Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

I mean… did anyone really win Lordaeron? I thought they sounded the retreat but I couldn’t make it out through the screams.

The city was blighted but Tirisfal itself stayed under the control of the Alliance. They even mention it in the Stromgarde warfront, and the entire military rationale for the warfront is predicated on the Alliance controlling Tirisfal.

Specifically the Horde wanted to control Arathi to sever the Alliance’s contiguous control of everything from Tirisfal to the Thandol Span and use it as a port to attack Gilneas from. The Alliance was there to restore Stromgarde and maintain its control of Lordaeron

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I just want Thrall to be Warchief again.


This might be an odd question. Does a white haired human warlock appear in the book? Golden always likes to have this character make a cameo in her books. lol

No but a random Forsaken woman turns up and saves Sylvanas from a coup with a stoneskin potion.

It’s really bizarre and there aren’t any better explanations at time of writing. Maybe she rolled an undead it’d explain why her treatment of their lore went from bewildering to banal.

Of course the tradeoff there is Sylvanas has such a drop off in cognitive reasoning ability it seems highly unlikely she could run a fascist police state but ya take the good with the bad.


Apparently the chief reason the Forsaken are insane is because of neurological decline brought about by brain decay. Putress apparently had literal brainworms.

The Alliance must also atone for the atrocity of reclaiming Stromgarde.

Anduin should give Alliance players a quest to remove the EVIL Second War hero known as Danath Trollbane from his position as King of Stromgarde. He’s the biggest war criminal of the 4th War. He must be slain & all of Arathi/Stromgarde given on a silver platter to the Forsaken and the Horde.

Seems fair. Stormwind is really sticking it’s nose out of it’s realm.

Gilneas I could tolerate because at least werewolves are neat but that faction apparently doesn’t exist.


You are not wrong. The Alliance stealing Stromgarde from those who chose to settle in those abandoned ruins is a pretty serious statement to the rest of the world. “Watch out, we’re expanding again at the expense of your lives!” Think of those ogres who lived there, those poor immigrant ogres just yearning for a place to call home, raise their children in and maybe improve their lives. All dead now, thanks to the imperialistic Alliance who have a strange fetish for retaking lands lost years ago.

For shame, Alliance. For shame.


Actually as of the Legion DK questline a whole community of undead Stromgardians lived there.

I’d ask where they went but, I think we know the answer.


Shush, Benedikt. I’m trying to do a thing here, can’t you see that!!

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Poe’s Law.

Seriously though I’m a trifle miffed that was glossed over.

Could’ve made Arathi interesting. It should’ve been;

The Forsaken, Sin’Dorei, Forest Trolls / Zandalari, and Shaldorei


The Generics, Dwarves, Worgen, Kul Tirans and Rendorei.

Then Darkshore could’ve been

Kaldorei, Gnomes, Draenei, Draenei Citrus Twist and Bite Sized Borg


Orcs, Goblins, Darkspear / Dark Trolls, Mag’Har, and Vulpera.

Tell me that wouldn’t have been more interesting.


The Gnomes couldn’t be directly involved in either warfront because that wouldn’t have been fair to the Horde

I’m not you.


They got outfoxed by literal troglodytes. I think the Goblins will do fine.

Hey man, that’s not Anduin’s style. He just says “that’s wrong, k?” and Danath goes “yeah ur right, my bad.”

Then Baine yells “For Stromgarde!” He’s not even in Stromgarde. Just randomly yells it in the middle of a Horde Council meeting. Thrall responds with “I’M SUPER NEVER GOING TO BE WARCHIEF AGAIN, I MEAN IT, SHUT UP! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UUUUUP!


Why can’t it be just one of her spies providing a deus ex machina?

Alynsa is my spirit animal.

Also, I will say I (and probably others) have said that at some point in the future, Anduin is going to defend Sylvanas due to having suffered similar effects from being under domination and forced to commit crimes. And, he’ll probably toss in something akin to, “And I was only under it for a few days! Arthas tortured her for X period of time. I’m scarred forever from this experience. Can you imagine what she’s gone through? Also, Uther had his soul split and completely turned Arthas into an anima gem - and he was a noble Paladin!”

Then everyone in the Alliance will say, “Oh, Anduin is saying it. Makes sense. She gets a pass.”

She also daydreams about raising all the dead in Stormwind. Which would not send their souls to the Maw. So … yeah. I’d think boss man might not like that.

Yeah the stories WoW tells with dragons are best not thought about. There’s a LOT of bad.

I think she’s implying it sounds very creepy. Which it does.

Also did anyone expect Golden to literally write out what was happening to her body - especially since she wasn’t in it. Is the required proof that the Lich King would send her to where her body was kept and watch in the corner? I’m not sure that’d be … let’s just go with appropriate.


Oh wow, this thread is poppin-…