Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

You can commission artists to draw stuff. I normally do it at Comicons but some artists will take orders over the internet, but I would make sure you find a reputable one.

I had Ashley Witter (Ashleywitter .com) draw me a series of Sketch Covers with Kitty (Shadowcat), Rachel Summers (Phoenix 2.0/Marvel Girl 2.0), and Illyana Rasputin (Magik) from the X-men that I was really happy with. I have been pondering buying her Gambit & Rogue from her Black Collection series. I am quite frankly out of wall space for art though.

At Planet Comicon in just over two weeks, I have reserved 3 more sketch covers commissioned by a Chris Ehnot (Chrisehnot .com) for his take on the above trio. I can let you know how it turns out. Chris Ehnot has a faq with his pricing on his website.

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Cannonically, it was more like the trail of tears. A bloody forced march from their ancestral homes into mostly certain death from exposure, starvation, poverty and trolls.

We don’t begrudge American natives their criticisms.

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Plenty on twitter i think, just google it. Wow artist commission… you should get plenty of results.

What you wanted to say was not kissing.


I want her entusiastically mashing hand puppets of her and Nathanos kissing, while Anduin sits there looking hella bored.


One of the weirdest moments was when Nathanos casually drops to Sylvanas about how he knows the Highborne King stole a vial of magic water from the Night Elves when they left Kalimdor.

Like, NONE of this information was in any of the original games until WC3, and even then, Kalimdor and the NEs were almost completely unknown when the humans and orcs both arrived on the shores. Now it’s suddenly retconned, “Oh yeah, totes about the Well of Eternity, doesn’t everyone know that?!” >.>


Man, those poor, poor Elves.
Not only were they exiled instead of executed, because they just couldn’t stop using the magic that had resulted in blowing up half the planet and the death of millions ( and they were happy enough to leave iirc ), they were even forced to trespass into troll lands, the very monsters they had worked so hard to eradicate under Azshara! And who now refused to welcome them with open arms for goodness knows what reason.
My heart bleeds for them. Trail of Tears, indeed.


There must always be… an Arbiter King :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m always reluctant to draw too many real world analogies, and this is why. Any scrutiny makes this kinda fall apart.

For one thing, they’re the noble caste of the same society as the people exiling them. Which is dramatically different than the situation in The Trail of Tears. For another thing, they were exiled for fiddling with the stuff that JUST almost blew up the world after the stuff they were fiddling with… got out of control and started wrecking stuff.

This is less Trail of Tears and more an unusually powerful homeowner’s association in Iowa kicks you out because you keep playing with black powder in your backyard and you have to move to New York and it’s faAaaaaaar. (Also, once you get there, you boot out someone in the apartment you want and actually it’s not like that at all, but anyway.)


Thats all fair criticism, but since it used to be a morally grey world, there was a believable possibility that the children forced to live through those horrors might hold a grudge against the night elves. Its not a right or wrong issue.

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Cool, so long as the night elves get to hold the grudge back for Azshara and the arcane storm, and want to wipe them out entirely.

But nooo, that would make the night elves too harsh to the open-minded, civilised elves!

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Fixed that for you buddy.


I’m sorry, couldn’t read you over the redeemed modern Horde


Touché /10char


Don’t try and self censor banned words then. That is what got you suspended.


Yes! Hold grudges. Lecture them and mock them about their addiction to the thing that nearly destroyed them withering them when they are apart from it.

I mean, they didn’t quite go to the wipe them out entirely thing, but isn’t that exactly what happened with the Nightborn that a lot of Alliance fans whine about? Tyrande doesn’t like or trust them, didn’t want anything to do with them, as well she shouldn’t. But damn so many people flipped out that she did that and then that the night elves didn’t welcome the NB into the Alliance or something.

I wouldn’t attribute that to “Alliance fans” but there is a very vocal group of players who think that all Elf-oriented content (especially races) should be exclusive to Alliance.

Eh, I see it plenty from the capital letter Alliance Fans. A good chunk is elfish, but I’ve seen it from a wider range of the really hardcore people.

Just this weird combination of Tyrande is totally right to be dismissive of the NB, with a mix of but the NB should be Alliance and ignoring the signs that Tyrande didn’t have any time for them. It’s just always struck me as odd, I felt it worked well with the backstory, had alliance showing some teeth. But yeah, seemed like the main problem was that it denied a type of elf to Alliance to some people.

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I feel you, and recall that as well. The same people who felt betrayed that the Highmountain Tauren joined the Horde saw no issue with Lightbound Draenei joining the Alliance. But Elf stuff in particular is an entirely different breed of I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT GIVE IT TO ME NOW NOW NOW.