Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

I’m just confused why of all characters, an undead one finds this so disheartening. Particularly Sylvanas who’s died 3 god damn times already.

Plus Nathanos is a human. So - this worked out about as well as they could considering the circumstances. Just don’t declare war on the world and then creation itself and you’ll probably last awhile at least. Felstorm’s as old as the Bronze Age and he’s doing fine.


I find it hard to express how this reveal makes me feel other than lmao

He learned Nathanos had a hand in Quel’lithien at some point a couple years before the fourth war, iirc. That short story is why we already had Nathanos’s living surname


You generally don’t retain knowledge if you are summoned back across the veil with necromancy.

so its all news to her.

when you put it that way :flushed:

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The reason the eel thing is seen as terrible to some of us is simple; those lava eels are the impetus for why Sylvanas wanted to effectively sacrifice everyone and everything. Those eels are the reason for every horrible narrative direction in the last four years.

If it were her family, then it’s a personal motivation. Sylvanas would see that her own people are treated unfairly, and therefore her motivation becomes personal due to this personal connection. Sylvanas is causing Teldrassil and the Fourth War and all the rest because her own family is at stake here, and she has visible evidence of it.

We can understand that type of choice. We can comprehend someone burning the world to the ground because family.

Instead, she effectively had to trust that lava eel aliens have the same familial connections as Azerothian sentient beings, would likewise care deeply enough about the loves they vored (or worse, were vored by) to want to spend eternity with them (or an eternity eating/be eaten by them?) and that they would feel a loss like what she would feel. And then to take those very questionable assumptions about the emotional complexities of lava eel alien relationships, apply them to herself and her own loved ones, and then decide to burn the world around her down.

That is a lot of large assumptions to make to reach the end goal of BfA. All that, and the best takeaway is that there might still be a world out there with praying mantis lava eels, assuming they weren’t already destroyed by the Burning Legion.

We traded a narrative that would at least have an emotional connection between the character and their actions for the hint that at one time, sentient praying mantis lava eels existed.

That’s why people are poking holes at it.


Also catching up, I have literally 0 surprise that Nathanos still gets blasted with the human potential ray.

You’d think Golden memed herself into believing humans were oppressed by elves irl (or even within Azeroth) with how thick she lays that one


They were probably trying to be imaginative- using an eel, of all things, to demonstrate the nature of the afterlife (and cultural relativity?) . It just backfired and looked silly.


Yup. I believe they intended to show the broad scope of the cosmos, yes. There is no reason to think the whole cosmos is largely inhabited by humanoids, with human values, after all.

It just… didn’t work out. Its one of those ideas that seem cooler in your head.


She was such a cherished part of the lore no one among the writers remembered she existed until she was mentioned a year or so pre-Legion

Players remembered, and her status and whereabouts were subject to speculation for years. Someone even asked about her at Blizzcon


That would be a very cool idea. For a much different story.

When it’s the reasoning for declaring war on literally everything I’d hope for better reasoning than sad fire eel…


It’s like Darth Vader screaming NO at he end of Revenge of the Sith, only a sad fire eel. You understand the thoughts and feelings behind it, but laugh at the end result.


This is way funnier than Vader. I’ve been cackling.

I’m actually kinda delighted tbh. Her parents would’ve made sense. But that would’ve been pretty cliché.

This is magical.

“What is your wisdom, ghostly alien fire eel?”

I ate my mate and now he’s not in magma heaven with me

“And so we went to war”


she didn’t know him as well as she thought- he secretly had a lot of sins he lacked remorse over, so got sent to Revendreth instead


I can’t believe Mr. Lava Eel (Voree) cheated on Mrs. Lava Eel (Vorer) with another Lava Eel :frowning: but since he never got caught he was sent to Maldraxxus for the House of Eyes


That’s why the lava eel doesn’t work for me, because no I do not understand!!

Like… You ate your husband, lady eel!! Maybe he doesn’t want to spend eternity with you after that!! Yes, sure, you did what you had to do, but that does not mean he has to like it and forgive it!!

Mrs. Lava can be all sad because Mr. Lava isn’t with her, but without him confirming he wants an eternity with his actual devourer and murderer, I’m certainly withholding my final judgment and certainly not burning down any elf trees because of the unfairness!!


Meanwhile I’m over here sad that the lava eel got put into “Heaven, but not quite”.

The thought of ending up in heaven for the rest of eternity without my loved ones is a pretty horrific thought to me. Like, yeah the lava eel was a bit of a miss, but the actual circumstances around said eel is really sad.

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You know what could have made things a bit better. She learned that because of the Arbiter. Her parents are separated to never see each other again. It wouldn’t make things better, but it’s a lot better that she is convinced that Mr super hell overlord is a good choice than fire eel eating another fire eel.

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I still don’t have a problem with a Utilitarian Machine afterlife that thinks your ideas of ‘right/wrong/fair/unfair’ are irrelevant and it’s highest purpose is purely to keep itself running, and thus, if you look like you’d be good at ferrying new souls in/beating the poop out of competitors/renewing the entities who protect the biospheres new souls come from/torturing anima-rich souls too prideful to bend the knee and take up a place in the Machine willingly your soul gets yeeted to one of those afterlives to serve. Note that aside from a couple of bad actors deliberately sabotaging things, the system does in fact seem to work perfectly well. If your perfect afterlife is less than perfectly perfect because you’re not with the soul of someone you love because they’re in a different afterlife, too damn bad- the continued function/existence of the universe is infinitely more important that your hurt feelings. Deal. Also, souls can and do travel to different afterlives, so maybe they aren’t there because they don’t want to be?

‘Time works differently in the Shadowlands’ allows even more hijinks (from the souls’ perspective, everyone could enter the afterlife at the same time, together, regardless of the time of their deaths for example. Though that opens cans of worms that could be tricky to open.

Bastion does still bug me a little, with it’s memory erasure thingie. Even then, Uther’s story shows why they need to strip kyrian of all possible bias. Al of Arthas’ precious anime dropped straight into the Maw when it could have painfully stripped off him for eons in Revendreth!.. who would’ve ended up dropping it straight into the Maw in the end because Denathrius was one of those Bad Actors I mentioned previously, but that’s not the system’s fault.

New Idea! Kyrians’ personal memories are removed, but not destroyed, they’re stored! We know this, it’s all recorded. After a certain amount of time, you’re relived of Kyrian duty, and you can go back and reclaim your old self, now that your bias no longer threatens to interfere with your job!


Because she wouldn’t have. She has a way with descriptions. With words. With provoking emotion, but she can’t spin a narrative and she can’t give a story any nuance. They should keep her restricted to dialogue maybe. They should give us a bard class and let her write a song book.

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