Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Arthas =/= DK Arthas =/= LK Arthas

He was cheated out of his shot at redemption by Uther. Wrestling with that was Bluether’s entire internal struggle this expansion. Coulda, shoulda, woulda, but that’s where things sit.

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And I think while Arthas was a villain, he did not get what he deserve. Especially in relation to Sylvanas.

Or it ends with Lich Queen Sylvanas/Lich King Kael’thas. If Arthas, for whatever reason, Didnt fall for Ner’zhul plan, I expect he would have tried to find a different patsy.

Altough personal, my hope for what end up happening is a simple Sylvanas ends(and apperently Anduin) ends up finding some spark of Arthas and either has to bring to it to Pelagos to be judged or be forced to spend eternity in the Maw.

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If done right, that would be a neat callback to EoN, where Prince Arthas is reaching out to hopeless Sylvanas for help.


You are right, he deserved worse for what he did to her.


Arthas is dead and gone. And good riddance :wolf:

Pretty sure the night elves would disagree. I mean, Sylvanas ended up destroying so many night elves souls.

That dead in WoW seem to come back sooner or later.

There’s nothing of him left. He is gone.

Why is this so damn hard for you? Why are you struggling this badly? :wolf:

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And why is it so hard for you to accept the lore can change at the drop of the devs whims? Or do you want to be reminded how apparently all the titans souls were destroyed only to all appear in Legion?

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This is the worst part of the telling of that story. The constant inconsistency of scale and morality. We cant really have a conversation about this because its not like its the worst thing to ever have happened in Azeroth, it’s just presented that way.


They are not comparable.

She deserves justice against him and she never got that, the best she gets is to tell his soul fart he’s forgettable and move on.

She can’t help the obliterated NE souls, that is true, but she can help the ones still trapped in the Maw and that’s a good start.

It literally hasn’t concerning Arthas. They been doubling down on how evil he is and was.

Again, why is this so difficult for you? Do you even know the lore? Is that why you’re struggling to understand the facts here? :wolf:

So the night elven souls who go obliterated don’t deserve justice? Again, Sylvanas cannot do enough to atone for whatever happened to the other night elven souls. Best we could get is she does save all the night elves souls and she gets turn into a fart cloud and we all move on. See how that works?

Which again is a retcon, which shows that the lore is not as solid as we all believe and if someday Blizzard decided Arthas would make a nice Expansion callback(like say Illidan) they can retcon it again.

Oh I know the lore. and it is precisely because of it that I think you are wrong about Arthas. That he was not as irredeemable as you claim him to be.

And on a very meta note, that if Blizzard wanted to go with the whole “no soul is irredeemable” that they screwed that narrative up with what happened to Arthas.

It’s literally BLIZZARD saying the dude is and was evil. That he had his own plans for domination magic on azeroth. This is why you’re confused, you actually think what blizzard is saying is my opinon

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Zerde. Buddy. Are you certain nothing’s up? What is this “well the lore can just change” argument? This is also not like you.

I’m going to hazard a guess that the current state of the lore, the story, and arbitrary retcons to both that make less sense than the confusion they “tried” to fix have just made you apathetic.

Which, if I’m right (and I’m not saying I am, just that it’s a guess), sounds like we’re on the same page overall.


We’re all apathetic towards Shadowlands and the lore damage it did to the game. But regardless, I’m not gonna sit here and let people white wash Arthas or attempt to. :wolf:

Arthas was no more or less evil then the average dude that got sent to Revendreth. We have a literal planet killer that ends up a Venthyr.

While I have never been overly fond of retcon, I am not oppose to them either on principle. As I have said before, I pick the draenei for two reasons 1) because they were the only shaman race 2) because I wanted to see first hand if the retcon was as horrible as I initially thought, and to my suprise, the dreanei retcon was a good call.

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Yeah, SL is officially the dumbest most nonsense story they have ever told.


That we can agree on.

I mean, we’re here talking about who’s redeemable, but we have no problem binding our very souls to monsters co siderably worse than Sylvanas and Arthas.

They are obliterated. Not much can be done for them now. A lot of souls were also oblitetated due to the anima drought, Ursoc is one example. The Jailer is responsible for a lot of it and we killed him.