Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Wow, so you really are the worst person in this forum. Noted.


You all are basic to make Darth Vader paralells.

Sylvanas in a way reminds me from Solas from DAI, There’s a lot of commonalities between Dragon Age and WoW lore. Still the best villian/anti-hero plot to destory the known universe. Solas’ theme and that tresspasser ending theme still gives me goosebumps.

“Live well, while time remains.” still gives me chills. I cannot wait for DA4, that’s coming out this year right?

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Doomhammer is a former warchief, who carries a war hammer.

NGL, my mind was like How is the game Doom remotely related to WoW?


It’s okay, he stopped responding to my posts immediately after!

bahaha just shows I know know nothing about Warhammer.

Warhammer… Doomhammer… same thing.


Basically if you took WoW and dialed it up to a thousand, that’s Warhammer in a nutshell :wolf:

I was more into Magic: The Gathering growing up.

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Same here. Used to play it with my friends in middle school :wolf:

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I’m going to respond by quoting The Big Bang Theory TV show:

Sheldon: While I subscribe to the Many Worlds theory, which posits the existence of an infinite number of Sheldons in an infinite number of universes, I assure you that in none of them I am dancing.

Penny: Are you fun in any of them?

Sheldon: The math would suggest that in a few I’m a clown made of candy. But I don’t dance.

That’s about how I feel about telling me that in alternate timelines Arthas ended up as X, Jaina ended up as Y, Garrosh ended up as Z. Yeah, you’re right, in some timelines Arthas was good, some he was never even born, and in a few he was a clown made of candy. In any given timeline he is a result of circumstances.

Heck, a lot of our cognitive reasoning is based on what we’ve learned leading to our decision making process, so any single change might change him from an active princeling to being a hermit. Following that line of reasoning though, in any timeline, we’re all just a result of circumstances, and none of us are anything outside of it.

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I only know anything about Warhammer because boys exist, I’ve dated some, and one of those boys was really really into Warhammer. I know it has space orcs and space marines, and you play it through miniatures that sometimes look pretty dang cool.

I still do not know how space orcs and space marines became WC1’s orcs vs humans.


WoW has roots in Warhammer, but it is very watered down compared to Warhammer. That is why in older lore Arcane magic was seen as corrupting and arguably evil; that is a Warhammer thing where magic users can catch the eye of the Sorcerous Chaos God, Tzeentch and ultimately be twisted into a mutated monster by the forces of Chaos they wield.

It has drifted a lot from those roots admittedly.


Raistlin and Kitiara come to mind but that might be dubious moral characters finally breaking free of their morality pets.

Lord Verminard if you read his origin book.

Cyric until his envy over Kelemvor getting with Midnight drove him out of control.

if you have read the Arilyn Moonblade stories then Elaith Craulnobor, even though he has a semi-successful redemption in reawakening his Moonblade for an (very) unexpected daughter to inherit.

If you have read Weis & Hickman’s Deathgate Cycle then Xar would fit but his better side was backstory the way Vader’s had been in the original trilogy. When he first reached the Nexus he saw the abandoned city as a place for the Patryn children to play without being preyed upon by the Monsters of the Labyrinth but it gave way to armies and domination over the worlds.

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Um, Did he die of old age? Kinda troubling after such a declaration to suddenly stop posting…


Oh no, he might have…

That or he fell asleep. If it’s the latter, he’s going to have quite a lot of replying to do when he wakes up!! I’ve made many posts for him to respond to!!


Warhammer has a fantasy version and scifi version. There’s Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000. (40,000 years in the future I believe)


Given the clientele of Warhammer and the community it tends to propagate, speaking as a fan myself, its best we leave it behind.


If only they hadn’t decided to take the story seriously and leave behind the more 2000 AD dark farce roots.


Has to be one of the stranger villain catchphrases because that’s all we did. That’s all anyone’s been doing. I’ve been to retirement homes with more stringent entry and exit protocols.


No. Not at all. Especially since she has to dig through the Maw to find condemned souls for Pelagos to rejudge that were sentenced before her involvement.

Not just the souls since the Arbiter was shutdown. Not just the souls she had a hand in sending to the Maw. All of the souls in the Maw.

To use your analogy : it is more like a spoilt rich girl drunk driver took out a family, and then was sent to the Maw to find every soul ever wrongfully judged throughout time and space and the cosmos and infinite dimensions, to be resentenced.