Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

“If there’s any room for doubt why do I keep insisting there isn’t?”

That’s certainly fair enough. That’s really true with any law, and why people should hire lawyers to best navigate the quagmire of laws which are, mostly, just a hodge podge of things strung together over the years.

You’ll get conflicting laws and overlapping laws and the general message is “If you think you can represent yourself, you can’t”

“No more gherkin me around!” Dylvanas roared, sending the assembled council into a panic.


Dylvanas’ body was perfectly preserved, but one touch betrayed her true state. She was cool as a cucumber.


She would not apologize for Claussen such a scene—it simply wasn’t her style.


guys, stop, you are pickling my funny bone.


ILU guys, but Kagehiro is my secret (Kagi)hero tonight.


So, who’s ready for Turalyon and Alleria to get the villain bat?


The Alliance apparently got so utterly screwed by the war’s resolution so you know what, do it. The Alliance already has a sympathetic villain motivation

The Alliance won the 4th war. I know it’s been a while since BFA, but I’m pretty sure they were outright declared the winners of the war.


The Alliance gave up the bulk of its holdings in the northern EK to the Forsaken for no clear reason.

The Alliance has no holdings in the northern Eastern Kingdoms. I guess they won Arathi in BFA, so good job.

Edit: sorry, my bad, Alliance has a small pocket of the Hinterlands too.

It had Tirisfal, most of Silverpine, and a large chunk of Hillsbrad.

You’re right, they don’t have those holdings NOW, because they inexplicably left to give them back to the Forsaken and I’d love to hear Anduin explain to the families of the people he sent to die to reclaim Lordaeron why he gave up the prize after it had been won.

It would go something like this.

Anduin: we have all committed great atrocities. I will not commit another by robbing the people of Lordaeron of their home.

Everyone Else in Robotic Voice: yes Anduin right correct beep bop boop sorry my king 00010010110. . .


It wasn’t won. It was blighted. The Alliance left a charred wake from the sea. The Alliance high command was almost wiped out.

The Horde left. The Alliance held an army in the area and maintained naval supremacy around it. They launched attacks into Silverpine from their holdings in Tirisfal.

Have you seen the PTR? Tirisfal has been reclaimed by the Forsaken.

Yes that’s what I’m talking about.

Calia said she would help the Forsaken reclaim Lordaeron in the Shadowlands pre-patch.

Edit: no, not pre-patch. Shadows Rising. Horde Council meeting.

"Perhaps in time Lordaeron can be reclaimed and our home there restored. " Lillian says this, Calia agrees. (Also I think Calia is a Dreadlord because then she mentions Derek and it pisses Talanji off, creating rifts in the Horde is exactly what a Dreadlord would do.)

I think Calia is Balnazzar, based on some really flimsy evidence and a hunch.

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She said that she would help them find a future beyond anger and hate. She said nothing about helping them reclaim anything, although it doesn’t even matter because that’s beside the point, which is the Alliance gave up its prize to the Forsaken for no apparent reason.

Sometimes communicating with you is like communicating with someone who doesn’t even speak the same language.

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