Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

The more you try to use slag the more you sound like an out of touch Boomer.

You do know the saying “Yas Qween Slay” originated in drag culture? And it just meant a fierce look on the runway.

Hearing you use like an actual battle cry, tickles my funny bone.


I wouldn’t hold my breath. That had been a plot point for awhile. Its nice to see it elaborated on but the missing ambassadors, Hamul Runetotem’s lobbying for the Forsaken is all old news.

Hell Thunderbluff still has a nice little Forsaken enclave with the Pools of Vision. Always thought that was a neat little detail hinting at that history.

The Forsaken and Tauren are about as odd couple as it gets even today with the Horde. I’d just presumed the Orcs had signed off on the Forsaken seeing the mutual history as Legion lackies so that was always a fun little lore detail.

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For some reason, it feels very fitting that a dwarf would sound like an out of touch Boomer, using out-dated references and all.


Was Agatha, the one who talked about lava eel. A lava eel when she alive or?

The lava eel was shown to Sylvanas as one of the infiniate afterlives ahe traveled. She thought the place was place of punishment because it was all lava and fire, but Agatha explained this was the Lava eels perfect afterlife,and she had got it by eating her mate. Which is noble thing in this creatures culture and ultimate sign of love. But when Sylvanas asked if her mate got to go to the same Afterlife she was told no, because the Arbiter deemed her mate should have a different Afterlife.


Didn’t Calia first appear in Day of the Dragon? Which was written by Knaak, not Golden?

Unless you are saying that Golden has turned her into her own OC. Like she did with Anduin.


No she isn’t. She’s been in the lore since pre-Vanilla.

And don’t forget - Death can invade elsewhere. Draka was dead and invading the Burning Legion world. Which … I mean… what does death even mean then?


There do not seem to be any Alliance records that corroborate killing any Forsaken ambassadors or indeed, finding any undead heroes of the Alliance as the book says they were.

And even if the Alliance killed them thinking they were Scourge, they would still presumably make a record of finding the undead form of Sir Hero McStormwind just to confirm their ultimate fate.

rofl lmao for real. oh my gosh for real.

I’m not seeing the issue with the eels. We know there are animal races. If this was written by anyone else it wouldn’t be a big deal.


They could’ve easily achieved the same end but better by having Agatha show that her parents were separated in death, her father maybe sent to Bastion and had his memories purged so he doesn’t even remember Sylvanas and her mother sent to Maldraxxus where she was killed on mission for the House of Eyes

And then show that Qadarin and Thernax are indeed together in death, but both are separated from their family they sacrificed themselves to save

Something that would make sense and would fill Sylvanas with extreme nihilistic despair

The choice of Random Fetish Eel Marital Angst is absolutely ridiculous


True. I mean you can get a cat battle pet in Shadowlands (Lucy) that says that ALL cats go to Revendreth. The reason we see cats in other realms like Maldraxxus is because they escape from Revendreth since they are cats (at least that is the reason the Dredgers use).

but there are way better options to use. Hell as Baal just suggested, use her own family as evidence of this. Pull on those strings.


Yes I mean that

She’s not even a Disc priest anymore

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I believe not knowing where her parents are is not a bad narrative choice.

They’re probably in one of those infinite afterlives, along with several characters we haven’t seen this expansion.

The eels gives us some insight on possible worlds in the setting.


Y’all are hating on the Lava Eel, but it is the most interesting and memorable thing that has happened since Shadowlands launched.

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It’s a bad narrative choice when this is the moment and impetus behind her siding with Folsom Festival Diet Sauron Lucifer Thanos as the foundational justification for a logical sequence that led to her justifying genocide as a genocide survivor.

This is incoherent and ridiculous to an unprecedented extent.

It’s incredibly dumb. Unfathomably stupid. My mortal mind cannot grasp the absurdity


It was a Lava Eel


I will say I love the comment someone made on that reddit post that Zovaal has more lines of dialogue on a single page in the novel than he has in the WHOLE of Shadowlands.


When you realize that Shadowlands was just the prologue of the Lava Eel Vore chapter of A Steamy Romance Novel.


They really:

  • Killed Voljin
  • Killed Varian
  • Burned down Teldrassil
  • Genocided the Nelves
  • Shattered any remaining semblance of Horde hero/Antihero fantasy for the player
  • Displaced the Forsaken
  • Foisted Calia, Derek, and Undead Nelves upon us
  • Killed Thomas Zelling
  • undermined all existing religiosity of all shamanistic peoples in the game

All for the sake of Zovaal and a Lava Eel