Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

I am thankful I had the audiobook, and for free. Patty Mattson reading it made it a good experience. And I was able to grind out rewards in SWTOR as I listened. My desire to actually play WoW has been diminished recently. But listening to a Warcraft story read by a great voice actress as I did other things was a nice WoW fix.

Maybe if I actually paid for a physical book, I might be less thrilled? Idk, I actually was going to buy the audio book and noticed I could get it free… so I was willing to shell out the cash.

I guess people who read the book are also able to fuss about word play and grammar more. One might notice more of an author’s quirks if they actually read the text, compared to listening to someone else read it.


My biggest issue with the book is it left me with more questions than it did answers. It mostly answered questions we either already knew or added extra context or confirmation to things that been debated for years.

It’s not a terrible book, but it definitely needed more editing before being released in my opinion. :wolf:


Where are these reviews so I can read them?

I have both the book and the audio book and I agree Patty’s narration made it so much better.

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No idea. But I’m sure people are reading these forums and other social media about the complaints concerning the book :wolf:

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I don’t even care about the stretch of plot between BfA and SHL to be honest. Golden was never going to salvage the unsalvageable. Mean Girls in Eversong and this elaboration of juicy past events only alluded to until now are amusing enough premises to part me from my $6.

Alysa posits that choices matters more then circumstance. I am saying the opposite, that our choices are heavily influenced by our circumstances and had our particular circustances been difference our choice might be vastly different.

I decided to reread it and I think this is a HORRIBLE take. Arthas actually seemed like a pretty good person, sure his arrogance cropped up here and there but he seemed to genuinely care about the people around him. He was talking to servants(something Terenas was giving him mixed messages on) and giving one of the guards tea. He actually sympathized with Varian’s lost and did consider him his best friend. Hell, he tried to console Calia after his dad wanted to force her to marry Prestor. Hell, he cared enough about Taretha to make sure she was not punished by Blackmoore/did not force her to have sex with him.

Actually this is wrong, especially with Garrosh(I hate I have to defend him but whatever). Anduin was actually getting though to him and had Wrathion not broken him from his prison he might have changed. That was one of the main lessons of Pandaria. ANYONE can change, for good or ill.

But he didn’t change. That’s what you are still failing to understand, it’s truly amazing how difficult this is for you to grasp and understand. :wolf:


And I’m saying had we suceeded in stealing his heart and had the Jailer actually listen to Sylvanas, things might be different right now.

That the different between them getting a shot(or not) at redemption was circumstances beyond their control

Garrosh had no regrets according to his final cinematic. He was NEVER going to repent, because he didn’t feel regret for anything he did.

That’s a undisputed fact. You can deal in What Ifs all you like. I’m going to keep telling you what actually happened, every single time. :wolf:


This is a Garrosh after he was killed by Thrall. This same Garrosh was actually thinking/maybe could have changed back in pandaria.

And it is an undisputable fact we were told Garrosh was a hero in plenty of other timelines. That him turning out the way he did was not a forgone conclusion but the result of choices, some made by him, some made by others, that ultimately turned him into a guy that never back down to his detriment.

Those other timelines are irrelevant. The only timeline that matters is the main one. He was NEVER going to be a good guy, NEVER going to repent and NEVER going to feel sorry.

You need to let these alternate timelines go. They are NEVER going to be relevant to any discussion being had to what ACTUALLY happened :wolf:


Those other timelines are relevant for showing my point. That Garrosh(or any of the characters we have now) were never destined to end one way or another. And a combination of choices and circumstances(mostly circumstances) made them what they are.

You do realize the Infinite Dragonsflights is still around? If Blizzard ever wanted to have a WoW 2 or shake up the world, they could easily end up just having the Infinite win and change something from our timeline.

We’re discussing what ACTUALLY happened. Not what COULD, SHOULD, or may happen 30 yrs from now. All that is irrelevant until it’s cannon :wolf:


And what actually happened is Garrosh could have changed had he not broken from prison. Arthas could have been redeemed had we stolen his heart. Those are as much part of the lore as anything else.

That neither were as irredeemable as you make them out to be.

Both are and will always be irredeemable evil. No ifs, maybes, could be or should be. They are and will always remain evil. :wolf:


They were not always irredeemable evil and as mentioned considering we do have the Infinites to someday deal with may not always remain evil. Heck, we were one failed dungeon away from Arthas not doing what he did in Stratholme.

Again. IRRELEVANT to what ACTUALLY happened. Learn what words mean.


It is not irrelevant to what actually happened. The idea that Arthas/Garrosh were irredeemable evil while Sylvanas wasn’t is based on a false conclusion. Again, they could have been redeemed and might still be someday, especially if Blizzard changed the lore again. So you saying “they will always remain evil” is not a fact.