thing to happen in SL.


Blizzard constructed the first vanilla Alliance dungeons with a clear anti-monarchist “are we the bad guys?” message in mind. And then they forgot, because kings are cool.


Cata Westfall then made “lol lmao those peasants are so stupid” memes instead


Sure you can. Its called magma.


Also, despite the Defias situation being a nuanced story. (Onyxia pulling the strings). Varian is still responsible for being negligent with the Westfallen peasantry. A rebellion of that size doesn’t just spring up from a few bad apples. Things need to be pretty desperate before someone commits capital offense treason.

I feel like the Defias started under false pretenses, but their cause became justified as time went on. I was kind of annoyed that Vanessa was portrayed as a blood thirsty maniac in Legion. When she really should have been a freedom fighter on a vengeance streak. Not “Good” necessarily. But not “Evil” either.


Eh I always preferred the rank and file Joe & Jane Deadman.

I’ve always liked the undead faction in fantasy settings. My birthday is right around Halloween so I think I just associate skeletons and bats with attention and presents. But the Forsaken are my favorite by far because they’ve one aspect the rest lack; personality.

In other settings maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get a necromancer or vampire lord heading the undead faction with motivations more interesting than;

I’m going to kill things because I’ve a skull for a face.

But the actual army itself are near universally completely mindless skeletons or zombies. You could replace them with robots and not change much of anything, as is the case with 40k’s Necron.

But with the Forsaken not only is every last deader an individual but they’re usually pretty interesting. I’ve mentioned Pontius before. Complete throw away quest giver at Vengance Landing. But I remember him because he just adores his dark hounds.

"Did you hunt down some crows, boy? Good dog, good boy!

Ah, these hounds remind me of my days raising purebreds in Tirisfal… those were good times."

If you talk to him you learn he was completely heartbroken upon learning dogs feared the undead. But thankfully was able to find happiness with these dark hounds. They’re not as easy on the eyes but as he points out neither is he.

That sort of thing is infinitely more interesting to me than Sylvanas. Because it gives a little peek into a day in the unlife. What’s a dog trainer to do when dogs fear the undead? Why find devil doggos who don’t, of course.

As I’ve said elsewhere I think the hero characters are only ever at best okay. It’s the weird fantasy societies that fascinate me and the Forsaken are my favorite because everything about them is interesting.

Like just with their buildings I’ve noticed beds only seem commonplace in the structures listed as manors.

So are beds a luxury item in Forsaken society? They easily could be. They don’t need to sleep in general. So a bed could be one hell of a flex. How does their economy work in general? We know there’s tradesmen but like what did Lord Calston do to afford not just a bed but an emotional support murloc? He just said he made a lot of money we don’t know how.

That’s all fascinating to me. Sylvanas is fine but I don’t need to know about her day in the unlife as I already know it’s at least 50% brooding.


Except we knew it was Onyxia pulling the string and had she not been there the situation might have been quite different.

Like it or not Warcraft has always been pretty pro monarch. Genn, Anastarian, Terenas. They are suppose to represent “noblesse oblige”. That being position of power means you are obligated to actual do what is right and not be selfish.

Correction then, you can melt it but you get nothing particularly useful out of it. My point is Laraneth wanted to say something snarky about it and blame it on Varian and deleted it because it made no sense.

It sprang up because Deathwing decided to torch an entire district(full of night elves I might add) and people ended up homeless. Not to mention the Alliance was also fighting for survival from the Horde as well.(the Horde was literally a few islands away from Stormwind)

Lastly, Varian was trying to settle the situation/giving as much aid as he can but problems were cropping up everywhere.

Given what Golden pulled in this book

I can feel it in my bones that Wrathion is getting the villain bat for 10.0

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