Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

The catchphrase should’ve been No one escapes the maw!….Except when it does!

I don’t think blizz understands what the word inescapable means :wolf:


The Jailer… who has never known defeat …

… except for that one time…

Then when the murder hobos show up …


Your reply puzzles me… what point did you think I was making?

You were comparing some hypothetical real life tragedy involving drunk driving and the loss of actual human life, along with the sentencing and trial of that crime… with a video game, where a person is being sentenced by a video game Arbiter to a video game hellscape.

That comparison is off in so many way.

One chief reason is that in your comparison, you actually stated a time frame.

That false comparison is immediately dispelled by the lore, because Tyrande and Sylvanas agree on: “as long as it takes.” And time is different in the Shadowlands, anyway.

Another reason is that in real life, we haven’t seen much evidence of souls to begin with. Much less helping them move from one plane to another.

And another reason, Sylvanas is saving souls she had no hand in condemning. Souls sentenced to the Maw before she was even born. Your hypothetical Drunk Driver isn’t doing that by sitting in jail for two years.

So that is why I corrected your comparison.


Completely and utterly wrong.
My point was thus:

This means maximizing however long it takes for her to do her atonement is a BAD thing since that means her victims suffer longer… in hell. And as you said this doesn’t even cover all the other people in there that had nothing to do with all this.
Which I expressed thusly.

That means instead of making Sylvanas scrape hell all on her own with no help to maximize her toil is a bad thing for the victims. So logically this means she has to have lots of help, lots of assistance and it has to be a group effort.
This creates a conundrum that she didn’t get punished enough, she gets off easy. Which I then made a hypothetical example that we have all seen in one capacity or another in our daily lives.

Which is BAD for the souls down there, Sylvanas toiling away for all eternity in hell for her crimes could be a good conclusion for a reviled villain but her toiling is predicated that her victims suffer alongside her in hell which is a bad thing.

I don’t see how you could correct anything when you completely missed the point of the entire post.


No I hit your post right on the head. You wanted to conflate an IRL crime like drunk driving, and real life punishments, with some video game story and morality. And such a comparison is totally wrong.

Why don’t you make a point without bringing up drunk drivers? Because you have to remove the actual context of the lore to make your nonsense point.

That is your opinion, but no one in the lore chose you as arbiter. And Sylvanas didn’t go to you to see what is bad or good for the victims. Tyrande rendered her judgement, and the Arbiter agreed.

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You don’t even know what my point was or still is. You are just morally outraged that I dared to make a comparison to real life which is something I like to do to get a point a cross.

If you find it offensive, then report me and let the mods handle it.

“I can’t logically refute your point so I am accusing you of wanting to be the arbitor and its fair because the writers told us so.”



I didnt say I am offended. I said the comparison you made was wrong, and your point was nonsense, because you had to strip your point of any context and all lore. And then throw in IRL crime and punishment, to even pretend you had a salient point to begin with.

And you are not the arbiter or tyrande to say what is bad for the victims, as far as the lore is concerned. That is your head canon.


Describe my point if you understand it. In your own words.

The story and writers have told us that whoever is in maw is suffering. Objectively speaking the longer you spend there the worse it is for you.

Make a point using the lore and context.

Time works differently in the Maw, and you can not say how it works. The duration does not have a calculable time frame. That is your head canon as well.

I did and the fact that you can’t even describe what my point is, is telling. But if you want to continue the faux outrage and cus at me go for it.

Time in maw works differently for those that are outside of it. Sylvanas can jump into the maw and be there for a thousand years and come out of there in 5 minutes for us outside of it.
But for those that are inside of it (the victims) it is still a thousand years that they had to suffer waiting for Sylvanas to get to them. Which is BAD.

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Did I “cus” at you? No.

Small wonder you think an IRL drunk driver killing people and getting sentenced to two years has any relation to a Character in a video game saving souls in the maw for as long as it takes, in a place where time passes beyond your comprehension.

Or do you claim to know how times passes in the Shadowlands?

You seem to just spurt out head canon as fact. Along with your out of context attempts at making a point.

