Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

None of that addresses the actual point I made but you can keep trying to make it about space time continuum.

Pelagos could have mobilized the full power at his disposal to save all those souls as soon as possible. And I don’t think its headcanon to say whatever he could mobilize is much more significant to what Sylvanas and one or two friends can accomplish alone.

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You brought up irl crimes and sentencing. Drunk driving. 2 years. Because you have no logic based in the actual lore, only your head canon as your north star. So you had to strip all lore and context to attempt at making a point.

I mean, you are saying the length of time people suffer is an issue, and that Sylvanas being alone can make it take longer… but time passes differently, and she may not be alone.

We don’t know how time passes or if she will be alone. You are making assumptions based on head canon.

Are you seriously not comprehending the basic facts I am presenting to you?
Regardless of how much time it takes for Sylvanas to accomplish this task in real time or the weird timeline the longer this sentence takes the more injustice is done to the souls stuck in Shadowlands.

As I stated the most humane thing is for shadowlands to mobilize as much as resources they can to save them. Those souls suffering should not be prolonged while Sylvanas and Friends try to toil in hell and make their amends to the victims both living and dead.
If Sylvanas was the only one suffering? Oh absolutely let her do it all alone. But she isn’t so thats a bad punishment because it punishes the innocents too.

This isn’t headcanon and if it is specifically quote the sentence that is.

My comparison was that IF. IF.
Shadowlands mobilizes all their resources to get those souls out of the maw as soon as possible then Sylvanas’ punishment and toil is significantly reduced and thereby cheapened.

Her toiling away in hell, all alone or at least with one companion is a much more daunting and huge task and its a good punishment but it is also predicated on extending the victim’s suffering.

And you don’t need space time knowledge to understand this.

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You mentioned earlier you thought I was angered. No. I just find conditionals, hypotheticals, and stripping context to make comparisons as obfuscations. Especially in something as simple as a video game lore discussion.

But the following statement is just head canon arm chair quarter backing, because it is not all said and done :

Your complaint is that we didn’t see Pelagos send forces to the Maw, as well? Maybe that will happen, but it would have cluttered the scene or diminished the Anduin/Sylvanas Narrative they were selling.

That almost seems a separate point. I didn’t hear Tyrande and Pelagos demand she do it alone - just that she is the last one.

I do like the idea of Sylvanas having a sort of X Force in The Maw. Maybe Sira could join. Anduin or Uther can be “the face”. The good cop. Maybe she can find more dirt bags in the Maw who would rather help her on her endless quest than face true judgement.

I guess I see potential. I don’t it as finite as you do.

You can resolve this by simply saying Pelagos wipes memory of suffering in the maw clean from each soul which is recovered and brought before him.

And time does not pass as a standard universal constant in the Shadowlands. True time as a constant is a construct of the force of Order, which holds no sway in the realms of Death. It instead flows in a dreamlike manner which is highly individualized. What Sylvanas perceives and what everyone else does could be drastically different.

And so her punishment is insufficient and easier than it should have been and originally presented.

Which is precisely why they didn’t show it and the point I have been making all day.
That Sylvanas is getting a lighter sentence than she ought to have. The two year analogy.

It took a while Curse but happy we finally arrived here.
Thanks for playing.

Or you know… Sylvanas takes on their suffering as she toils away so they don’t need to suffer anymore.

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Your simple point was clear , and out of context, and wrong. I arrived there in my first reply to you.

I am glad you to see you are pleased at finally realizing how wrong you are. That your head canon is not a lore fact. And you assumptions and out of context hyperbolic falsehoods have no lore basis.

It seems you want to RP that your head canon is the truth, but the lore moves on as you spout your petulant falsehoods.

You don’t know if she will be alone or how time passes. You have 0 lore basis for any of it - in fact, the lore seems to be contrary to your head canon. It suggests the passage of time is incalculable and she may not be alone.


Back to completely missing the point huh? Alright.
Do you have a flow chart of this conversation so you keep circling back when you don’t get the response you want?

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Wow I am getting a lot of use out of this gif.


You acknowledged I grasp your point, your point is just wrong and not applicable, so you strip all context to make it.

You have to mention 2 year sentences for IRL crimes in a lore discussion about an incalculable duration of time for a sentence in the maw, because you think Warcraft is based on your head canon.

So this is from War Crimes, Page 118 after Alexstrasza was reliving her trauma of being captured, tortured and forced to birth children for the dragonmaw so they could use them as mounts.

“Thank you.” The tauren inclined his head, then turned to regard Alexstrasza. “I have a final question. If one of the selfsame orcs who so tormented you, who killed your children while they were still in the shell, were to come to you today and ask for forgiveness…what would you do?”

