Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

You’re Welcome :rofl:


All I can think of is that she was trying to make a Mary Shelly reference… Christie why…?


Probably because that’s the equintessental victorian goth girl fantasy.

I mentioned this urban legend about Shelly a few weeks back as her being the mother of the “monster f-” genre.
And boom…here it is.

It’s pretty hot tho ngl. We all have our kinks.

Thier’s relationship is more like Lady Chatterley’s Lover though, than niche “monster f-” though. Which is on brand for Christie.


What purpose does that serve though? It’s sounded like Sylvanas respects her father so I don’t understand why she’d want that. I know the Arthas book had some spicy scenes involving him and Jaina, but altogether that highlights the tragedy that happens. This book ends on a hopeful note for Nathanos and Sylvanas. I almost hope for a better understanding when I read the book myself.

Maybe it’s not “on thier graves” perse but at the families “favorite spot” there’s a lot of context you are missing about the scene.

It’s right after she tells him she doesn’t need him, she’s grieving. You’ll understand when you read the book.

It reminds me a lot of the love scene between Alleria and Turalyon in a way, you know the one where she goes to Turalyon and says “make me forget” it reminded me of that, same timeframe too both had this reaction at the loss of thier brother.

I assumed, because it’s not clear, that the whole family is buried at thier favorite spot. But I could be wrong.

If it’s not literally atop their graves but at their favorite spot that makes sense.

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Since you’ve completed reading the book, how often are horses mentioned?

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Oh god, a lot. Her parents have two white unicorn horse things.

Invincible is mentioned. (Can’t have Arthas without talking about his dumb dead horse that won’t drop for me.)


Well ok, that doesn’t really sound like “He was just a literal who and got adopted” after all. So he had some talent.

I forgot to flag Smallz’s question to me and I lowkey forgot what he asked but I still want to answer it.

By BFA she’s full villian. By the Burning of Teldrassil she doesn’t care about killing innocents, she’s gone “full Arthas” because she thinks all of this will be erased in no time soon anyway and she’s convinced she’s actually saving them.

In a way Smallz, you were right about her being a complete villian in BFA. She was. It started in Legion when she started seeing the Jailer’s prophesies come true and she just handed herself over the this plan 100% because the void in het heart was getting bigger and bigger (like Arthas tearing out his own heart, yes I understand that they are the same completely.)

I was hoping in BFA she was working against the jailer but she wasn’t. Loyalists were mislead. You and others were right about her, Loyalists were wrong.

It’s going to take a while to emotionally unpack all the things this book clears up and makes solid. People may be dissapointed she was not evil until BFA. People who wanted her to not be evil will have to wrestle with the fact that she went over the line of crazy evil in BFA.

I hope you are satisfied with this answer, my friend.


Most of this feels like this should have been released after Legion. Sylvanas is doing nothing but hero poses in that game’s marketing.

A lot of this would still be silly. But recontextualizing some of her pricklier moments from a 1st person perspective would’ve at least made sense. The Liam Greymane thing remains funny because she seems anything but remorseful as presented in game. But ya could argue acting is a vital skill for a leader and we’re far too deep in now to start being apologetic.

I’ve argued before there did seem to be more to Sylvanas. With the old children’s week, her lament of the Highborne and pride in her people belied perhaps a hidden warmth beneath that cold as death veneer. So humanizing her before she takes a more dark hero role in the story would make sense.

But we got Before The Storm. Where Sylvanas is a tyrant who massacres her own people. Then in BFA she’s a tyrant that massacres as many people as she can. Then in SL she’s buddy buddy with the Jailor who is the cosmic king of the abstract concept of tyranny.

So - kinda late don’t ya think? She’s functionally out of the narrative already.


Came for the book review. Stayed for the lava eels


With the Liam thing, we’ve never seen it presented from Sylvanas’s PoV. it’s been presented in Genn’s PoV, the PC’s PoV, Tess’s PoV but never Sylvanas’s PoV. But you are absolutely right, the game does a lot to paint her as unfeeling in this situation and one of the biggest worries i have from a worgen PoV reading this book is it will feel like they are trying to whitewash Sylvanas’s cruelty in the Battle of Gilneas to make Sylvanas look more sympathetic. I fully expect this to be a point of argument for the remainder of this franchise.

She tries to bait Saurfang into an argument about honor by calling the Gathering, “The Slaughtering” and asks him how he feels about her killing her own people. this seems to have been a catalyst to him abandoning her at the Battle of Lordaeron. At first he agrees with her that it’s not dishonorable to kill her own people with her own tactics, and she deliberately doubles that up a notch by blighting the Forsaken and Horde retreating in BFA. That’s what ultimately makes him snap.

Golden doubles down by the end of the book trying to make Loyalists still clinging to hope hate Sylvanas for what she did in BFA.

(Some of my own pro-Sylvanas speculation posts on my lore blog seem cringey to me now in hindsight)


Lava eel cannibalism is the ultimate personification of love in Warcraft. Sylvie and Pugthanos knocked boots on the graves of dead the dead Windrunner family.

I think Golden might be going through something in her personal life.


He was human, of course he can do literally anything better in the Goldenverse


Wtf :rofl:

sorry, but this comment caught me so off guard. And i’m sad Doness is missing this.


For real? Wtf. I am generally of the opinion there should be nothing in the books that wouldnt fit in the game. That goes beyond suggestive.

It’s offscreen you know WoW would never do anything beyond the barest suggestion of sex…

(Yet has a whole series of ingame softcore smut written by a Cosby Suite regular…) which is a topic within itself because in those books undead have sex and feel lust and pleasure, and yet in this book, Sylvanas can’t feel love or lust but she desires to feel it. So is her condition exclusuve to her having a broken soul? That’s an interesting topic, which may flirt dangerously with the line of this forums CoC.

We should be able to talk about adult themes behind a 18+ filter. That’s my opinion. I’m a 37 year old woman if I wanna talk about undead smut that’s my own business. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I always wondered how undead express love. So I’m kinda curious to read that scene.

It’s when they were alive.

No sex after death.