Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Sucking the juice out of eachothers eyeballs, apparently.


Aaaaah ok. The second paragraph of your initial post made it a bit ambiguous. Seemed like you were talking about them as undead. I misinterpreted it.


I wouldnt feel bad. I sincerely doubt any of this was true at the time. Rewrites and retcons are probably what delayed the book so long.

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No the second half of the book has her lamenting how much she wants to love Nathanos but can’t feel it. She remembers it, wants it, but can’t feel it.


In order to make lore predictions now, you can’t look at the narrative or trans narrative up to this point.

I imagine you have to think “what would blizzard think people would want to sub for, and how will they next gaslight us (the lore fans) to wedge their idea for the next expansion into the narrative with the next retcon.”

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“He was just an errand boy and got his position without any talent” → bad writing, how could they do this to poor Nathanos.

“He was an ugly, but talented errand boy and got his position due to a combination of romantic interest and genuine talent” —> human bias. #cancelnathanos


The Liam Greymane thing makes sense to me.

When ever his death came up in discussions, I would always mention that Sylvanas never meant to kill him, she meant to kill Genn, and she expresses his death as an unfortunate turn of events. Even back then, even before this book.

I don’t see why people are reacting to it like it is so out of place. I mentioned it for years. She didn’t even want to kill Liam, she was aiming for Genn. And she says as much right afterward, though in her cold way.

I am still wondering why she kept her word with Crowley. To me, that seemed to show she had a bit of compassion left. I wonder if that is mentioned?


There’s a twisted logic to her really wanting Genn dead - of the 2nd war alliance kings he’s the one who contributed to the alliance the least (even less than Anasterian) and him building the wall while even ex-alliance member Quel’thalas was sending mages would leave a hell of a taste on the mouth

From everything Ive heard and read, they should cancel this novel completely.

If their goal is to show what a villain Sylvanas has become, they should have released the book at prepatch. Now it just muddies the new message they are trying to send.

No questions about her motivations seem to be answered in any way more clear than it was before. Its like Titanic the history vs. Titanic the movie. We already knew it hit an iceberg and sank killing tons of people, all James Cameron did was add sex with a poor kid, and the manipulations of a dispicable toxic male.

Here, Golden adds a bunch of fluff. Some sex. Gives us what amounts to fanfiction of what the jailer must have shown her to win her over to his side. Then instead of giving us a deeper understanding of Sylvanas as a character, doubles down on how bad she was. Its almost like an apologetic for BtS and Elegy.

I will give it to Golden. This is probably Blizzards fault, and it will likely ruin her in the long run. Not that Blizzard is making her write poorly, but that Blizzard is placing burdens on Golden that she just can’t bear. She doesn’t have the skills to navigate this quagmire Blizzard is creating let alone guide us through it.


I am still out of the loop on this. What is it? An elaborate peepee joke?

No it’s just lava eel vore

lava eel vore

It’s all there is to it


lool whaaaaat?

Lava. Eel. Vore.


Well isn’t that nice.

Anyway if anyone wants fantasy fluff, started reading something called Legends and Latte.
So far so good.
It might wash whatever psychological damage this Sylvanas book caused.

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Can I request a lava eel shaped fire elemental for fire mage now that they’re a thing?


She tries to retcon the whole Forsaken to her BtS take on them. It made me a bit sad and angry as a Forsaken fan. Somehow she makes it clear that Sylvanas was driving them a certain way and not leading them as a core representative of established Forsaken culture. Forsaken are not helpless nor are they sheep following a cruel Shephard. (It’s clear the Ogmot prophesy of the lady leading sheep off a cliff is about Sylvanas and the Forsaken… splat, splat, splat… stupid sheepies)

There’s a lot to talk about. The Forsaken are a joke now. How the hell are we as a race going to earn respect back now in the greater playerbase? Everything that made for Forsaken great is a big fat lie.

Maybe it’s a good thing Sylvanas is going away for a while because I don’t want this team to mishandle her or the Forsaken any more than they have already done. Let fans fantasycraft and fix it themselves. But how much more are they going to butcher Forsaken with Calia now at the helm steering this ship… how could it get any worse for us?


Can forsaken poop?

That’s criminal and completely unnecessary. Just a self serving move to salve her own ego.


Yeah that remains a bizarre story.

Sylvanas if you don’t want them to know they can get along with humans at least circumstantially - why is the Argent Dawn in Tirisfal handing out pamphlets?

They’re in bright white armor. They’re not being inconspicuous. Multiple undead including a government scientist left to join them.


I’d say that’s the best she can do with the material Blizzard gave her. Plus, Nathanos x Sylv is pretty cute.