Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

She likely regrets how she wrote the lore in the Arthas novel, but knows better than to retcon the gravity/language/spirit of the situation.

I’d wager, at any rate

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See thing is even then the memory isnt truly lost, an entire record of every Kyrian’s memories are stored in the Mnemonic Locus—In theory it may be possible to reverse the process in a safe manner. One simply has never been devised as far as we know.


We did.

Primus regained his memories extracted by Zovaal via Domination Magic.

Primus didn’t think Zovaal could manage using “memory magic”; ie Zovaal adapted Kyrestia’s techniques, and we reinserted the memories

Truuue… but it is questionable if his methods would be something a normal soul could withstand, or if it would need further refinement—“safety rails”, so to speak.

Guess yesterday was a good time to decide I was done with the story.


Plague Deviser Marileth: What an excellent experiment you’re brought before me, apprentice! Fortunately, we shall test it on a durable Maldraxxi spirit first, and have plenty of needles and thread on hand in case of something going wrong! BEGIN MEMORY LOAD! (SPLORCH!) Oh dear, prehaps we went too far, too fast? Oh well, we’ll learn what we can from this failure, and carry on until we get it right! We do literally have eternity to work on it after all!


So that’s where the Lava Eel Vore is coming from…

Well. That’s all I came here to find out… I can’t even laugh.

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I don’t think we are giving enough credit to the eels. Maybe this video will help.


what the actual hell is going on anymore


I’ve been asking myself this question for about 36 hours now but I am apparently overreacting allegedly

Honestly, from reading the reddit post this novel doesn’t really do much. The only thing worth noting is The Jailer interacting with her and trying to peruade her to his side, but that’s it. Everything else just either seems unnecessary or forgettable.

I once made a post that this book would help the narrative at all. Between twitter, this reddit post and what other are/have been explaining about this novel, I feel safe with that comment now.


I wouldn’t say it’s entirely overreacting. It’s justified.

I’d just say the novel isn’t worth the money. Imagine going from Shadows Rising to this.


I think that was a failure in every conceivable way. We are heroes, are presumably trying to make the world(in this case the Shadowlands) better. Getting Pelagos to realize, “hey the system was probably kinda flawed and if you don’t want a repeat of this down the line, maybe it is time you changed how souls are judged”. Something like that could have worked as an actual arch for Pelagos, maybe just have him talk to say Draka/Morgraine and realize being split from their loved ones was a bad idea!

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I’m personally not too bothered by the lava eel part, Sylvanas was shown multiple afterlives so Zovaal could prove his point to her and it’s just one example of many, but I do wonder how Golden came up with this idea. There has to be something that caused her to make that part. Golden doesn’t seem too kinky outside of being the hand holding type so I don’t think the vibe of it being vore was intentional. I’d like her more if she actually were a vore enthusiast. My theory is that someone tricked her into RPing vore without her knowing what it is and she thought it was romantic so she included it in the book.


She is a D&D writer so…

D&D Players of course do have a habit of going off the rails though how much she does that I do not know.

She never actually played Ravenloft despite making Books for it apparently though she does Roleplaying in WoW.


Of course Roleplaying in a place with hard limits(specific size of layout and mostly unchanging in appearance) may have effects on the Writer’s mind…

I’ll take a crack at explaining Baine’s abduction:

“This one’s too heavy!” the Mawsworn hissed.

You’ll never take me, foul harpies!” Baine retorted, digging his hooves into the dirt.

“We already have Anduin, do we really need the cow?” the Mawsworn asked.

Wait, Anduin is there?” Baine cried, somewhere between ecstasy and trepidation, already halfway through strapping on his jetpack.


It was framed as an ultimate act of love. Which also frames morals as highly arbitrary.


Well… there is a part where Sylvanas asks Nathanos for it rough over the graves of her dead parents. But I didn’t want to ruin that part for you. I wanted it to be a surprise.

In undeath she can’t feel lust but she wants to, it’s something she’s hoping to reclaim. Now that she has her soul half back.


I have no words.