Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Sylvanas has a luxurious four-poster bed. I imagine it’s covered in dust and the covers have never been pulled back, but she keeps it because it reminds her of the lavish life she left behind. I loved Parqual in BtS. I loved that he smuggled in books about the history of Lordaeron. Golden’s take on the Forsaken isn’t entirely bad. The Forsaken were bound to evolve from a caricature eventually…

There were other directions they could have taken with Sylvanas that didn’t need to resolve with her leaving the Forsaken. They could have helped reform her.

I hope they do have her face them eventually. It’s all left so unresolved.


Uuuuh… No. The Defias were a thing long before that. And this problem was in Westfall, not Stormwind. Varian was resentful to the Stone Masons who killed his wife with a brick, and he neglected Westfall, resulting in famine and poverty.


Lady Prestor didn’t need to do much nudging to convince the nobles of Stormwind to refuse to negotiate with the defias altogether.

It would be a great boss to see returning just so she could laugh at the nobles’ faces for still clinging to “Onyxia made us greedy bastards”.

Besides Westfall is a disaster even without the Defias uprising


Molten rock is super useful, as magma is brought to the surface it brings with it tons of minerals. Its one of the reasons why earth has such a diverse biosphere.
Humans also use it for cooking and more pure forms of it, molten metal as you know it is used for forging.

And molten rock in vast quantities forms islands from ocean volcanoes.


That’s something that gets revealed when you do the attunement. At max level. Also, Onyxia was only using tensions that were already existing.

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The defias was more or less quashed by the time of Cata.

As for the defias of Vanilla. The main reason they were running amok was because "shock pikachu face* Onyxia was keeping the Stormwind army in Stormwind city. By the time of Vanilla(and might I remind you Varian was gone then) the Defias had free reign of Westfall and was preying on the local citizen as well! So no, they were not some people’s rebellion. They were acting like thugs as well.

It’s just why the book contraband in general though? Sylvanas everyone was here for Lordaeron and even if they weren’t your elven allies to the north live between 3,000 years and forever.

Trying to erase a history in this setting is one hell of an uphill battle because even the rocks can talk. But doing it to the Forsaken is just bewildering.

Just having their past life be something some still identified with and some didn’t was perfectly reasonable. It didn’t need to be touched.

And what’s interesting is the guy who cleans up the bat poop in UC hints at why some don’t care to remember. That guy used to be loaded in life. But now he’s undead and broke and wouldn’t you know it? Aristocrats don’t have much in the way of career skills. So here’s a mop, clean up the guano, that’s all you’re qualified to do.

So if you’re some peasant who had a miserable life full of poverty and hardship, and now you’re some bat rider ace combat pilot - why would you ever care or want to be reminded of your past?


Uh huh and none of that would come about from melting a stone statue(if anything said endevor would be more costly). I mean, I guess you can try to convince the various nations of the world to melt their stone statue and convince them it is more valuable than its current state but good luck with that

It’s like the army had lost control of the region or something

Its like the army was never there because a dragon was manipulating things and keeping them from going.

They used brutal force to fight a regime that, in their eyes, was corrupt and unjust and punished those who still wanted to stay loyal to it.


Tell that to the farmers being harrassed and extorted and killed and robbed. They were thugs. And while they may have a sympathetic origin the moment they decided to go and kill innocent people made them lose any moral high ground they may have had.

What are you on about?

You just game me several lines of headcanon.
Varian had returned in Vanilla. And by the time of Cata, we learn that the Defias are not only still a problem, but the problem had gotten worse. Thats Vanilla, TBC, Wrath and Cata in which Varian was present of the problem. And less than one full expantion that Onyxia was present for the problem.

So you think the best way to handle a revolt spurred on by poverty and starvation is sending in the military?


You mean the peasants with Homer Simpson voices you, the player, kill in the dead mines?

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By the famers that joined the defias because it was either that or starve to death?


What’s wrong with having one eel use the mana wyrm attack animation on the other and seeing it die?

#vancleefdidnothingwrong #downwiththewrynns


He returned near the end of Vanilla. Presumably after Vancleef died.

By the time of Cata most of the Defias leadership was killed off. Heck, Westfall was even able to send troops to Northrend to help deal with the Lich King.

I think the best thing would be to secure the civilian population who are actually working and trying to make their living in Westfall and were being robbed/killed/extorted by thieves.

Key word here. Your confirmation bias is showing.

The ones we know about. We know from the comic, Dark Riders, that the Defias was still a problem in Westfall during Wrath. And part of the Uncrowned during Legion.

The Defias are also civilians.


btw, I love your transmog

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