I didn’t say you DID cus at me. I said if you want you could which implies its a future action yet to be taken. Though I understand why you made that mistake, for that misunderstanding I apologize.

Lol ok… You seem to misunderstand every little statement so lets add this one to the list ok?

Nope but it seems whatever happens inside of the maw timewise is seperated from the rest of shadowlands and Azeroth. Since other NPCs outside of shadowlands seem to have rejoined us with little time differences.

The point. Again.
Is the longer Sylvanas has to suffer in hell to save the souls is entirely dependent on how long the final victim has to suffer.
So for the poor souls INSIDE the maw where the time is odd compared to outside of it the longer they are in there the worse that is. No one should be suffering in hell if they don’t belong there and the longer they suffer in there then that is BAD… Or do you disagree with that?

So the most humane thing is to enable Sylvanas to rescue as many souls as possible as fast as possible. Because less suffering for innocent souls that should not be in hell is GOOD. Or do you disagree with that?

So in conclusion, the best outcome is for Sylvanas to spend as less as time in the maw (regardless of time dilation) as possible. HOWEVER this creates the issue where if she saves everyone (with help) in couple years in Maw Standard Time and return to us in X amount of time later… having only serve really… only a few years would be a gross miscarriage of justice because she did not get sufficient sentence. Which is when I made that comparison that has angered you so much.

Ah, more head canon from you. Not all of the people who read your posts accept your head canon as fact - and Blizzard has not made you the Arbiter of canonicity.

You have an opinion based on your head canon. That is OK. But don’t expect anyone else to pretend it is the actual lore.

A wrong and false comparison, in many ways, as I noted. You had to remove all context and lore, then insert irl crime and punishment, because your head canon logic has no basis in the actual lore.

I am not angered, so much as just pointing out your falsehoods and head canon.

This is head canon?

This certainly is :

Your basis for your logic is head canon.

And that is head canon, as you are making a judgement on the passage of time. In many ways. Without a factual lore basis on how time works.

And your statement about a gross miscarriage of justice lacks the context that time works differently, and Tyrande and Sylvanas agreed on “as long as it takes” - basically rendering the quantity and duration a moot head canon argument.

The basis of my logic is this:

How exactly time passes in real time for us in Azeroth or in Oribos versus Sylvanas in the maw toiling away at her sentence is really not relevant, only the victims continuing suffering inside the maw and how long it actually takes for sylvanas to accomplish her clean up job.

This statement is based on the idea she will be doing this alone or with very little help as a magic owl stares at her. You know artificially prolonging a disaster and the suffering of the souls in the maw as she does this huge task all on her own.

Again, that is more head canon nonsense from you.

What you say is relevant hardly matters, because you are using your head canon and nonsense to claim relevancy.

Sylvanas submitted to Tyrande for judgement. Tyrande ruled, and Pelagos made it official.

Your nonsense points based on head canon are irrelevant. So I stated as much, with lore as the basis.

You can pretend your head canon understanding of how time passes makes you correct, and you can remove lore and the context by talking about drunk drivers, to try and make a point… but the actual lore and canon do not say such things.

Again… sounds loke head canon? How can you say what level of help she will get?

As the Sylvanas novel ends, she hears plate clanking. Perhaps Anduin or Uther joins her. They might be better at saving souls and make it faster.

Sylvanas’ sentence being as long as her final victims suffering is not headcanon its fact.

And the longer they are made to suffer while Sylvanas does the job alone is also bad because being made to wait in hell and suffer while one of the architects of the whole problem toils away alone is bad for the victim. That is also fact.

Pelagos should have sent the Kyrians into the maw to save those souls as fast as possible. Why should their suffering be prolonged while Sylvanas does the job?

You still don’t understand I don’t care about the space time but rather how long the souls are made to suffer while waiting for Sylvanas to do the job alone.

She jumps alone and this is her sentence as ruled by the new arbitor? Did any other NPC or character say they too will be sending people down there to help the souls stuck there?

The way time works in the Shadowlands is not understood, even by those in the Maw. Much less you.

And we do not know she will be alone, or the level of help. As I said, at the end of the Sylvanas novel, she hears clanking metal near her.

She may not be alone. She may have Uther or Anduin helping her.