Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Both are permanently dead and gone. Again, irrelevant


She feels regret! So she is redeemable!
Ok so she is going to address all the death and pain she has caused and are still on going?
No that would be sadistic! Only this portion of it is enough.
So the victims have to deal with the rest?
Well nobody said life is fair!

Is pretty much the summary of this entire thread where Sylvanas and her redeemablity is concerned.


They had a whole extra season to sort that out. I desperately want to see the version we were supposed to get last Fall.

What was this an improvement on?


If this is truly a improvement, I can only imagine how disastrous the first draft was. Because it’s really baffling some the lore points they added to this book. :wolf:


But Zerde. He literally rejected his heart. He made the choice to sever it from him. Forcing it back on him doesn’t invalidate that choice, nor does it prevent him from just rejecting it again.

Redemption isn’t something you can be forced to do. If it’s forced, it isn’t redemption.


You know that redemption isn’t the same as eye-for-eye justice, right?

Cuz some of y’all seem confused on that.


Or he rejected it because it was still affecting him. As for “forcing” a redemption, I would say it would be more like what Uther did with Sylvanas, we can try to actually help him reform. Maybe he would have rejected it, maybe he wouldn’t have.

Arthas set his own heart as a trap to kill Tirion. He could not be saved. Tirion and Darion both say as much.

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I will only listen to Sylvanas narrate it for me. I wont be reading jor owning it. I will pay for the performance art, not the writing. I just have a lot going on right now. Spring is here, after all.


The arthas book, the sylvanas book and CDEV all confirmed that Arthas was evil.

Than you got the eternally confused zerde going But maybe 39 years from now, maybe wow 2 will come out and retcon because alternate irrelevant timelines suggest it :wolf:


That… Is literally why he chose to get rid of it though.

It affected him. He didn’t want it affecting him. So he got rid of it.

There is no “maybe”. This isn’t a situation where his soul was severed. He cast his goodness out. By choice. Like… This is long since known.


It is known, Alynsee.


This is the way.


Which again means that he was not as iredeemable as you make him out to be. That there was still some good in him left that was stopping him/weakening him.

And? Sylvanas nearly did as well. Trying to go all emo back in Warcrimes. Lucky for her she didn’t actually have the magic to get rid of it.


Dude. It’s not this hard to understand.

Wanted to do it and having done it are not the same.

This too is not that hard to understand.


Zerde, I want to respect you, but your whitewashing of Arthas is concerning.


He did so long after Frostmorne had affected him/had his more moral side weakened.

And again, I am saying it was circumstances that lead to one getting the change to redeem themselves and not the other.

All I care about is true fairness and justice, Arthas should have gotten his day in court/Arbiter. Why does say the Accuser, a person who committed countless murders all in the name of profit get a second chance? At least Arthas has the excuse that he was mislead and that he was trying to do what was right.

Seems to me the system was never fair and that even the suppose redemption of people in Azeroth are due to circumstance more then true merit. On that note:

Pelagos says: That is the new path the kyrian have embraced. I believe that no soul is beyond redemption. Everyone deserves a chance to find peace.

The Accuser says: You show great wisdom, my young friend.

When the Lore gets updated, or retconned, then your argument will have a stable basis. Not when it is based on the hope that it will get updated, or retconned.

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Except blaming Frostmourne is moot; we have actual lore telling us Arthas was in full control of himself after coming out of the ice.

But all you’re showing are the circumstances of “Arthas made a choice”.



Except the lore already says, from the new Arbiter himself, no one is beyond redemption. So, that would have included Arthas had his soul not been mangled. Again, had Arthas’ soul not been in the state it was(and Blizzard should never had ended it that way but I digress) he would have been judged and likely given a shot at redemption.

So I call bull on this whole idea that Arthas/Garrosh were irredeemable. They just died/had their soul destroyed to soon for the new rules to kick in.