The great Life-Binder’s smile was small at first, but it grew. Alexstrasza looked over to where Go’el and his family were seated, and held his gaze. When she spoke at last, a light seemed to shine from her, so bright was her spirt.

“I would forgive him, of course.” She said it to Baine as if he were a child, as if it were a simple, obvious answer.

There were no further question.

I want to also link what happened:

Using the awesome power of this ancient artifact, Nekros and the Dragonmaw orcs captured Alexstrasza and her consorts, including her eldest consort Tyranastrasz. Nekros was but one orc and so could only focus on Alexstrasza, but the other dragons were kept in line by him lashing out at the Life-Binder with the Dragon Soul’s power whenever they tried to save her. Alexstrasza was brought to Grim Batol, where she was forced to lay eggs. The adult dragons were used as powerful war mounts, while the eggs would be raised as loyal whelps.[16] As she was magically kept in a constant state of weakness and pain and bound by mighty chains of adamantine steel,[17] Alexstrasza had no choice but to succumb to this terrible slavery, lest her unborn clutches be slain at the hand of her cruel captor. As the aspect of life, this caused Alexstrasza pain as it could no one else, and she cried for the deaths of her children and the deaths they caused.[18]

I forgot what post I wanted to bring this up to because this thread is too long and I had just remembered this happened in another warcraft book, but it can be more of a general thing about how they see victims and how they use alexstrasza and her extreme trauma to essentially say you should forgive your victimizers if they they say sorry.


Doesn’t look like it. You are back to discussing the time when my point was all about maximizing the punishment and minimizing the victims suffering.
Maybe the two year analogy that I made you though it was literal and now that you are in too deep you can’t acknowledge as a mistake?

Yep… looks like it. :rofl:

Which is funny because originally she literally hunted all the orcs down and ate the guy most reponsible. Funny way of forgiveness if you ask me.

Have you tried to pause that thing on the non-striped cat?


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Speaking of mistakes, this whole sentence was a mistake. Acknowledge that!

I can acknowledge you made a mistake by conflating IRL crime and punishment and your head canon with the lore.

You still think I was being literal. Dude I have told you like 7 times that was not what I mean and have re-iterated my point over and over and over again. Yet you still don’t seem to get it and I doubt you ever will.

And btw I didn’t mean that 7 literal either before you lose your mind over it. But sure feels like I have had to re-explain the same thing 7 times.

I think that’s a proper way to forgive them for what they did, but they were using Alexstrasza here to say that because it was about forgiving Garrosh in War Crimes. They like to drag victims out to say “oh well you should think this way about the victimizer instead because we are writing this victim this way now!”. The way War Crimes tries so heavy handedly to try to lead you into thinking something was something that also really bothered me about the book.

I think thats just a golden thing. I think she saw those sunday cartoons where the good guy pontificates unrealistic ideals to the villain, and she thought that was a believable message for a more adult story.

Knaak was not a great author by a long shot but at least he gave a good ending.

Warcrimes is one of the worst books of all times.


That would be simple.

Maybe those Orcs never said they were sorry. Maybe they were not sorry.

When it comes to Garrosh, he was not sorry. He made that plain.

Arthas didn’t seem to be sorry. He made choices and leaned into them. After his defeat at Icecrown, he was glad that it was over, but not repentant. Kind of like a brat who was glad to be relieved of a selfimposed duty. Maybe he didn’t get the chance to consider feeling bad.

Sylvanas seems ready to take on redemption. She wants it and seeks it. She doesn’t want to serve, but she wants to be of service. I can understand that.

But that is now. What comes next?

Is Revendreth going to become the dumping ground for like 90% of the Maw folks? There has to be a ton of unrepentant jerks. Are they just going to crowd into Revendreth until they feel bad?

It almost feels like Revendreth will become a nicer defacto Maw…

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Yeah, and that kind of childishness in the writing is something I hated where it’s saying “you should think this way” as opposed to presenting the case well. I bring this up a lot when talking about it, but her portrayal of Tyrande as the prosecutor, where after Baine makes a point she will describe Tyrande’s face making contortions to tell you baine made a good point, even if he didn’t.

Oh for sure. I think this might be worse than Wolfheart which at the time was my least favorite.

That’s just how they are written at the time. The celestials though made their decision before the trail even happened, so him being sorry or not had no impact on the trail. Victimizers can be sorry later when they are no longer in a position of power, Garrosh seemed like he would be sorry when talking to Anduin, but he had an out with the dragons so he knew he would escape so he was in a position of power. If the victimizer is in a position of strength they will not be sorry, if they are at the mercy of the victim they will probably ask for forgiveness. That is why they victimize people, because they can and they enjoy it. Much like how Sylvanas was happy and smug when committing genocide in the burning video, because she like it.