Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

What the Hell

So her response to criticism that Calia doesn’t line up with established Forsaken motifs and culture is to RETCON THE ENTIRE RACE’S CULTURE???!!!??!?!


This was also straight up the basis for black arrow as a Dark Ranger spell forever ago - trading more naturey magic ranger things like serpent sting for shadow magic.


Or at least whitewash it, yeah.

It’s on brand with Danuser’s faction tonedeaf intro of the Forsaken being “Guardians of Life” I think this book is going to bring a lot of Forsaken fan criticisms. But I may just be over-reacting based on my personal feelings. I’m anxious to see how other people react to see if I’m on base or not.


This is self destructive lmao


It’s not fun being called dumb sheep lured to the slaughter and that’s basically what they did.

The Forsaken in my opinion were retconned out of thier own culture and agency, but I don’t want to over-react about it until I’m sure it’s not just my initial dissapointment or biases talking.

I want to gage how other Forsaken fans feel after they read the book. If they feel the same way or not.

If “Forsaken culture” revolved around hero worship of Sylvanas, and Sylvanas as a “hero” was a lie, what does that make of Forsaken culture now? How can Forsaken have culture away from Sylvanas? They seem to be wanting to create a clear wedge between the Forsaken and Sylvanas.

The “Forsaken Heritage” questline is gonna be fun /s.


I want everyone to realize

There were two options:

  1. RETCON the past four years

This would go either the Zereth Mortis Reality Rewrite Machine or the Nzoth Nightmare Vision routes. They’d have to publish various short stories to explain the new canon

  1. Maintain canonicity and attempt to mediate via this novel

This involved Lava Eel Vore, retconing the entire Forsaken culture, confirming she burned down teldrassil via a logical sequence that begins with Lava Eel Vore and concludes with genocide is okay, and messed up characterization of Sylvanas otherwise

They went with option 2

They PREFERRED retconing 20 years of the Forsaken, permanently destroying the fantasy of Night Elf players and Horde players as a whole, and making Lava Eel Vore the epistemological root of the genocide of the Night Elves over taking the L of retconing 4 years.


It’s not a topic I’m typically very opinionated on but I’m sure if I try I’ll have at least a few notes.


I’m excited to hear your takes because you and I like the Forsaken for the same reasons, but unlike me you never bought into the Sylvanas hero worship as culture, so I’d value your opinion.

It’s hard to see a future for the Forsakem for me wothout Sylvanas but other Forsaken may disagree with me.

There are two types of Forsaken, ones who cannot divest Sylanas as integral and people who want her gone. So it could be recieved differently even in the same racial fanbase.

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What page/s was this btw so I can look at it once I get my copy plz

It’s not in the book it was at the start of Shadowlands when the updated the racial pages.

My biggest fear is the Forsaken will now become the faction that seeks out frienship with the living and I don’t know if I can go on that journey. Might just leave my Forsaken unplayed for a while until it returns to a faction I recognize.


I did until approximately Edge of Night. Which remains an insulting book imho because it really annoyed me how the Forsaken really don’t have much of a role in ICC.

They didn’t have much to do in BC outside Tranquillen but w/e that’s not really their story. I’m fine with them just tagging along. But cmon Arthas? Why’s Garrosh in the lobby? He found out about this guy a few months ago tops and just wants to fight him because he’s Garrosh.

But it seemed like they were going to address that in EoN. And they certainly did.

So anyways I didn’t play for 7 years and came back just in time for them to get my hopes up for Sylvanas again m. She is the football, Lucy is Blizz and I am Charlie Brown.


I just keep thinking

But Sylvanas is Forsaken culture. Like imagine if they came out and told the Night Elves they were not a matriarchal society, that’s what kind of a blow this feels like.

Those are my biases. The Forsaken are dull without Sylvanas imo. Her life and her authority, and voice, breathed interest into a faction that would otherwise be “morally corrupt, heavy metal zombies.”


No I mean the bit in the book you mentioned

It’s the same issue with Post TBC Blood Elves

But I figure if Sylvanas is to Harrow Hell, maybe the Cult of Forgotten Shadow can have a pseudo goddess they revere

  1. Sylvanas was walking over corpses since Warcraft 3, complete with Banshee mind control and a class ability that let you control enemy units.

  2. You’re making assumptions based on second hand info, calm tf down. What you described is portrayed as one factor among others, like the accurate prophecies by the Jailer.

She could have been The Shadow Acsendant :sob:

The Dark Lady

That’s what I wanted for her and that’s what I think Kosak wanted for her too but Afrasabi didn’t want Sylvanas to have a savior role.

And it was recycled for Illidan of all people :face_vomiting: probably as a compromise as Afrasabi couldn’t make it Garrosh.

I’m not gonna delete my Sylvanas Shadow Ascendant speculations, even though in hindsight they are cringe, because there deserves to be a record out there of what could have been if they followed thier own lore and actually saw it through.

The Night elves were supposed to serve Death. That’s what was supposed to happen they wete supposed to fall to the Nightmare…they butchered it and gave Tyrande Sylvanas’s story. They butchered both Tyrande and Sylvanas.


Make Shadow Ascendants a thing, Blizzard!


I can foresee a dozen ways in which it can be cursed and if Worgen heritage is any indication they’ll all be happening at once

You can expose them to the holy light for extended periods of time. Make them smell and taste their own rot, and feel the maggots burrowing through their bodies…

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I don’t care tbh, as long as the armor looks good. The Nightborne “quest” was laughable, but the set looked awesome. The Worgen armor, however, looks terrible.

It looks passable on the human model.

Pity the human model doesn’t.

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