Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Exactly. Like if suddenly Tyrande specifically was the Jungian devouring mother (which is what Sylvanas is and thats fine) and the night elves and Malfurion were miserable under her toxic femininity… and thats how Elune likes it.


I think the Worgen armor was conceptually ok, but it should have followed the starting area color pallette


Ya know. There was someone in my guild that was a big Sylvanas and forsaken fan.

At least the worse thing they’ve done with Blood elves is push some to the Alliance, which even then is whatever, but they’ve completely destroyed all that was for the forsaken and night elves in just two expansions.

Is there really anything else to say about this?

Also, we still don’t know what drove the driving force (Zovaal) for all conflicts under the sun to do what he did. That could have been a novel, but instead we got this :man_shrugging:


The Forsaken tabard turns into the Nightelf tabard when you faction change- for a reason, it seems. Sylvanas is essentially a drow queen ruling over undead, while Night Elves are just drow pretending to be wood elves.

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Not totally true. The Kyrians do tell the players all undead go the shadowlands…eventually.

Wasn’t that implied to be the path they wanted to go for Thros initially

I think the opposite. Like, they wanted to blame any criticism of Elune worship on thros. Thros becomes Elune’s Satan.

I feel like they are taking my beloved dark World of Warcraft story and making it marketable to kids.

I want it dark. I don’t want preschool Warcraft. “Lets all share our feelings and learn to work together!” That’s what this feels like.

I want. War.

I want moral ambiguity. I want Tyrande ripping off heads and becoming a a boogieman to the orcs. I want Talanji to threaten to drown the civilians of Boralus.

I don’t want Peacecraft.


I think it’s more there’s some sort of weird resentment of Warcraft 3 and so since Evil Horde isn’t being well received they are going with Alliance-fied Horde since they are incapable of writing Horde As Antiheroes or Alliance Evil Actions.

Because they themselves lack self awareness of their own moral ambiguity whether individual or cultural


That doesn’t mean death by old age. Any number of things can kill an undead.


Try not to imagine Barry White belting out 'Lava Eel Love, Oh Yeaaaa…" as you type.

Oh, did I jinx it?


… so BFA? For me, the problem about Teldrassil wasn’t the war or even the burning, but the endless mystery mongering and boring revelations. Sylvanas’ character arc is utterly nonsensical without meta-info. Oh, and the knowledge that the Horde can’t win due to gameplay limitations of course.


Unless Sylvanas brings some other race to do this I doubt this would work because the torturer would be tortured by their own holy magic.

And btw I though holy magic manifesting in undead is super duper rare.

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As a Night Elf fan the burning could have totally worked.

They just had to follow up with an epic counter attack and regrouping of somewhere iconic like Hyjal.

The Horde player could have their sucker punch warcrime, I would have my revenge arc to keep me happy.
But both factions need lots of zone revamps and reconstruction somewhere else to make up for the loss.


I am not talking about old age. Well not neccesarily. 1) we know some undead actually do lose their mind as time passes(it was some quest in Deathknell) 2) even a regular undead body will decay over time and unless they are supported by say necromantic magic/getting new body parts, sooner or later their body will decompose(hence the whole no clapping thing back in BtS)

Not as rare as you would think.

For a lot of undead, calling upon the Holy Light is similar to the practice of self flagellation. An act of atonement for themselves.

I’ve heard people say that
Too much of anything is not good for you baby (eel)
But I don’t know about that
As many times as we’ve vored
And shared vore and made vore
It doesn’t seem to me like it’s enough


What’s “lost” in the end, really? Forsaken and Nigh elf players only have to talk to a Bronze Dragon npc to time warp back.

I see that as well, and I explain it thusly:

There does seem to be this ethos being expressed by Blizzard about not only moving on from the Afrasiabi era, but also the WC 3 era. They seem to be conflating and combining the two as rockets to be cast off of a shuttle. I think they are putting out a muddled message.

They should be clearer about moving forward. Maybe something like : “We appreciate this point of the lore (wc3) but we want to move forward with a new vision. At the same time, we also want to cut off the damage left from a reign of bad actors (the Cosby Suite era), and we want to move forward.”

I can see why it is a hard message to get right.

The funny thing to me is that WC 3 had the Horde trying to be heroic, and had the greater portion of Alliance leadership doing questionable stuff. That pinnacle of WC3 lore was actually the Horde being anti heroes and the Alliance being capable of villainy. They have done it before, but haven’t been able to get it right in WoW at all. Even since Vanilla.


Thats gameplay stuff. Hardly canonical.

And besides the game needs to move on from decade old content. The current EK and KM are just so outdated. I see all these new zones for shadowlands and it just makes me sad that the zones I actually care about will never get these updates.

I cannot stress enough how much I don’t care about shadowlands or its characters. Jailer could have won and destroyed it all and I would not have cared one iota.