Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Uther only went to Bastion because the Light intervened and split his soul.

And we saw how the Lich King died, all those souls were trapped in Frostmorne and we freed them. They were not all sent to the Maw.

What souls were freed?

Terenas? I think that was just another Jailer manipulation. Terenas’ soul was in the Jailer’s vault.

I think you are ignoring canon just because you want Arthas to be some good person but he’s not. I don’t want to argue with you anymore. It’s done. His story is over.

So head canon? Again, we see said souls, they were literally holding Arthas back so we could kill him.

I never said he was a good person. Having said that, the idea that he was undeserving of a chance at redemption while worse souls were in Revendreth is the idea I find idiotic.

For now. I have always considered Warcraft comic book level story telling. And if there is one thing comics have taught me, no one stays dead forever.

No what you are saying is Sylvanas is worse than Arthas and that simply is not true, or Arthas would be the one getting a redemption and not Sylvanas, yet the opposite is true and canon.

Arthas was worse than Sylvanas and he deserved the fate he got.

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Were those whole Souls in his vault or fragments like Uther’s and Sylvanas’ had been?

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I don’t think the people who wrote it thought that hard about it. Because if the souls stuck in Frostmourne had a piece of them sent to the Jailer’s vault, that means Uther’s soul was in three pieces, because we know for certain that Uther was trapped in Frostmourne. And if their whole souls were sent to the Jailer’s vault, then there’s no realistic explanation for why there were so many souls in Frostmourne.

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The whole point of the Uther/Devos thing was that we don’t know if Arthas deserved the Maw, because Uther bypassed it.

Arthas was certainly manipulated into becoming what he did become (a terrible person).


I think both are pretty awful. And yes, I do think Sylvanas is as bad as Arthas maybe worse(and I am not the only one) having said that, Sylvanas redemption(or anyone’s redemption in Warcraft) is nothing more than based on the whims of the developers.

As mentioned, the current lore is if someone as bad as Arthas goes to the Shadowlands right now, he gets a shot at redemption.

The soul split story will be remembered as one of the most nonsensical pieces of lore from this era.


yeah… by killing him. That is the whole point of the 3rd boss in Culling. They wanted to kill Arthas. We had to stop them to ensure the “true timeline” remained intact.

Okay Uther :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah it is weird seeing people try and dismiss Uthers experience with having his soul being split. Claiming he was wrong that a split soul is more of a snapshot of who you are when you died instead of a “good vs evil” split. Like we have someone with actual experience… but I guess they will try anything to take agency away from Sylvanas. Even though Sylvanas herself admits that what she did was on her own accord. Even the cinematic where her soul becomes whole again has her WC3 snapshot accept that she is capable of doing such horrible things. Which is what enables her to become whole again.

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Well, I say the soul split story is stupid, but it is overshadowed by Sylvanas’ motivations, even considering soul split is part of those motivations.


Conjecture much?

Belves have such a victim complex it’s unreal

Night Elves: Arcane magic is forbidden because it almost destroyed the world
Nightborne/Future Blood Elves: Don’t care gonna do it anyway
Night Elves: Then leave!
Blood Elves: Fine we don’t want to stay in your uptight backwards civilisation anyway but we’re also gonna hold a grudge for thousands of years!

I really have a pet peeve for unbridled arrogance

Got mass reported again, i’ve said before these forums aren’t exactly a haven for free speech

Na just another forum vacation, seems there’s no rules about mass flagging.

Is there literally any in game proof of this at all?

And then she should be obliterated, it’s a disgusting betrayal of justice to suggest that Sylvanas should get a happy after life after destroying souls.

Ok pack it up folks, no thread can survive such ignorance

Again, Sylvanas fans are something else, they say stuff like this and legit don’t understand why they get so much hate and why everyone is sick of Sylvanas.

And have been all throughout shadowlands.

It’s not ok to kill people if you’re hungry for vengeance and power but if you’re a gullible, selfish imbecile throwing a nihistilic temper tantrum it’s a ok.

My god dude…my god arguing with Sylvanas fans is more EXHAUSTING (inb4 some snappy, self indulging quip about how it’s sooo exhausting because they are so intelligent and not because they are utterly devoid of reasoning skills)

I did try to warn you when you started using the vieled curses. Mods 'round here just look for any excuse to ban people as it is, so no need to give them one. Since that was the only post I noticed got deleted, I think that’s the one that got the bad attention. I’m sorry that happened to you, no snark or sarcasm or anything.

Regardless, welcome back from the person you actually despise as a human being!!


The Highelves and Nightborne: “we can’t just quit arcane magic cold turkey or we will die.”

The Nightelves: “so die then, we don’t care.”

The Highelves and Nightborne during the buring of Teldrassil: :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Eh, not really. They just wanted to stop him period. Killing him was more of plan B, because plan A(hide the plague grain) failed.

Not really true… what do you think Moonwells are? Night Elves have the same dependence.
NBs and HE use it like Heisenberg’s blue stuff junkies but NEs use it like Ritalin.

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Uther’s Soul also appears during Legion to Paladins during the Ashbringer Questline.

Could not have been the Bluther fragment cause by that time he was in full swing with Devos and the Kyrian Rebels.

And the other know fragment was locked up in a vault in The Maw.

So it must have either been the fragment trapped in Frostmourne and released or The Light has a (up to this point) an unmentioned fragment.

It is getting silly. Probably should have picked someone other than Uther for this story point.

He lives!

(Argh! Ten Characters. is the forum happy now? This is more than ten now!)

I would kill for an artist drawing of Sylvanas sitting cross-legged from Anduin in Torghast, showing him a puppet show of her and Nathanos kissing.

I would pay good, hard-earned money for that.